Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Editor/Writer/Contributor: Noel McCabe










A. History
Who is Batman?
Batman is a costumed 'super hero' sworn to bring villains to justice. Unlike other super heros like Superman, Batman is an ordinary human being with no super powers. 
The now legendary tale follows a young boy traumatized by the murder of his parents before his eyes, who vows to avenge their deaths by bringing criminals to justice. A teenaged Bruce Wayne uses his vast fortune to study criminology, train his body to athletic perfection, and assemble an assortment of vehicles and weapons to fight crime in his home of Gotham. When he is startled one night by a bat outside his window, he decides to costume himself as a "bat" man in order to strike fear in the "cowardly and superstitious" hearts of criminals. 
Batman proved to be an immediate hit, not only in comic books but in newspaper strips and movie serials. In the ensuing decades, the character would star in DC Comics, animated television series, a hit live-action television show in the 1960s, and four top-grossing Warner Bros. feature films. The toys based on the character have been consistent best-sellers for more than a decade. Batman's image guarantees success in licensed products ranging from t-shirts and Halloween costumes to a NASCAR racecar. Along with Superman and Wonder Woman, Batman is the only character to remain in continuous publication, with new stories every month, since 1940. Batman currently stars in four monthly comic books (Batman, Detective Comics, Batman: Shadow of the Bat and Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight) as well as appearing in a host of graphic novels and crossovers. He also stars in the current series "Batman Beyond" on Kids' WB! 
Batman is also referred to as 'The Dark Knight' or 'The Caped Crusader'. 
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Who created Batman?
Bob Kane. Batman premiered in Detective Comics No. 27 in May 1939. 
Besides creating the Dark Knight, Kane was also the cartoonist on the comic series when Robin, the Boy Wonder, made his first appearance, as well as the Joker, the Catwoman and the Riddler, among others. Kane also created the television cartoon characters, Courageous Cat and Minute Mouse, and Cool McCool. In recent years, he served as a consultant on the Batman films. 
Bob died at his home in California on Tuesday, November 3 1998. He was 83 years old. 
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Is this site complete?
NO! I have only begun working on this site. It is a HUGE undertaking beacuse of the number of Batman toys and I have little free time so please be patient.
The approach I'm taking is as follows:
Stage 1 - By Series
    (i) Create menus for each toy series and populate them with thumbnail
images of the packaged toys
    (ii) Create detailed pages for each individual toy showing packaging,
base toy, missiles and accessories.
Stage 2 - By Character/Vehicle
    (i) Create menus for each character/toy and polpulate then with
thumbnail images of loose toys
    (ii) link to pages created for Stage 1 (ii)
Stage 3 - By Year
    (i) Create menus for each toy type by year stamped on the toy
    (ii) link to pages created for Stage 1 (ii)
Stage 4 - Accessories
    (i) Create menus for each accessory by colour and accessory type
    (ii) link to pages created for Stage 1 (ii)
Stage 5 - Discussion/Forums/missing figs etc
Stage 6 - Other

I'm still working thru Stage 1 (i) at the moment. I did some work on Stage 1 (ii) for the animated series but decided to completely finish part (i) first.

What do the red question marks mean?
The red question marks '?' refer to information where I have made an educated guess based on similar information. If you are able to confirm or deny any of these guesses please email me.
I've found an error in your information or dead links. What should I do?
I'm only human and errors occur regularly. Please email me and let me know what I need to correct.
I've got a Batman item not listed on your site. Do you want to know?
YES! I want all infomation I can get relating to batman. Please email me the information. If you are sending files over 500kb please just email me first and advise. I will then respond telling you it's ok to send.
Are these toys for sale?
Only some are for sale from me. Click for sale gif.
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Where can I buy Batman Toys?
Your local toy store, online dealer, auction sites and a few here for sale gif.
Can you I.D. this figure?
Possibly. Email me with a description or picture under 500kb and I'll try and help. Include any dates or markings on the legs/back etc.
I've got some loose weapons/accessories. Who do they go with?
Email me with a description or picture under 500kb and I'll try and help.
My figure is a different colour than what it's listed as. Is it a variation or is it rare?
Email me with a description or picture under 500kb and I'll try and help.
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What comics did Batman appear in?
Information to follow.....
Where can I buy Batman comics?
Try your local newsagent or comic book store.
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Was Batman ever on TV?
Yes. In a live action show in the 1960's and cartoon form from 1992.
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Were any Batman movies made?
There were 4 movies made.

  • Batman
  • Batman Returns
  • Batman Forever
  • Batman and Robin
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Where can I learn more about Batman on the internet?
Try our links pages.
Are there Batman newsgroups?
That's what I'd like to know. Email me with any information.
Are there Batman mailing lists?
That's what I'd like to know. Email me with any information.
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My question is not answered here. What do I do?
Email me with your question and I'll see if I can help.
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