Dafne Gonzalez Teresa Almeida d'Eça Susanne Nyrop Maria Jordano
Gonzalez (Daf)
Dafne Gonzalez has been an EFL, EST and ESP professor for 30 years in Caracas, Venezuela. She has also taught methodology courses in a MSc in an Applied Linguistics Program at Universidad Simon Bolivar, where she is an Associate Professor. She has been involved in online teaching since 2002. Dafne has published articles in different international journals, and has presented at TESOL conferences, and at online and f2f e-learning events. She is an active member of Webheads in Action, and one of her research interests is the use of synchronous web tools for language learning and teacher development, and she has created a taxonomy of educational chats. Recently, she has joined the Learning Times community. Dafne Gonzalez earned a B.A. in Modern Languages, and a MSc in Applied Linguistics. Currently, she is working on her doctoral dissertation on ESP e-course design and evaluation at Universidad de Valencia, in Spain. She is a member of the editorial board of the ESL Mini Conference Online Magazine, and a member of the TESOL Technology Advisory Committee. To learn more about her work, visit her web page at http://www.oocities.org/dygonza/index.html
Almeida d'Eça (Tere)
Teresa Almeida d'Eça has been an EFL teacher for 28 years and has taught at all levels. She lives and teaches in a small town in the suburbs of Lisbon, Portugal. This year she's back with 5th. grade (absolute beginners) after a six-year pause and enjoying it. She loves teaching and finds it an even more challenging task since the arrival of ICTs. She also loves computers, the Internet and interacting with friends and colleagues through chat and email. She has carried out three email cultural exchanges and runs a teacher-student blog. She also enjoys creating interactive custom-made Web-based activities for her students. She did her first online course in October 2001 with Michael Krauss, one of our guest speakers in Week 5. In January 2002, she joined the Webheads in Action for the EVOnline training session, and since then she has been actively involved in the cyberworld of education! She has published two books, one on the use of the Internet in education and the other on the use of email in the classroom. She presents regularly at conferences at home and abroad, and she is a member of the TESOL Technology Advisory Committee (TAC).If you'd like to know more about her and her work, please visit her Web page at http://www.malhatlantica.pt/teresadeca/.
Nyrop (Sus)
Susanne Nyrop
from Denmark is a graduate student of education theory, with a strong interest
in online education strategies. As such, she is an active participant, developer
and facilitator in several online communities of practice (CoPS) with a research
focus on educational uses and professional development: She has been active in
Global Educators’Network since 1999, Tapped In helpdesk team and Writing for
Webheads since 2000 and was a co-founder of Webheads in Action at the TESOL
EVonline workshop 2002 and Learningtimes.net since 2003. Also in 2002, she was a
co-facilitator at the EVONline seminar on CoPs, She is currently engaged in a 7
week online CPsquare workshop focusing on CoPs. She has no formal education in teaching language but is fluent in
English, pretty comfortable with French, Swedish and Norwegian, knows
a good deal of German and Latin but is not so fond of formal grammar.
Susanne’s interest is online communication with computers, using mail lists,
blogs, text chat, webcams and voice tools. Weblog at: www.xanga.com/susnyrop
María Jordano de la Torre is a teacher of English and one of the e-learning managers at Ucoidiomas S.L, the Modern Languages Department from the University of Córdoba, Spain. Although she has little experience with f2f teaching, she has been working with educational platforms such as WebCT for more than three years, which had made her thinking about CMC tools as a good way to improve all the different language skills. Nowadays, she is writing her thesis playing with ESP and CALL. She also collaborates actively with CREA (part of coordination, with the University of Cádiz), CETA(as webmaster) and WIA (member).
Page created on October 10, 2003.