Here are some notes and news for the Spring of 2006 for the Barnstable High School Class of 1978 grads:

1. The website is still ALIVE! We just found our first new member of the year. At this rate of one new member every 6 months we should have all grads accounted for somewhere around the year 2178! Dennis Chase, our newest member from the Class of 1978 writes the following from California:
School - BHS '78 (woo hoo!) to Univ of NH '82 (BS Computer
Science) to Emerson College '85 (MA Communication Studies). 
Started work after college at the Parker House in Boston while
going to school, thanks to catering experience picked up at
UNH.  I started at MetLife in Brookline in 1987, then transferred
to San Francisco in 1991, doing mainly programming and data
mining.  In 2000 I made a brief jump to a "" -
Netcentives - before it folded 9 months later.
In 2001 I started at Bayer (yes, the aspirin people) as an IT
Project Manager and have been doing this in pharma/biotech
ever since.  I have been an independent contractor in pharma
project management for the last few years and now am at
Genentech in South San Francisco.
One of the reasons I am so motivated to be in pharma/biotech
is that I came very close to dying in 1995, but owe my
recovery due to newly developed drugs that came down the
pipeline just in time.  I'm one of the few people I know that
have come back from full disability to working full time.
For fun, I appear in local musical theater and operetta
productions, and sing in a local chorus.  One of the highlights
was singing at the Kennedy Center and Carnegie Hall in 2000. 
That will forever be on my resume, since it always gets a
question or two in interviews. 
I also traveled to Cape Town, South Africa for two weeks in
1999 with the AIDS Quilt and a multi-national team to do AIDS
education among the cities and townships. 
Last summer we took a 10-day southern Mediterranean cruise
in Spain-Monaco-France-Italy-Greece and had a great time,
though I must admit it was my first time in Europe.
OK, end of highlights.  It would be great to hear from anyone
else from BHS '78 who wants to share stories and catch up. 
The email is and I look forward to hearing
from you.

2. A great source of news for Barnstable is the Cape Wide News website. Check it out by clicking here-
Cape Wide News and you can read about all of the crime, drugs and shootings on the Cape.

3. A letter regarding an anti-war sit in that took place in Hyannis written by 1978 grad Scott Perkins was published in this weeks Barnstable Patriot.
Click Here to preview that diatribe.

4. The 6th annual Barnstable High Pub Crawl is scheduled for Friday July 21st on Main Street in Hyannis. Details to follow. Kendricks Bar (The old Fiddlebees / Boat House) on North Street may require a kevlar suit after recent gun play at that location. 

5. If you want some good Summer time comedy rent the following DVDs and watch in this order: Dodgeball - Old School - Wedding Crashers - Anchorman. Someone has suggested Sideways but that movie had to be written by someone on Ambien. Email in any good movies or a review for the website. 

6. Email in any updates to the website