BLOODTESTS For Imported Equines
If you are contemplating importing horses, donkeys or other equines from a country outside the USA, be sure to get ALL of the facts and tests that will be necessary.  A big problem right now is piroplasmosis.  This is a tick-borne disease (ever heard of Texas Tick Fever?)  Piro has been erradicated in the USA, and they don't want it back!

However, the test for piro only indicates whether antibodies are present, not necessarily if the animal actually HAS the disease.  Unfortunately, even antibody markers will fail an animal for import at this time. 

If you are looking at a FOAL, and the foal tests positive, test again after the foal is weaned.  There is a possibility the foal may test positive if the dam does.  After weaning, you would want to have both dam and foal tested.  A negative result from the foal would then mean you could go ahead with import.

ARRANGE TO HAVE BLOOD tested directly in the USA!  Ask about who pays for testing, and the paperwork, timeframes, and expense involved!

More coming soon!!!  We'll post what should be tested for, and where to send samples.

Realize that bloodwork right now is preventing the further import of a number of good animals.  We know there are a number of you who are very interested in conservational breeding, who would like to be able to import stock.  Right now, a large number of animals known to be for sale in France have already been tested.  Those who tested negative are already on their way or are in the USA.  If more were available, we'll gladly let you know. Currently about 1/10th of the available animals passed.  Not good odds.  We will keep channels open with the French, and hope that more animals (with negative test results) will be available in August.  This will be the best time to buy.

We urge you that if you are interested in purchasing stock to either come to France and work directly with the French, or pay the money to go through a reputable bloodstock agency.  There is a lot of paperwork and timing involved.

Kevin, a Mulassier Stallion standing at stud at the HARAS des Saintes, France.

Breed Standards

Diamond or Zircon?

I've got a Shaggy donk...

Partbreds or Not?

The Mulassier



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Mulassier Album


AI trial in France
