Narn Regime Th'Nor-class Cruiser | ||||||||||
Tactical Analysis | Data File | |||||||||
Length: Shields: Jump Engines: Armament: Onboard Craft: Garrison: |
1000 meters Yes Yes 2 Heavy Particle Lasers 8 Pulse Cannons 1 Energy Mine Launcher Electromagnetic Field 6 Frazi Starfighters 2 Transports 500 Narn Assault Troops |
The first vessel produced by the Narn Regime, it was little more than a massive engine assembly combined with weapons emplacements, a Starfighter hangar and troop compartments. First seen in 2215 when the Narn Imperial Fleet took to space, the Th'Nor carried enough firepower to engage vessels from the League of Non-Alligned Worlds as well as the lighter elements of the Centauri Fleet. A multi-role vessel, the Th'Nor was found in all branches of the Narn military, from being a front line warship to being an exploration ship and diplomatice transport. Carrying six Frazi Starfighters, these Cruisers provided a decent fighting force against the Centauri Republic. During the Dilgar War, these vessels were shown to be somewhat lacking in survivability against the heavier Dilgar warships. However, these Cruisers were the fastest large warships that the Narn could deploy and took a place at the fore of the battlefleets as scouts and skirmishers for the larger G'Quon and T'Loth Heavy Cruisers. To this day they can often be found in this role, outriding for the heavier elements of the Narn Imperial Fleet. |