Calendar for 2004                                                      Back to Home Page
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January 2004
2,3,4: Hijinks in Beckworth Country- Winter Camp
(t'was good, ifn, ye missed it, too bad)

February 2004
Support Eagle Valley Muzzleloaders Winter Camp, 6,7 8
27,28,29: Grass Valley CA., Lewis and Clark Program and Camp

March 2004
Dropping plans for beaver trapping camp on Carson River due to complications
26,27,28: La Parisma Mission doings, Lompoc
20, 21: Lakes Crossing Spring Fling Rendevous

April 2004
23,24,25: Trek or Jaunt Weekend
Support: Eagle Valley Muzzleloader Spring Rendevous, 23,24,25
(At old location. New site needs work first- stay tuned)

May 2004
17,18,19: AMM at Museum of the Mt Man, Pinedale WY
Support: Lakes Crossing Rend: 29,30,31
Stay tuned for more entries soon!

June 2004
Trek or Jaunt Weekend
4-13 California Primitive, North of Kernville, CA
18-25 Pacific Primitive Rendezvous, Seneca Oregon:

July 2004
30 June-July 7: AMM National Rendezvous, WY
10-18 July: Rocky Mountain National Rendezvous, CO

August 2004
La Parisma Mission doings, Lompoc

September 2004
Virginia City Saloon Crawl (a new tradition) during Street Vibrations

October 2004
Support: Lakes Crossing Muzzleloaders Fall Rend. 15,16,17

Later: Deep Winter Camp- to be announced
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