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Coping with time zone challenges in a global context?

Create your own personalized world clock in five minutes

Did you ever call someone in another part of the world in the middle
of the night – because you forgot to check her timezone? Do you want
to schedule an online meeting where participants should have a fair
chance to join you? Check the calculator and
click on the Personalized World Clock. and from there
find the link to the Configuration setting.
The setting allows you to enter up to 16 destinations with different
times all around the world, for scheduling meeting plans and to get
an overall understanding of when to expect people in a global
community to be on duty or asleep. Your result could easily be
shared with others – just post the link to the whole URL of YOUR
personalized World clock.

Elizabeth created one version for our workshop:,45,51,53,133,141,217,235,268

Jane's question is how to add more cities such as Dubai or Abu Dhabi
(they're in the same timezone, as I just learned). Yes, you can do
so easily, direct from this example, just click the Setup button and
you will get to the edit list, where you can also change placement
in the list of each location.

In this example from a Webheads world clock cities are almost
alphabetically arranged:,53,58,69,102,133,137,152,155,256,418,769

I've used this World clock tool often for different purposes, and I
like to configure a correct follow of who's located where,
clockwise – begin with the late starters, like Honolulu or the
Western American Pacific zone, roll over Europe, Africa and Asia,
and end with Brisbane in Australia – where you find the early birds
of our world, timewise.,24,188,77,97,179,769,16,69,340,102,47

Apart from being a helpful tool in organizing our synchronous chats
and conferences, this can illustrate distribution all over the world
in a global community. And I think it is a good practice exercise
for people who wish to communicate online across time zones.

Susanne Nyrop,
Nov 10, 2003

Page created on  November 9, 2003.


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