Reader's Workshop
Reader's/Writers Workshop is a comprehensive language and literacy framework designed to support young readers and writers. Where to begin???? Ok, first of all go grab Fountas & Pinnell's Guiding Readers & Writers Grades 3-6 again. Reading Workshop is an organized set of language and literacy experiences (minilesson, individualized reading, one-on-one conferences and sharing) designed to help students become more effective readers. Students become more active in their own learning and are exposed to a greater variety of texts. Daily conferences allow the teacher to tailor instruction to the individual needs of the student (Fountas & Pinell, 2001) We will use three types of reading models in our Reading Workshop - Independent Reading, Guided Reading, and later in the year, Literature Groups. Independent Reading: The teacher begins with a book talk to present a new book or a book that might interest particular members of the class, followed by a brief minilesson to model a reading strategy or skill. Following the minilesson, students read a "just right" book independently, then respond to what they have read in their Response Journals.(click here for a slide show for more information about RN from ) One written response is due each week for assessment/response from the teacher. During independent reading, the teacher confers with students individually to assess and document the reading progress of individual students. Students may choose a book from our classroom library or bring a book from home if appropriate. Guided Reading: During guided reading the teacher pulls together small groups of students to explicitly teach effective reading strategies. The students read the same text, which is selected to maximize opportunities for learning. The teacher selects teaching points based on readers' needs and sometimes assigns oral and/or written response tasks. The small groups are pulled to the reading table within the larger 60 minute block of Reading Workshop, I usually gather the group after my minilesson to start the workshop block. Book Club (Literature Study): During our Book Club the students choose one of four books from a theme. Students talk with one another about the book and develop a deeper understanding of the things they read. Literature study helps students connect complex concepts and ideas to their own lives and encourages them to become lifelong readers. ** This part will be added later in the year.
Springfield, IL Schools have adapted the first 2 weeks of RW and WW into lessons. Springfield IL Guided Reading Resources Reader's Workshop format & ideas for mini lessons Mosaic of Though and Strategies that Work Comprehension Lessons Reader's Response Notebook Scoring Rubric Reading Lady (NY) (lessons, resources, and ideas) Downloads from Rapid Area City Schools Mrs. Newingham's Reading Workshop Website (lessons, pictures, and more) How to Organize Reader's Workshop