The district of Jalapa is categorized as City/category 1a. It is 0 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 173 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in Jalapa is Hats of palms and pottery, while its main cultivation is basic Grains, grasses. It does offer services of transportation and it does have services for gas and diesel. It does offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is: 361.Jalapa is 544 square kilometers with an elevation of 1362 square meters. Jalapa has as saint “Santa Cruz” celebrated on the 3rd of May. The days for “mercado” in Jalapa are--.
The district of Mataquescuintla is categorized as Villa/category 2a. It is 41 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 88 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in Mataquescuintla is--, while its main cultivation is basic Grains, coffee. It does offer services of transportation and it does have services for gas and diesel. It does not offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is:– Mataquescuintla is 287 square kilometers with an elevation of 1590 square meters. Mataquescuintla has as saint “Santiago El Apostle” celebrated on the 25 of July. The days for “mercado” in Mataquescuintla are Sundays.
The district of Monjas is categorized as Town/category 3a. It is 23 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 148 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in Monjas is cheese and butter, while its main cultivation is Tobacco, chili, rice. It does offer services of transportation and it does have services for gas and diesel. It does not offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is:–Monjas is 256 square kilometers with an elevation of 961 square meters. Monjas have as saint “La Imaculada Concepcion” celebrated on the 7th of February. The days for “mercado” in Monjas are Thursday and Sunday.
The district of San Carlos Alzatate is categorized as Town/category 4a. It is 54 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 179 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in San Carlos Alzatate is--, while its main cultivation is Corn, Sugar Cane. It does offer services of transportation but it does not have services for gas and diesel. It does not offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is:–San Carlos Alzatate is 181 square kilometers with an elevation of 1720 square meters. San Carlos Alzatate has as saint “San Raymundo” celebrated on the 15th of March. The days for “mercado” in San Carlos Alzatate are Thursday and Sunday.
The district of San Luis Jilotepeque is categorized as Town/category 2a. It is 41 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 214 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in San Luis Jilotepeque is--, while its main cultivation is basic Grains. It does offer services of transportation but it does not have services for gas and diesel. It does not offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is:–San Luis Jilotepeque is 296 square kilometers with an elevation of 800 square meters. San Luis Jilotepeque has as saint “San Luis de la Francia” celebrated on the 25th of August. The days for “mercado” in San Luis Jilotepeque are Thursday and Sunday.
The district of San Manuel Chaparron is categorized as Town/category 4a. It is 51 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 217 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in San Manuel Chaparron is--, while its main cultivation is G.B., little corn. It does not offer services of transportation and it does not have services for gas and diesel. It does not offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is:–San Manuel Chaparron is 123 square kilometers with an elevation of 915 square meters. San Manuel Chaparron has as saint “El Señor Crucificado” celebrated on the 10th of March.
The days for “mercado” in San Manuel Chaparron are--.
The district of San Pedro Pinula is categorized as town/category 2a. It is 20 Kilometers from the departmental head and it is 210 kilometers from the capital. The Principal Industry in San Pedro Pinula is Hats of Palm, while its main cultivation is G.B. , Grasses, Peanut. It does offer services of transportation but it does not have services for gas and diesel. It does not offer lodging services. Their phone prefix is:–San Pedro Pinula is 376 square kilometers with an elevation of 1097 square meters. San Pedro Pinula has as saint “La Virgen de la Candelaria” celebrated on the 2nd of February. The days for “mercado” in San Pedro Pinula are Thursday and Sunday.
DEPARTMENTAL FEATURES - *=denotes shared feature with another department.
488. Gallina en Crema
489. Estofado de Marrano o de Gallina
490. Chicharrones (Hechos en Casa)
491. Cocido de Vegetales
492. Pulique de Espinazo o Carne
493. Quezadilla de Invierno
494. Quezadillas de Verano