Things of Significance
First of the Circular Letters of Archbishop Oscar V. Cruz, DD on the Evils of Gambling (Read in all the churches, chapels and schools in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan on 24-25 February 2001) Moral Response to our Present Philippine Situation. Oscar V. Cruz, DD. given during the Pangasinan Forum on the Philippine Crisis. 28 December 2000 New Year Message to the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan by Oscar V. Cruz, DD. 1 January 2001. Christmas Message 2000 to the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan. by Oscar V. Cruz, DD. 25 December 2000. Interview given by +Oscar V. Cruz, DD. 1 November 2000. The Song, Not the Singer. (by Msgr. Oscar V. Cruz, on the occasion of the March-Rally calling for the resignation of Pres. Erap Estrada). 28 October 2000. Message to the Faithful ((by Msgr. Oscar V. Cruz, DD on the occasion of the March-Prayer Rally) 28 October 2000. Message to the Youth (by Msgr. Oscar V. Cruz, DD on the occasion of the Youth Eucharistic Celebration) 27 October 2000. Message to the Children(by Msgr. Oscar V. Cruz, DD on the occasion of the Children Rosary Hour) 26 October 200 Pastoral Call (By Msgr. Oscar V. Cruz, DD, Archbishop of Lingayen-Dagupan on his call for prayer and action regarding the Philippine political scandals) 16 October 2000. Tribute to Rev. Fr. John D. Healy, SVD. (taken from the "Crusader 1996", Annual Book of MHCHS) Lay Ministries in the Archdiocese of Lingayen-Dagupan (Directory: Archdiocesan Pastoral Assembly Pastoral and Administrative Documents November -December 1996) Third Secret of Fatima Disclosed ( Cardinal Sodano reads a text on the "Third Secret"). 13 May 2000. Our Lady of Fatima and the Blessed Children, Franciso and Jacinta. (An article on the occasion of the beatification of Blesseds Francisco and Jacinta) 13 May 2000. Let us Make Peace: A Prayer Crusade for Mindanao (An urgent appeal of His Eminence Jaime Cardinal Sin for the restoration of peace in Mindanao) 10 May 2000. Statement of Grave Concern (Insulat nen Arsobispo Oscar V. Cruz, DD., nipaakar ed say kipapasen na bansa tayo.) 5 May 2000. Letter to Priests(Pope John Paul II) Holy Thursday Homily for the Canonization of Sr. Faustina Kowalska ( Pope John Paul II) 30 April 2000. Life of St. Mary Faustina Kowalska Universal Prayer for Forgiveness (By Pope John Paul II) 12 March 2000