Welcome to the home page of the Barren River Party, American Mountain Men
Sierra Nevada and the Great Basin

This site serves as a contact and information point about the Barren River Party, its members and activities. We welcome your visit, and hope you find it interesting.  This site will be periodically updated with new information, calendar entries, photos and news.  In addition, it can provide prospective members and others with information to help them enhance their period clothing, equipment and skills.
To contact the webclerk for this site, please click here.
   Site Navigation
  (Click below to explore our site)
*= New Entries- Sept
About the party
Members of the Party
Clothing, Equipment and Tools*
Photos from treks, jaunts, rides,
Calendar for 2004 *
Links to Mountain Men and the Fur Trade Site (D Rudy)
Fur Trade Library and Bibliography/Research
Offerings of the members
Muzzleloader Magazine Link
On the Trail Magazine Link
Buckskinnerweb.com Link
Museum of the Fur Trade Link
Thanks for visiting! Please visit this site again soon and see what is new! 
Site last updated: 
Sept 13, 2004,
9:30 pm
What does this mean?!!
Web Site Update:
September, and fall is in the air.  Great time to get out on the ground, in the woods.  There are new additions in the pages as
of now, with many new photos and other entries.  The party is invited to send emailed photos to the webclerk. 
Visitors since website   birth on Jan 15:
Looking for your copy of the Son of Mountain Geek Catalog? 
Click Here
The story of the Guernsey Frock- Sweaters in the western fur trade!!
                              News and Notices
This location will be used to post news and information needing distribution to members.  Check here occasionally for postings. 

New Sources Noted:

Old Style Cast Brass Tacks-

Go to
www.thetrunkshoppe.com, click on hardware, and scroll down to locate section on these tacks.  They are the old style with integral brass shanks! 
Period Syle Plug and Twist Rope Tobaccos-
Very cool stuff of highly authentic style.  Go to
www.smokingpipes.com and look under bulk tobaccos