Aztec 7 Articles |
Some Articles cannot be shown since the magazine issues can still be ordered from the publisherHere is a list of these missing articles: -- Sept/Oct issue of Kit Car Builder is a nice 2-page feature of my (Chris Guenther) car! Back issues can be ordered from the National Kit Car Club Website. -- The November 1996 issue of Kit Car has an informitive article on the Aztec history. Not much information on the Aztec 7 though. Back issues can be ordered by calling: 1800-800-5227. |
1979 Kit Car Monthly article on Erik Emersons Aztec 7 (Auto Logic publisher): |
Another article on Erik's car. This appears to be an inter-company newsletter: |
An article on Clarence Ellers Electric Aztec 7. Only page 1 is available. |
January 1983 Petersons Kit Car article: |
An article titled "The Electrics Are Comming" discussing electric kit cars, including Clarence Ellers Aztec 7XE. Auto Logic "Complete Guide to Kit Cars", 1980. |
Auto Logic 1980 "Complete Guide to Kit Cars": |