Sahara's Friends In Heaven!

Our Awards!

Welcome to our Award Page!
Anyone can apply for our award however,
there are several
things that you can do
to increase your chances
of winning.

(1) pick the award(s) that are appropriate for your site.

(2)Click the apply link and fill out the form

(3)Sign the guestbook!
This is a must.
You can do this on the bottom of this page.

(4) Once you win
your award(s) link
back to our site.

Our Award Page is undergoing some
much needed please be patient. More awards will be
added so check back often!


The winners will
now be linked to
to this page!
If you have won a award and your site is not listed..please let
me know!
Thanks..Angel Hugs!!

Sahara's Angel Love Award

Sahara's Image of Hope Award

Sahara's Angels of Our Hearts Award

Sahara's Angelic Site Award


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