The Hexagram

Correspondances of points in hexagram:

  1. Binah, and the Sphere of Saturn (Shabbatai)
  2. Chesed and the Sphere of Jupiter (Tzedek)
  3. Geburah and the Sphere of Mars (Madim)
    Tiferet and the Sphere of Sol (Shemesh) occupy the center
  4. Netzach and the the Sphere of Venus (Nogah)
  5. Hod and the Sphere of Mercury (Kokab)
  6. Yesod and the Sphere of Luna (Levanah)

These are numbered above so as to trace the Lightning Flash. The Supernals (Keter, Chokmah and Binah) and Malkuth are not shown on the Hexagram.

The triangles in the hexagram are traced clockwise for invoking, counter-clockwise for banishing. Trace the first triangle from the point of the planet to be invoked/banished, and trace the second from the opposite point. This gives:

Planet Invoking Banishing
Saturn 1,4,5; 6,3,2 1,5,4; 6,2,3
Jupiter 2,6,3; 5,1,4 2,3,6; 5,4,1
Mars 3,2,6; 4,5,1 3,6,2; 4,1,5
Venus 4,5,1; 3,2,6 4,1,5; 3,6,2
Mercury 5,1,4; 2,6,3 5,4,1; 2,3,6
Luna 6,3 2; 1,4,5 6,2,3; 1,5,4
Sol All Invoking Hexagrams in order All Banishing Hexagrams, in order

The Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram

This ritual should always be preceeded by the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.

  1. Face East with wand or other implement upright in the median line and say:
    Yod, Nun, Resh, Yod.
    Virgo, Isis, Mighty Mother.
    Scorpio, Apophis, Destroyer.
    Sol, Osiris, Slain and Risen.
    Isis. Apophis. Osiris IAO.
  2. Extend arms in the form of a cross and say:
    The Sign of Osiris Slain.
  3. Put right arm straight up, left arm out to left side parallel to ground, incline head along left arm and say:
    The Sign of the Mourning of Isis.
  4. Stand erect, throw head back, both arms up and in front at about 60 degrees apart and say:
    The Sign of Typhon and Apophis.
  5. Cross arms over chest and incline head downward and say:
    The Sign of Osiris Risen
  6. Repeat all four signs in succession saying (along with each sign):
    L. V. X. LUX the Light of the Cross
  7. Beginning in the East, and progressing to each quarter in turn, clockwise, trace the appropriate planetary hexagram(s) and say:
  8. When you return to the East, repeat the analysis of the key word, and the LVX signs ending with 6. above.

"ARARITA" is notariqon (acronym) for the Hebrew phrase "Achad Rosh, Achdotho Rosh, Ichudo Temurahzo Achad" or "One is His beginning, One is His individuality, His permutation is One."