I love the Aztec so much I built two. My first Aztec in the 70's was a pure electric on a VW pan, like normal.

     FiberFab's plant was in Bridgeport PA. However sometime in the 70's when the 7 was booming they set up a plant in Milpitas CA, about 8 miles from my store in Santa Clara. I was Rally Chair for the Electric Auto Asso. the largest E-Car (electric) group in the world and we put on a lot of shows, so Fiberfab thought it would be good publicity to sort of sponsor me.  I sold this first Aztec 7 to Dan Rivest in Marin City north of San Francisco.  He was kind of in the real estate buisness.

     Number two, the one on the web was much different, first I had a patented design for the split drive hybrid (80 MPG). In 1980 I built an aluminum chassis for the Aztec body, I lived near the factory and knew all the people so I was able to talk them out of a kit of rejected parts, but that is another story. I had to sell the hybrid (to what I believe was a schill for an auto company because he immediately disappeared off the face of the earth, however, I did get a certified check) to finish installing my hybrid patent into a new Lumina SUV, since that is what everyone wanted.

     For eight years I have been fighting GM, Ford, & Chrysler for using my patent, however they just say sue us, that means 20 years and over a million dollars, but I will never give up!

     All the plans are in my manual listed on the web, $32.50 and you get a copy by return mail. The hybrid requires a license which you can get for $500 to build one vehicle, with complete plans.
Pictures of both the all electric and the hybrid Aztec 7's can be seen HERE

You can see more info on the Hybrid Aztec 7 and ordering information at this site: