This website is intended to act as a resource for those interested in the goddess worship of Western Civilization. By nature, it cannot be a comprehensive theological discussion, but I attempted to illustrate how changing cultural values have influenced the way goddesses have been portrayed and worshipped throughout history. I have chosen several time periods, the Paleolithic and Neolithic eras, Ancient Mesopotamia and the Near East, the Christian era and the Modern era, to give an overview of the development of Goddess worship. Perhaps conspicuously absent are the goddesses of the Greco-Roman period, but that was deliberate. Most people are already familiar with Hera, Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, etc. and I wanted to explore some of the lesser known goddesses and/or theories. The Images Gallery and the Links pages include pictures of these goddesses although they are otherwise absent from this website.

Extensive research has gone into this history of goddess imagery in Western Civilization and a Resources Page has been provided to supplement the Works Cited. In addition to reading over a dozen books and magazines, I have consulted over 100 websites, many which are included on the webpage as hyperlinks and on the Links Page. In the case of hyperlinks, Photo by Leisa Clark I have tried to provide interesting and informative links that were not necessarily also used in my research. During the course of my research, I discovered that much of the information I amassed is considered to be common knowledge or accepted theory in the fields of archaeology, anthropology, paleo-anthropology and women’s studies. I have cited all unique information, language and opinions, as well as direct quotes and paraphrased statements using MLA style, however, I have refrained from doing so on information that was duplicated in myriad sources.

Photo by Leisa Clark Whenever possible, I have imbedded descriptive labels or hyperlinks to the images provided to identify their sources. Many of the images come from my personal files and from the files of friends, so the original sources have either been lost or were never known. Many of the photos taken are my own. Every attempt has been made to give credit where credit is due, and an Image Sources Page has been provided as well.

The Resources Page has been provided, not just to show the research that has gone into this project, but also to act as a resource for any individual interested in reading more on this topic. Sources were chosen for their scholarly merit, for the reputation of the authors and for the information and images provided in them.


** I am receiving no compensation for my endorsement of these books, magazines and websites. **

Home Page Introduction Prehistoric Near East / Mesopotamia
Jewish / Canaanite Regions Christian Modern Links
Works Cited Image Sources Resources Image Gallery

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