"Untitled Document"
Home of Barnabas' Buffy Fanfic
This is my small site created to house my meager collection of Buffy fic.  It ain't fancy, I admit, but it gets the job done.
My Work E-mail me
What's New (updated 7/26/09)
What You'll Find Here
Umm... my "Buffy" and "Angel" fanfic.  What was unclear about that?

Okay, okay--more detail is clearly called for.  Nearly everything here is part of one long, interconnected timeline, beginning almost a year after the last
BtVS ep.  Almost all of these are femslash stories, so if that's not something you want, best turn around now.
(Currently doing some re-organizing, so there's actually only 2 fics posted at the moment.  Hope to change that soon...)
If you're here looking for Freelance Spice's site, you're in the wrong place.  Mystic Muse has the link
listed incorrectly on the page for "In Limbo."  Sorry about that.