The stinky "Jesse Camp ROX!!!!" site
NEWS: Jesse Camp no longer works for mtv. He also no longer is signed to Hollywood records, goes without showers, or is even thought about in the public eye. This is sad, really. Somewhere out there is a 20 year old kid who's trying to make it on his own, but just isn't having luck. He can sleep in my closet is he ever needs to. But we can't let my dad know... I'm not allowed to hang out with boys.

I don't really have much to say, this site is gracefully decaying, none of the pictures work [why didn't we save them to our own site??] and nothing extraordinany is happening in his life, that we know about, anyway. Well... e-mail us at [git] or [randy] to request things, add in your reasons for loving Jesse, or submit stories, poems, or anything else! It's advisable you join the "OFFICIAL" Jesse Camp Mailing List 'cause that's where the latest news is posted to. It's also a good place for random rants and music discussion.

Your Comments On Jesse!
Jesse Pics!! (Good luck looking at any of them! Sorry!)
::articles and other kinds of non-goofy type stuff::

•Jesse's AOL Live Chat Transcript!!!!!
•Dirt VS Jesse Camp: not actually Jesse related, but it mentions his name... in reference to soil identification... heh.
The Misfits discuss their appearance on "Lunch With Jesse": he already knew Jerry!
SPIN:Is MTV's Jesse Camp secretly... smart?
JESSE LINKS A very thorough listing!
Jesse FAQ!

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We recommend you visit the main page. Man, this whole Jesse thing is only an extension! imagine the possibilities...

Wednesday, February 23, 2000.
It's been a very long time since I've edited this page. I apologize for those rants I had on here. They were outdated, and more importantly, stupid, so I removed them. I also just realized I had the clock on my computer set to last week, so my email has the wrong dates on it. Ahh!
Recently my main focus has been going to local shows, supporting the scene. It angers me when people say they hate local shows. But then again, that person is really stupid and dumb, and I know that for a fact. Local shows are the greatest thing to happen to me. I meet many beautiful people there. I'm also excited about going to an anime convention tomorrow through saturday. Hurrah! Nerd pride!








I like potatoes.








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