Aztec 7 Articles
Some Articles cannot be shown since the magazine issues can still be ordered from the publisherHere is a list of these missing articles:
-- Sept/Oct issue of Kit Car Builder is a nice 2-page feature of my (Chris Guenther) car!  Back issues can be ordered from the
National Kit Car Club Website.
-- The November 1996 issue of Kit Car has an informitive article on the Aztec history.  Not much information on the Aztec 7 though.  Back issues can be ordered by calling: 1800-800-5227.
1979 Kit Car Monthly article on Erik Emersons Aztec 7 (Auto Logic publisher):
Another article on Erik's car.  This appears to be an inter-company newsletter:
An article on Clarence Ellers Electric Aztec 7.  Only page 1 is available.
January 1983 Petersons Kit Car article:
An article titled "The Electrics Are Comming" discussing electric kit cars, including Clarence Ellers Aztec 7XE.  Auto Logic "Complete Guide to Kit Cars", 1980.
Auto Logic 1980 "Complete Guide to Kit Cars":
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