Infantry Road, Bangalore: Photographs.

Why? Why? Why! pick on the Cantonment? It seems that the history of Bangalore is being rewritten every time a whim and fancy occurs in the 'high seats'. Has Infantry Road been also renamed? I know that Cubbon road has been renamed as Raj Bhavan road, Cavalry Road to K.Kamaraj Road, Richmond and Residency Roads also have been attacked. I understand that Towns are now renamed too. Yet, it is strange that although new colonies are coming up around Bangalore with plenty of Roads to Name, leave alone 'rename' , areas like the 'City" remain untouched. Is it a collective move to change the nature of Bangalore? Around the world, countries try to keep past links, even 'ultra-modern' countries like Malaysia and Singapore lead the way!! How come, after so many 'visits' these things happen? Why talk about roads, lets talk about buildings. Abroad, the administration makes sure that the architectural beauty and history of their cities is maintained. How can we ever attract tourist if we expect them to visit Bangalore thinking it's a Dubai or Singapore free port? Singapore gives you the best of both worlds, modern and colonial t enjoy, at the same time the ultra modern is also offered at  a good bargain.

an old house You think Bangalore is a 'modern city' with the "IT" giants entrenching around. Stop, look around read the newspapers, found out who yelps about a 'pea' under their mattresses? Builders around Bangalore have become obsessed with bringing down everything that is termed 'old' to make way for their creations which resemble matchboxes stacked up with foil wrapped around. Not one of the so called 'big' builders ever tries to 'save' a building by renovation, restoration or even recreating it's use. Wonder they are planning with New Opera and Galaxy?! This indiscriminate leveling out of Bangalore's past has given way to more buildings with hardly any zone height ceiling (making it appear like a cricket team's graphs, I don't need to say which!) or does it exist? More buildings give more offices, more offices give rise to more people, more people give rise to more vehicles, more vehicles need more parking. Now we find ourselves in a 'Catch 22" situation, and the roads meant for medium traffic (didn't someone say the there was only need 2 computers for all the data required in the world?) now have to bear the forced burden of these buildings as they don't offer total parking facilities. Residential areas also have boards 'No Visitors Vehicle Parking Inside" on some of the gates, so where do they park? Obviously in front of peoples gates causing tremendous problems for the home owners. I have been experiencing this for many years, day after day, and it's quite a feat to get my bike out through the gate and the parked car. This has been the result of residential buildings being converted into offices. A question I want to ask you visitors to this page, "How many business establishments or offices on roads like Brigade, Commercial, MG and other important areas, make a provision for a physically challenged person?" Even the Post Office on Museum Road opposite St. Joseph's Boy's School, is a challenge for anyone to go to!! Question 2, "How does a physically challenged person get on or off  our trains?" The Railway Stations have a ramp that allows the person to go up to the train, but then what??? Have you ever seen a physically challenged person try to get on or off the train?!! Think again!
Lets share what is remaining on Infantry Road with you, I know that by the time you read this, many of the houses pictured here won't exist. There's one beautiful building on Central Street (a few photos have been included under this page as it is the cross road to Infantry Road. How come this name is not changed?), that could be converted into a fantastic shopping mall by restoring, but apparently the owners are not interested in doing this and the building is disintegrating slowly, and surely.
Cheers Ronnie

Ron's e-mail: Ronnie 1 (or) Ronnie 2

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Thought for the Day: " Blessed are you poor, For yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who hunger now, For you shall be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, For you shall laugh. Blessed are you when men hate you, And when they exclude you, And revile you, and cast out your name as evil, For the Son of Man's sake. Rejoice in that day and leap for joy! For indeed your reward is great in heaven, Fon in the manner their fathers did to the prophets. But woe to you who are rich, For you have received your consolation. Woe to you who are full, For you shall hunger. Woe to you who laugh now, For you shall mourn and weep. Woe to you when all men speak well of you, For so did they fathers to the false prophets."Holy Bible: Luke 6:20-26