I base my reading and language arts instruction
on what I call my “bible”—Guiding Readers & Writers Grades 3-6
by Irene Fountas and Gay Su Pinnell.
They have laid out a three-block literacy and language framework
that incorporates readers’ workshop, writers’ workshop, and a
language/word study block, as explained here in their Comprehensive
Language an Literacy Framework.
In Guiding Readers and Writers (Grades 3-6),
Fountas and Pinnell support teachers on the next leg of the literacy
journey, addressing the unique challenges of teaching upper elementary
students. The product of many years of work with classroom teachers, Guiding
Readers and Writers (Grades 3-6) is one of the most comprehensive,
authoritative guides available today. It explores all the essential
components of a quality literacy program in six separate sections:
- Breakthrough to Literacy: Fountas and Pinnell present the
basic structure of the language/literacy program within a breakthrough
framework that encompasses the building of community through language,
word study, reading, writing, and the visual arts. The framework plays
out as three "blocks," which can be interpreted as
conceptual units as well as segments of time within the school day.
Specific information on how to structure a reading and writing
workshop is provided. A practical chapter on organizing and managing
the classroom will help you implement the principles in your own
- Independent Reading: It is essential for students to develop
interests and tastes as readers, selecting books for themselves every
day. Fountas and Pinnell devote four chapters to independent reading,
exploring how to structure teaching, mini-lessons, conferences, group
share, and ways to use response journals as part of a reading
- Guided Reading: The chapters in this section provide detailed
information on planning for guided reading, dynamic grouping for
effective teaching, and selecting, introducing, and using leveled
texts. Fountas and Pinnell describe characteristics of texts related
to difficulty and ways to organize texts in your classroom and school.
- Literature Study: This section of the book discusses how to
make students' experiences with literature as rich as possible. The
authors offer specific suggestions for forming groups, guiding student
choices, and establishing and teaching routines for literature
discussion. A full chapter explores reader response and ways to help
readers dig deep to uncover the meaning of texts.
- Teaching for Comprehension and Word Analysis: This detailed
look at the reading process explores both oral and silent reading,
processes and behaviors related to comprehension, and ways to help
students construct meaning. Included are twelve systems for sustaining
the reading process and expanding meaning, plus discussions of the
important areas of phonics, spelling, and vocabulary.
- The Reading and Writing Connection: These chapters showcase
the instructional contexts - poetry, writer's notebooks, writer's
talks, genre, content literacy, and student research - that support
students in connected reading and writing. An informative overview of
the characteristics of fiction and nonfiction will help you teach
students to read and write a variety of genre. What's more, the
authors suggest ways to help students learn the "genre" of
testing and perform the kinds of reading and writing tasks that tests
require. They also detail the continuous thoughtful assessment that
guides all aspects of effective teaching. (from www.heinemann.com)
I would have a 2 1/2 to 3 hour time block to teach reading and language
arts to implement these components. However, I teach in the real
world, and only have 90 minutes per block this year, as our 4th grade has
been departmentalized. I teach three groups a day and cover the
entire reading, writing and word study curriculum this group. Due to
time limitations this year I am adjusting my teaching to fit in
essentials, and even assigning some work as homework, like spelling study. Below
are links to help you in your literacy instruction. I have broken
the sections down by Fountas & Pinnell's blocks of RW, WW, and Word
Study. If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please feel
free to contact me.
While I try to monitor external links as much as possible, please
understand that I cannot police the content of others' websites. If
a link is broken or has inappropriate content, please let me know.