
These are the nicer stories inspired by
whatever Muse watches over me.

There is no explicit sex, but they still
often deal with transgender themes.

I hope you find them enjoyable.

In some of my later stories, I've made or modified sketches to
illustrate my vision of the ladies or scenes from the story.
If you'd like to see some of the 'before and after' images,
I've compiled a representative sample here.

This image is by Jonathon Bowser via Goddess Art

The Lady

The Story

The Background

The Status

The Image Source


"Tales of the Seasons:
Jessica's Story"

A visit to 'Aunt' Jane Thompson's famous Girl's School - for Boys!

New, as of 3/4/02

My sketch, started from a photo.


"Found and Lost"

A bracelet provides a magical transformation. This story is a series of snapshot scenes, with the steps in between left as an exercise for the reader's imagination.

New, as of 11/25/01

My sketch, started from a photo.


"Only For You"

What would you do for the one you love?

New, as of 1/31/01

My sketch, started from a Joseph Linsner image I found at Imagenetion



What would you do to hold a lost loved one in your memories?

New, as of 7/17/00

My sketch, started from a photo I found at Imagenetion


"I Wish You Well"

My entry in Bashful's Halloween99 Contest at Fictionmania.


From Fictionmania

Sing with me

"Come, Sing My Song"

A lonely mermaid calls. Will you answer?


My sketch, from an original by Gil Elvgren via imageNETion

Dynamite Duo

Synaptic Overload

A scientist finds an unusual way to demonstrate the power of his discoveries.


My sketch, from an original by Olivia deBerardinis via imageNETion

Who is it?

A Promise Kept

A little exercise in style, about a jealous woman, and her trustworthy husband.


Olivia deBerardinis via imageNETion


The Bashir's Three Wishes

This story was written by P.J. Wright, but he allowed me to include it here.


Jonathon Bowser via Goddess Art


Milady's Wiles

A story of a medieval prince(ss), and the sacrifices demanded of nobility.

P.J. Wright made this story possible. Check out his stories at
P.J.'s T* Time Tales


Jonathon Bowser via Goddess Art

Queen of Hearts

Spells R Us - Pick A Card

With grateful credit to the imagination of Bill Hart, I tried a story in his Spells R Us universe.


Olivia via imageNETion


Lady of the Rings

The first part of a story that was to be written in collaboration with Ellen Hayes.

Two of 4 major segments complete.

Kimagura Orange Road via Rob's SuperKOR Page

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If you give me a

I'll take you home with me.