We have a winner. The song that will represent Estonia in this years Contest goes to 'Claire's Birthday' with 'Eighties Coming Back'.See below.

Title Televote SWE BEL SLO GER ISR LAT UK ISL Total Pos
We are not Done 9520 12 6 3 8 6 10 8 5 58 3rd
Don't Ever Change 1201 6 8 7 5 1 3 2 1 33 7th
I can be the One 6165 10 10 5 12 3 1 4 7 52 4th
Have a little Faith 915 5 3 6 10 7 6 5 6 48 5th
Know what I Feel 3113 8 2 12 3 12 5 12 10 64 2nd
What a Day 5741 2 4 1 2 2 8 10 4 33 7th
No Matter What It Takes 931 7 12 8 4 4 7 3 2 47 6th
Club Kung-Fu 37044 1 7 2 1 5 2 6 8 32 =9th
EIGHTIES COMING BACK 9685 4 5 10 7 8 12 7 12 65 1ST
Have It Your Way 3414 3 1 4 6 10 4 1 3 32 =9th

ETV , after a very slow start received 100 songs for Eurolaul 2003. 10 of the 100 songs for Eurolaul 2003 were chosen by judges internally.

The 10 songs that will take part in Eurolaul 2003 are:-

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Song Music Lyrics Performed by..
"Kung-Fu" Sven Lõhmus Piret Järvis Vanilla Ninja
Don't Ever Change Johannes Lõhmus, Kaire Vilgats, Susan Lilleväll Susan Lilleväll Susan Lilleväll
Eighties Coming Back Vaiko Eplik Vaiko Eplik Kadi Toom
Have A Little Faith Priit Pajusaar, Glen Pilvre, Kadi Toom Maian Kärmas Kadi Toom
Have It Your Way Asko Romé Altsoo Asko-Romé Altsoo, Hanno Maadra, Raul Veeber, Aimer Toomla "Viies Element"
I Can Be The One Sven Lõhmus Sven Lõhmus Nightlight Duo
Know What I feel Koit Toome Koit Toome Koit Toome
No Matter What It Takes - - -
We Are Not Done Kadi Toom, Glen Pilvre, Priit Pajusaar Maian Kärmas Kadi Toom
What A Day Maria Rahula, Tomi Rahula Maria Rahula Slobodan River