January 26 - March 6
Enrolling in our Yahoo Group
Suggestion: Print these instructions for immediate reference.
To register in our session, the first thing you need to do is to enroll in our Yahoo Group. To do so, follow these steps:
1. Enter this url: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/becomingwebhead/ and you will get to the page shown in Fig. 1.
2.Click on Join this Group"
Fig 1.
3.Enter your Yahoo ID and password if you have one (Fig. 2) and jump to instruction No. 7.
If you do NOT have a Yahoo ID, you are "New to Yahoo!", click on "Sign up now"
4. Fill in the form you are shown (Fig. 3)
Fig. 3
5. Submit the form (button at the bottom of the page),when you provide all the information.
You will get a new window showing your ID, a new Yahoo e-mail account (which you can use or not).
6. Enter our Yahoo Group url: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/becomingwebhead/
7. Click "Join this group" (in the top right-hand corner).
A screen will come up asking you to sign in with your Yahoo ID and Password.
8. Complete the information and click "Sign in."
You will be taken to the group site again.
9.Click "Join" at the bottom of the screen.
This will trigger a message to us, requesting approval to join the group.
Your membership request has been submitted to the group becomingwebhead! You will receive a confirmation email when your membership has been approved". |
We will do so immediately after receiving the message. As soon as we approve your request, the links (on the left) should be activated as hyperlinks.
Once your request has been approved, you will get a welcome message from the Yahoo Group, with instructions for Week 1.
If you have problems with the registration process, please contact one of us by e-mail (click on our names)
Good luck!! :-)
Dafne Gonzalez Teresa Almeida d'Eça Susanne Nyrop Maria Jordano
Page created on October 7, 2003
Updated on November 28, 2003.