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This Sunday we had quite a turnout of first timers at the regular Webheads Tapped In Sunday chat! These first timers are taking part in our "Becoming a Webhead" session.

Participants: Antonia Melvin (Portugal), BJB (Pennsylvania, USA), Claire Bradin Siskin (Pittsburgh, PA, USA), Dafne Gonzalez (Valencia, Spain), David Brown (California, USA - just popped!), Elizabeth Hanson-Smith (Florida, USA), Eva Wilden (Germany), Fernanda Rodrigues (Setúbal, Portugal), João Fernandes (Beja, Portugal), Juani (Chile), Maggi Doty (Germany), María Jordano (Córdoba, Spain), Sara Martín (Gran Canaria, Spain), Renata Suzuki (Japan), Susanne Nyrop (Denmark) and Teresa Almeida d'Eça (Lisbon, Portugal).


Sun, 18Jan2004

Tapped In

# Tappedin transcript for TeresaD, 2004.01.18 06:27:38

TeresaD joined the room.
TeresaD: morning, eva! how are you?
TeresaD left the room.

Room: WIA_Grp

TeresaD joined the room.
TeresaD: hi, eva! i'm already in the reception
TeresaD left the room.

Room: TI_Reception

TeresaD joined the room.
TeresaD: hi maggi
MargaretD hugs Tere
MargaretD: Hi
TeresaD: how's the weather in germany?
TeresaD: it's sunny but cold in lisbon
MargaretD: not so bad
MargaretD: cold and sunny
MargaretD: 5C
EvaW joined the room.
MargaretD: Hi Eva
EvaW: hi teresa, hi margaret
TeresaD: hi eva. welcome!
EvaW: thank you
EvaW: does the meeting take place in here?
TeresaD: eva, maggi is a veteran webhead living and working in germany
MargaretD: here for Webheads?
EvaW: yes for webheads
TeresaD: maggi, eva is in our becoming a webhead session
MargaretD: yes Eva
EvaW: oh, great. maggi where are you in Germany?
MargaretD: south of Frankfurt
EvaW: I'm in Kassel. just 200 km. :-)
TeresaD: eva, our sunday meetings always take place in the ti reception, or elsewhere when necessary
MargaretD: still in Hesse
EvaW: allright. I thought they were in the webheads room
TeresaD: no, eva, bec. at this early time for the states very few people are here
MargaretD: this is the room on Sunday
TeresaD: yes. and we always have a chance to welcome a newcomer that may come by. it's nice
EvaW: yes, I noticed. I was here two hours ago. mixed up GMT +/- 1 hour. :-) And nobody was there. :-)
MargaretD: lol
TeresaD: it's easy to get gmt (+ and -) mixed up
MargaretD: time change
EvaW: I had some difficulties finding my way from my office to the TI reception. Is there any easy way to find the reception?
DafneG joined the room.
EvaW: hi dafne
TeresaD: welcome daf! hugs to you
MargaretD: click on TI reception
DafneG: hi there everybody
DafneG kisses everybody on both cheeks
MargaretD: Hi Daf
EvaW: I did, but then I was still in my office chat
MargaretD: hmmm
TeresaD: in the Favorite places, top right, click on TI reception and then Go
DafneG: hi Eva
EvaW: oh, where should I click on TI reception?
EvaW: I did that teresa, but the chat window didnt change
TeresaD: maybe you weren't. maybe it seemed as if you were, bec. the chat page does not change, but the top window does
DafneG: in Favorites Places in the passageways
MargaretD: it should be just above the chat box
DafneG: I meant or in the paasageways
EvaW: hmmm, I think I tried all that... anyway... I'll try again.
SaraMa joined the room.
SaraMa left the room.
MargaretD: Hi Sara
DafneG waves hi to Sara
SaraMa joined the room.
EvaW: perhaps I changed something in my office's set-up
TeresaD: eva, if you click on the Online tab, bottom left, you will always see where you and others are
DafneG: hi Sara
SaraMa: Hi everybody!
TeresaD: hi sara. welcome!
EvaW: thanks, teresa
EvaW: Hi sara
DafneG waves hi to Sara
ElizabethH joined the room.
SaraMa: It's my first time to Tapped in chat...
DafneG: welcome!
EvaW: Sara, mine too
TeresaD: hi elizabeth. welcome to a great get-together!
MargaretD: Hi Eli8zabeth
ElizabethH: Hi Webheads!
DafneG hugs Elizabeth
SaraMa: Dafne, how did you do that of "waving"?
TeresaD: well, i hope you enjoy yourselves here, sara and eva
SaraMa: or hugging?
ElizabethH: It  feels so good to see friends online.
EvaW: yes, I'd like to know too
DafneG: just type : and the action
EvaW: so far I do teresa
DafneG: colon and action
TeresaD: it sure does, elizabeth. and we always know where to look for them, don't we?
EvaW waves to everyone
MargaretD: colon and then what you wnt to do
EvaW: Oh, great, it worked
SaraMa greet
DafneG: great!!
SaraMa greets everyone
ElizabethH hugs to everyone
SaraMa: now!!!
DafneG . o O ( they are fast learners )
EvaW: does it work in every chat like this or just in TI?
DafneG: only in some, Eva
DafneG: MOO based and the like
ElizabethH: Hi Sara and Eva--welcome--I saw you had joined the CoP WIA room, but have you also joined our Yahoo Group?
EvaW: yes, I have Elizabeth
SaraMa: Yes, I have.
DafneG: Eva is in our Becoming a webheab session, Elizabeth
TeresaD: and sara, too, eliz
EvaW Eva likes this and smiles at everyone
DafneG: we have around 80 participants already
TeresaD: great, eva!
TeresaD: a big turnout so far, daf
DafneG: yes
TeresaD: i'm very happy
DafneG . o O ( me too )
ElizabethH: Wow! I am impressed at the turnout! I've only had a bout 2 that are for Video Webheads.
DafneG: nice group of participants
SaraMa: Do the sessions take place every year?
TeresaD: yes
DafneG: yes, Sara
TeresaD: this is the third or fourth year, sara
DafneG: Sara has a wonderful page, Elizabeht
SaraMa: But the group goes on working after the sessions, doesn't it?
EvaW: Elizabeth, what do you mean by video webheads?
DafneG: fourth, I think
DafneG: Webheads yes
SaraMa: Thanks Dafne!
SaraMa: Sara:blushes
DafneG: we started as a session in 2002 and have been together since
TeresaD: what a way to learn!
TeresaD: i love it
ElizabethH: My EV Online session is about using video and audio on the Web, and is called Video Webheads
SaraMa: Well, that's great.Such a long time sharing expereicnes together
MargaretD: although the original Webheads started much earlier
EvaW: Oh, I didn't see that in the list. thanks!
TeresaD: right, sara
DafneG: a great learning community, Sara
SaraMa: Elizabeth. I'm interested in that.
ElizabethH: I joined the Webheads in that session also.
TeresaD: and we learn so much in such a short time
DafneG: you should join in Sara
SaraMa: But I didn't see it in the sessions
DafneG: I said that in my diss, Tere
SaraMa: Is that real English Online?or something different
TeresaD: the sessions are all interesting. the problem is finding time for everything
DafneG: yes, that's it
ElizabethH: I started the Video group as a spin off from yet another EVO session--an introduction to using HTML.
SaraMa: Elizabeth, could you give us the link to the YG?
TeresaD: i've said that quite often, daf. i really feel that
ElizabethH: The Video group meets at
SaraMa: Ok! then I'm one of your two members!
EvaW: Elizabeth, do you do some kind of desktop-video-conferencing?
DafneG: I am very happy today, I finished with my diss at 5am this morning. Wanted to share this with you
TeresaD: and i keep on saying that i get much more done in an online meeting than in a f2f meeting
EvaW: Congratulations, Daf!
DafneG: thanks
TeresaD: congrats, daf. i'm very happy for you
TeresaD -)
DafneG: yes, I said that in my diss too
MargaretD: congrats Daf :-)
SaraMa: Yes, you must be really tired and you're still here Dafne!!
DafneG: thanks :-)
SaraMa: I'm impressed!
TeresaD: well, daf, we are absolutely 'in synch'!!!
ElizabethH: Eva--we will be doing video chats with Yahoo Messenger--at least.
ElizabethH: And they will be coordinated with either LearningTimes or right here in Tapped In.
EvaW: sounds interesting, Elizabeth, I'll have a look at your page
DafneG: we have a previous experience of video-chats with my students in Caracas
EvaW: yes, I think you told me about it, daf
ElizabethH: We have 10 free videos for beginners at Real, which also have exercises made in Hot Potatoes.
DafneG: Elizabeht, Mike, Sus and I and the students in Caracas
ElizabethH: So our group will learn to use Hot Pot also.
TeresaD: eva, did you get to read my report about my first audioconference? it was so much fun!
DafneG: video, HP and chat is a great combination
TeresaD: sure is, daf
EvaW: oh, that's great. I did two audio-conferencing workshops on using hot pot too.
TeresaD: i love hotpot
EvaW: yes, tere, I read the report, sounds really interesting. thanks for your reply
DafneG: interesting, Eva
TeresaD: you're welcome, eva
SaraMa: So do I. By the way, do you think posting Michael Rottmeier's site to Webheads would be redundant?
ElizabethH: My best effort so far was Webcam in Yahoo Messenger, plus voice chat in LearningTimes, with the text chat in LT also.
ClaireB joined the room.
ElizabethH: Eva--you should really join our REO group!
DafneG: Sara, sites are never redudant, people select the ones they feel more comfortable with
EvaW: Elizabeht, do you mean webcam in YM and voice chat in LT at the same time?
TeresaD: i agree with daf, sara
MargaretD: A lot of We heads have joined Sara
DafneG: or the ones which are more appropriate for their needs
ClaireB: hello folks
ClaireB hugs all
ElizabethH: Please type that address here, Sara.
TeresaD: hugs clarinha
DafneG hugs Claire
SaraMa: Have you worked with
ElizabethH: Hi Claire!
ElizabethH hugs Claire
EvaW: Hi Claire
SusanneN joined the room.
DafneG hugs Sus
ClaireB: Hi Sus
TeresaD: clarinha, we have two new webheads with us today: eva and sara
EvaW: Elizabeth, I'll think about it
ClaireB hugs sus
SaraMa: Hello everybody!
SusanneN: Hello dear Webheads
EvaW: Hi Sus
TeresaD: hi sus
ClaireB: Hi Eva and Sara!
MargaretD: Hi Sus and Claire
SusanneN: Welcoem , Sara and Eva!
DafneG: Sus, we have Eva and Sara with us here today
TeresaD: eva from germany and sara from spain
EvaW: thanks sus
ElizabethH: Eva--yes, you can do the webcam and voice chat with YM and LT at the same time. It's a virtual video conference.
SaraMa: Thanks Sus
EvaW: Well I'm looking forward to learning more about that in the BaW workshop
SaraMa: I was asking whther you have worked with Hot Pot modified scripts?
DafneG: yes, Jonathan will give a chat from LT
SusanneN hugs all her good old friends  -Elizabeth, Daf, Tere, Maggi (Margaret) and Claire
ElizabethH: Sara--I just started working with HP, but haven't modified scripts, as far as I know.
TeresaD: i haven't, sara. just very basic things
DafneG . o O ( I did not like the word old :-) )
EvaW: me too Sara
SaraMa: That is great. Very easy to use
ClaireB: Sara, in what way are you modifying the scripts of hot potatoes?
TeresaD: old are the rags, as we say in portugal!
DafneG: Mike does incredible things with HP
ElizabethH thinks--at least it's not old good friends!
SusanneN: I was involved in a HotPot workshop last year
ElizabethH: Where was that Sus?
SaraMa: I have not modified them Claire. Michael Rottmeier has.
EvaW: in what way modified?
ClaireB: she meant "old" in the best possible way, I'm sure :-)
SaraMa: It allows you to create new sort of exercises using Hot Pot
ClaireB: coool
SusanneN: Yes, Mike knows how to create questions and answers using the Hot Pot potential to a maximum I think
TeresaD: i've seen this site, sara. somebody mentioned it in REO, eliz.
SaraMa: And they're really easy to use.
ElizabethH: That teaching-tools site looks interesting. I wonder if Mike Marzio knows about it?
MargaretD: the snakes and ladders was nice
DafneG: yes, I enjoyed playing :-)
SaraMa: The sanakes and ladders by Birgit was great!
ElizabethH: My only objection to Hot Pot is that the exercises just seem MCQ or fill-in.
ElizabethH: Yes, the snakes and ladders was great. I asked about where the pictures came from, but didn't get an answer yet.
SaraMa: I also like Quandary very much. I use it in my teacher training courses, and I'm starting with my students now...
DafneG: I think I did a good job using HP for content and not only language in my architecture unit
ClaireB: it seems to me that quandary offers more oppportunity to stimulate conversation than hot pot
SusanneN: I agree with you, Elizabeth, and I cannot invent this kind of  true or flase exercises   - to me, there will  always be more to it than just yes or no, and more than one answer may be the right one
SaraMa: I haven't seen that Dafne. Where can I?
DafneG: on my page, let me get the url
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
DafneG: scroll down the page to pre-viewing and post-viewing exos
ElizabethH: There used to be a Quandry software on CD.
ClaireB: here is the
RenataS joined the room.
DafneG: hi Renata
TeresaD: welcome, renata!
EvaW: hi renata
SaraMa: Hi Renata
DafneG hugs Reanata
MargaretD: Hi Renata
RenataS: hello, sorry im late
DafneG: there is no late here, Renata
TeresaD: we are never late here, renata
RenataS: this chat board is so small
DafneG: he he
RenataS: ty ty for the warm welcome
DafneG: you can detach the window
DafneG: in the actions menu
DafneG: look for detach
RenataS: aha
SaraMa: Wow, it looks better now!
RenataS: no funky color fonts?
DafneG: good
SaraMa: I mean detached!
DafneG: no, Renata you can not have your beautiful rainbow combinations here :-(
RenataS: nice and big now ty for the advice
RenataS: ah well just have to talk rainbow
DafneG: right
RenataS smiles
SusanneN joined the room.
DafneG: wb, Sus
MargaretD: wb Sus
SusanneN: Am I or am I not with you now?
SaraMa: Dafne, your Achitecture unit looks really interesting!
RenataS: wb susan
TeresaD: you are sus
DafneG . o O ( I guess you are )
SusanneN: Thank you
DafneG: thanks, Sara
SusanneN: I was having a problem
SaraMa: wb susan1
RenataS: i went to a workshop on groupwork today
DafneG: tell us about it, Renata
DafneG: I work with cooperative-collaborative groups
RenataS: well, it was more about giving students chunks of language
SusanneN: Daf's English for architecture  unit was  very interesting; I had teh opportunity to be an external observer on this nad was amazed how the  students were able to  use their chat meetings for group work.
ElizabethH Tere--what does "old are the rags" mean? I've been noodling and don't get it.
RenataS: to be able to function as a group leader
ElizabethH: Renata--give us some examples
RenataS: with four duties, opening discussion, asking for opinions, summarizing main points and closing discussion
TeresaD: it means that people never get old, only the rags, the cloths we use at home for cleaning
RenataS: so for number one, the chunk
RenataS: "ok, lets get going"
TeresaD: i guess it means we are always young at heart, at least
RenataS: or "is everybody ready to start
RenataS: and then for asking opinions
RenataS: the chunkdo you have any ideas, renata
RenataS: as in add the name
RenataS: or"what do you think, wallace?"
ElizabethH: What a good idea--I think knowing things like "it's your turn" and so on, are very valuable for getting discussion going.
RenataS: and then the chunk "here's what we'bve talked about until now"
RenataS: for summarizing
MargaretD: god for Business, too
DafneG: very structured
MargaretD: good not god
RenataS: and then for finishing "well it's time to finish up" or "If nobody has anything elseto say i'll tell the teacher we're finished
ElizabethH: If you don't know the words, it's hard to keep the group on task.
RenataS: so that they know the words to scaffold the process
MargaretD: not for beginners
ElizabethH: Where was the workshop Renata?
RenataS: that was in yokohama
RenataS: the local section of the yokohama Jalt
DafneG: you have to teach students to be able to organize themselves and be on task on their own, I think that the design of the task is fundamental for that
RenataS: (Japan association of Language teachers
SusanneN: yes, structured, but for all those who do not know how to lead a discussion, that would be helpful; first you do this  as a systematic four step exercise, and then you would be able to identify which kind of transtions are useful in whoch situations
ElizabethH: I've seen groups work with very beginner beginners, but the teacher has to do some modeling of the language and process first.
RenataS: yeah, this was about giving language and training for group work
RenataS: and then there is training for the groupmembers
RenataS: who have five duties
RenataS: to give an opinion, to respond, to agree with a reformulation
RenataS: or to disagree with a friendly intro like i see what you mean but
RenataS: and to ask for clarification
ElizabethH oOO sophisticated disagreement
RenataS: yes, because kids here are told english is direct
MargaretD: all things I cover with  my students
SusanneN: I appreciate the civilized disagreement
RenataS: and it comes across as rude
DafneG: I think such structured "grammar" of group discussion is good for beginners
ElizabethH: My more advanced students always thought English was very cold until I taught them how to write short poems in English
RenataS: i loved the way these two uni lecturers offered chunks of language for each duty
ClaireB: that's very interesting - disagreement is a difficult skill for non-English speakers
DafneG agrees with claire
MargaretD: German is more direct
EvaW: yes I agree :-)
RenataS: agrees with claire too
RenataS: i'm not much good myself, often put my foot init
ClaireB: I notice that so far we are all women here today. IN my CALL class this semseter I  have only women
ElizabethH: Over 50% of US college population is now women.
DafneG: Vance is travelling to Egypt today, that's why he is not here
EvaW: Claire, I was wondering about this myself
MargaretD: does that make a difference Clire?
ClaireB: I thought that his session there is on the 23rd
ElizabethH: Poor guys--they aren't going to get all the good jobs any more.
DafneG: We have a good male representation in my Department
ClaireB: pooooooor guys
SaraMa: Shame that's something people don't know idely. My students keep believing that my site had to be created by my husband!!!
DafneG: almost 50%
SusanneN: and even more so, when it hapens online, among people from different cultures. Saying things in a very direct and honest manner is not always accepted ( in Denmark, we have a kind of consensus culture that dislikes confrontations, but still say things as we mean them, direct and open)
ElizabethH LOL
DafneG: he he to Sara
ClaireB: Sara, you mean that sweet little you made your website all by your self????
ClaireB: (just joking)
SusanneN: Did you ever learn about appreciative Inquiry  -the Giraffe and the hyena?
DafneG: hehe
ElizabethH: Tell us sus
RenataS: yes, can be difficult online too sus
RenataS: i'm all ears
DafneG . o O ( I know Sus can be very direct )
SusanneN: The hyena always tried to fight!
RenataS: appreciative enquiry
ClaireB: lol daf
SaraMa: No, I'm serious... they do not believe me . my husband and i work at the same school. He has his website and i have mine. And my own students do not believe me when I tell them I helped Juanjo in designing his...
RenataS: sounds like a great new buzzword
SusanneN: he likes to get straight to the topic and can be very aggressive
RenataS: which country is that, sara?
SusanneN: but giraffes wait and take a great overlook of teh situation with hteir long necks
SaraMa: Spain...old Spain...
DafneG: Spain :-)
ElizabethH: Good parable, Sus--it is useful in essay writing  as well as conversation.
RenataS: ho hum, so it's more of an innate personality thing, how you phrase things,
SusanneN: The oroginator of this idea is  called Marshall Rosenberg
RenataS: whether you are a giraffe or a hyena?
DafneG: a good fable to use with students, Sus
ElizabethH: I think it can be learned/taught, however.
SusanneN: and is used  pretty much  here in Denmark for teachers
SusanneN: yes
SusanneN: I sometimes try to be more Giraffe like
BjB joined the room.
SusanneN: but I was brought up among hyenas
MargaretD: Renata, culture comes into play as well, too.
DafneG: do you, Sus?
DafneG: he he
ElizabethH: If you have ever hurt someone's feelings by being too direct, you become more Giraffe-like.
DafneG hugs BJ warmly
SusanneN hits Daf in her head with a thin paper
SusanneN hugs BJ; meet our newcomers, Eva and Sara
DafneG: lol
RenataS: hello bj
BjB smiles and hugs everyone good day
MargaretD hugs BJ
EvaW: Hi BjB
SaraMa: Hello BJ
BjB: Hi, Eva and Sara. Welcome to the community
TeresaD hugs bj
DafneG: REnata is also new here, BJ
ElizabethH hugs BJ
EvaW: thanks BJ
DafneG: they are in our becoming a webhead session
ClaireB hugs BJ
BjB: Welcome to you, too, Renata!
SaraMa: yes, thanks...
RenataS: ty ty Bj
SusanneN: Oh, sorry, Renata, I was not aware you had not been with un an a chat before
RenataS: feeling most welcome
RenataS: no prob, no offence taken love being here
MargaretD: but you need to know when you have hurt someone's feelings Elizabeth
BjB: Sara, are you also a new member?
DafneG: Renata and I have had some nice chit-chatting
SaraMa: Yes , I am
RenataS: hugs daf
RenataS ))
RenataS ))
DafneG smiles to Renata
ElizabethH: Maggie--I was just going to go on with that--having a good, impartial observer of the situation can really help with processing new ways to interact.
RenataS: oooh losing my smiley
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
SusanneN joined the room.
RenataS: wb susanne
RenataS: need glue?
DafneG: he he
SusanneN: BJ, I have a technical problem...
DafneG: csl
EvaW laugs
EvaW laughs
ElizabethH: I've seen some of this with my freshmen students, who interact too directly when critiquing others' papers.
SaraMa -D
BjB: something I can help with, Sus?
SusanneN: when I wish to open a new page in my browser, I am exlcuded of this rrom
SusanneN: tell, me how I can avoid this, do you happen to know the problem?
ElizabethH: Sus--you may have set your browser to open a limited number of pages.
RenataS: yes, it can be very difficult elizabeth
BjB: try pressing your control or open apple key while you open the new window, Sus
FernandaR joined the room.
SusanneN: oh no, that is not why
DafneG hugs Fernanda
SusanneN: ok, BJ, ,I will try that
TeresaD: welcome, fernanda!
FernandaR: hello everybody
ClaireB: HI fernanda
SusanneN hugs Fernanda too
EvaW: hi fernanda
RenataS: a technique i learned or rather am kind of trying to use is to say two nice things, praise two things for every thing you critique
DafneG: nice to see you around Fern
ElizabethH hugs Fernanda--long time no "see"
ClaireB hugs fernanda
MargaretD: are your students American Elizabeth?
MariaJ joined the room.
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
SusanneN joined the room.
MargaretD: sandwiching Renata
BjB: guess that didn't work, Sus
DafneG waves hi to Maria
RenataS: hello fernanda
ElizabethH: They are very mixed--I used to have Spanish speakers (multiple American countries), Chinese from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and China, Korean, Persian speakers, Arab speakers, etc. all in one classroom.
MargaretD: Hi Maria
TeresaD: morning maria
RenataS: big mix, elixabeth
ClaireB: hi maria
FernandaR: Hi, Maria
ClaireB hugs maria
ElizabethH: Oh, and Russian--who are the "rudest" by American standards--very direct and hyperciritical.
DafneG: my students can be very hard when co and self evaluating
RenataS: hi maria
EvaW: hi maria
ElizabethH co?
RenataS: gosh
SaraMa: Hi Maria and Fernanda
RenataS: russian students hypercritical
DafneG: peer-evaluation, Elizabeth
ElizabethH: The high school where I consulted had students from 109 language backgrounds.
RenataS: i always thought of russian people as big hearted and romantic
ElizabethH: That too, Renata.
JuanaB joined the room.
DafneG hugs Juani
MargaretD: that has to do with culture and language Elizabeth
DafneG: long time no see, Juani
FernandaR: what a babel!
TeresaD: hi juani. welcome!
SusanneN: I:hugs Juani
RenataS: oh, is it not always like this?
DafneG: what do you mean, Renata?
RenataS: well fernanda said what a babel
DafneG: oh, I see the babel tower
JuanaB left the room (signed off).
DafneG: yes, it usually is
TeresaD: we always have chaotic threading, renata, if that's what you mean
DafneG: another one who needs glue
RenataS: kk, so it's chat as usual then...
MargaretD: no structure here...:-)
ElizabethH: Maybe they become big-hearted and romantic as adults, but as kids, they are punishingly criticial--of themselves and of others.
ElizabethH kk?
DafneG: a good change
RenataS: i tried a self assessment scheme with my students
DafneG listens
RenataS: and the girls tend to give ethemselves toomuch credit
RenataS: and the boys too little, like they are harder on themselves
RenataS: these are fifteen, sixteen year olds
DafneG: I design rubrics with the students, for them to self and peer evaluations
EvaW: I'd have expected it the other way round, renata
ElizabethH very interesting results
RenataS: that was about the only thing i learned out of it, they didn't do it religiously every class as i had hoped
RenataS: but kind of filled it in in one fell swoop at the end of term
MargaretD: you ae in Japan, right Renata?
SusanneN: I found it was very interesting to read what Buth's students had to say about their recent experiencs with online presentation...
DafneG: yes, it was interesting, nice project
SaraMa: Renata, were they reluctant to self evaluation? My students are (same age)
SusanneN: those were answers to some open questions
ElizabethH: Do you have a page/address for that, Sus?
RenataS: when i said i would collect it and look at it
ElizabethH don't want to kick you offline again...
RenataS: yep, japan, margaret
SusanneN: BUth reported that yesterday, Elizabeth
ElizabethH: Renata--that sounds like students everywhere!
DafneG: Sara, I think that Spanish students are not used to self-evaluations
SusanneN: I've found a solution with BJ, I need to have two windows open
ElizabethH: OK--haven't checked my dailies yet
RenataS: well they don't really mind, it's the first time ever for them to do it i think
DafneG: I have found they are not used to be critical
SaraMa: They hate it!
SusanneN: (for my little technical problem)
RenataS: so they didn't really understand the why and wherefore
ElizabethH: What browser are you using Sus?
RenataS: i shall ask them in a feedback questionnaire at the end of term
TeresaD: my 5th graders are great at evaluating themselves
ElizabethH: I used to make my writing students attach a page to each essay draft with (a) what they thought was the best thing about their draft and (b) where they wanted to get more help.
DafneG: maybe it is the kind of educational system, Sara
EvaW slowly moves to the exit and says bye to everyone
ElizabethH: It worked really well because they had to do it every time they turned in a draft.
SaraMa: You're lucky them Teresa! But perhaps that is conditioned by the age
BjB: Elizabeth, Sus was using the file menu to open a new window. That triggered her machine to think she was opening another TI window and automatically closed the first one
TeresaD: bye, eva. nice week!
JuanaB joined the room.
EvaW: Sorry, I've got to leave
ElizabethH waves bye to Eva
BjB waves bye to Eva.
RenataS: that's a good idea, elixabeth
DafneG: bye, Eva, it was nice to see you here
JuanaB: Hi
MargaretD: bye Eva!
RenataS: bye eva
SaraMa: bye Eva!
ClaireB: bye eva
EvaW: bye
BjB: Hi, Juana. Welcome
EvaW waves to everyone
FernandaR: bye, Eva
JuanaB: Thanks....I?m  sorry I? m late.
RenataS: i think i'll be off to bed
EvaW left the room (signed off).
RenataS: i have my usual four classes tomorrow and up early....
ElizabethH bye Renata--great discussion.
DafneG: Thanks for coming, renata
BjB waves sweet dreams to Renata
TeresaD: nice to have you here, renata. hope you enjoyed, and thansk for the great feeedback  :-)
MargaretD: bye Renata
SaraMa: bye Renata
RenataS: ty for the warm welcome
RenataS: see you all next week, i hope
DafneG: sure :-)
JuanaB: Where is Renata from?
RenataS left the room (signed off).
ElizabethH: Renata is teaching in Japan--don't know country of origin.
DafneG: she is from Scotland, living in Japan,
MargaretD: she teaches in Japaqn
JuanaB: ah,,great!
MariaJ: hi
MariaJ: wow....
MariaJ: my conection is crazy....
DafneG: Maria, where have you been
ElizabethH welcome Fernanda, Maria, and Juana!
MariaJ: I don't when I am on line or why not..... sorry
FernandaR: but she has a very japanese surname - Suzuki
DafneG: I have seen you here for a while and was wondering why you did not say anything
JuanaB: I had problems to log in,too.I don? know why...Hi Elizabeth
DafneG: she married a japanese
MargaretD: maybe her husband
FernandaR: I see .... :)
SusanneN: Hello Maria,  I was away for a moment
DafneG: Renata is a musician
DafneG: she writes songs for kids with environmental wise content
FernandaR: I see you know a lot about Renata, Daf
SusanneN: Elizabeth    - I found that recent message from Buth: here is hr link:
ElizabethH: I was wondering if you would all like a sneak preview of a new project I am working on.  I am doing a series of pages for students to learn how to write the academic English essay, starting with the paragraph.
DafneG: We have chatted a couple of times this past week
SusanneN: Buth says: "The following web-page, which I promised to create at the end, shows
SusanneN: Students'and  Webheads'feedback messages, in addition to other
SusanneN: related material. Kindly, have a look:
SusanneN: "
DafneG: she is a member of our Becoming a WEbhead session
SusanneN: eh, whan an elegant quate :-(
JuanaB: I went directly to the photo gallery
TeresaD: i'd like that, eliz.
DafneG: show us, Elizabeht
ClaireB: yes, show us Elizabeth
SusanneN: speaking of our Becoming a Webhead workshop, it was a pleasant surprise to me that it started early as a pre-workshop with wo many active participants!
ElizabethH: I have put them into a yahoo group:
SusanneN: all those Yahoo gropus :-))
ElizabethH: I have just one exercise up so far, but will add some more this afternoon during the football games.
SusanneN: I wonder how many exists
ElizabethH: It is based on my software, Constructing the Paragraph, which was written in HyperCard--you remember, Claire?
TeresaD: o love that photo, eliz.
SusanneN: Elizabeth, Yahoo tells me ther is no such group
JuanaB: yes,same to me
SusanneN: must be a bug in the url
TeresaD: take the full stop at the end, sus
ElizabethH: Oh, maybe the . got added to the link.
SusanneN: yes, I just saw that point
TeresaD: delete the full stop, i mean
ElizabethH o O good pun, Sus
JuanaB: now it did open
ElizabethH: now you have to join the group, unfortunately.
FernandaR: it's only for members
FernandaR: can we join?
ElizabethH: If you request to join, I'll add you today and you can try out the page in the FILES area.
TeresaD: my membership is pending, eliz.
FernandaR: ok
SusanneN: I've also applied, Elizabeth
MariaJ: I have to go. See you then
MariaJ left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Goodbye Maria
FernandaR: I'm going to have lunch, see you later
SusanneN: Bye fernanda
ElizabethH: Goodie--I approved three of you already!
MargaretD: Bye Fernanda
TeresaD: bye, fernanda
ElizabethH: Bye Fernanda--sorry you have to go.
DafneG: bye Fernanda
SaraMa: I've also applied. I have to go now or a divorce is about to come...;-D
JuanaB: yes,these groups are very interesting for students to work with.I?ve been working with them also
TeresaD: thanks, eliz
MargaretD: byr Sara
DafneG: I have sent my request to join the group, Eliz
DafneG: bye Sara
SaraMa: See you all!
TeresaD: bye, sara
SaraMa waves goodbye
ClaireB: bye sara
SaraMa left the room (signed off).
ElizabethH: I'm happy to have you use the materials--there will be five pages of tutorials and five pages of Hot Point exercises once I am finished.
ElizabethH: You can use them with your students.
JuanaB: I also sent my request Eliz.I love learning new things
DafneG: thanks elizabeht
JuanaB: Thanks a lot Eliz.
ElizabethH: Juana and Daf--you are in--I didn't think Yahoo would be so fast.
DafneG: it is
ElizabethH: Stay tuned for more pages soon.
DafneG: I will
JuanaB: yes,it is..
ElizabethH: Could you try a page before you go?
JuanaB: yes,please
ElizabethH: Go to files and open the Paragraph folder.
DafneG: I got the welcome message already
MargaretD: nap time..have a good day
DafneG: bye Maggie
ElizabethH: The first file in this folder is the main page to access the other materials.
DafneG: I see
ElizabethH bye Maggie
MargaretD left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: ladies, we at BaW, got an invitation from john carter of talking communities to join him for a ppt on jan 21. we'd like to invite you all to join us
TeresaD: Just a reminder about the upcoming PowerPoint training schedule for Wednesday, January 21st at 11:00 AM Eastern (New York) time.  Please feel free to invite as many of your friends and associates as you like so we can all learn together!  Just forward this link to them.  When the dialog box pops up, simply enter your name and click OK to enter the room.  I look forward to seeing you there!
TeresaD: that is the message he sent daf and me
ElizabethH: Goodie! Tere
ElizabethH: I'll try to get this chat up as a Web page soon.
TeresaD: tc is practically the same as alado
ElizabethH: Oh,oh, I'm on a Mac here in FL, so won't be able to participate.
TeresaD: we will send a message to wia, reo and baw. ok?
JuanaB: I?l try to join you,too on Wed.
JoaoF joined the room.
ElizabethH: Too bad, as it's a good time.
ClaireB: hello Joao
TeresaD: what a shame. let me see what we can do. they said sth about that the other day. i'll contact them today
JoaoF: hello, how are you?
ElizabethH: Thanks, Tere
TeresaD: hi, joao. welcome!
ElizabethH hi Joao! We needed the male perspective B-)
DafneG: hi Joao
JoaoF: finally got here
TeresaD: yes we did, eliz.
ElizabethH: Sorry all, I must leave, as my husband is wanting breakfast.
ElizabethH: I'll leave my browser up so that I get the rest of the conversation.
JuanaB: Eliz I opend the folder,to.Lots of materials to work with
DafneG: thanks for the material, Elizabeth
ClaireB: bye lizabeth
JuanaB: Have a nice breakfast Eliz.I was having mine,too.
TeresaD: see you, eliz
DafneG: Joao, you missed Eva, Sara and Renata from our BaW session
SusanneN: I tried  the first exercise, Elizabeth, technicaly speaking it works
SusanneN: Hi Joao, thank you for joining us
JoaoF: Pity, but I had to stay up late yesterday to finish some work and to get up today was difficult
JuanaB: yes,I remember Aiden and me worked together with our advanced classes last year.
DafneG: I know what you mean I went to bed at 5am
JoaoF: I went at 4.30
ElizabethH: Sus, does that mean it doesn't work other than technically?  Try the tutorial too.
SusanneN: Sorry, Elzabeth  -my problem was academic :;-)
JuanaB: We had a yahoogroup where we shared files,show pictures,had emails, was alot of fun aand good exercise for the students.
ElizabethH: I put in a lot of animations to help with the explanation.
DafneG: I will try the exos later today, Elizabeth
SusanneN: I was unable to find the correct answer
ElizabethH: Uh oh--you need the tutorial, eh?
DafneG: so you need the exos, Sus
SusanneN: I will try the totorial
JuanaB left the room (signed off).
ElizabethH: Think "simple-mindedly," Sus
SusanneN: yes, Daf, I might need to do some exercises on Academic writing, for sure!
ElizabethH: Really do have to run--love to you all!
SusanneN: enjoy your breakfast, Elizabeth
ClaireB: me too -- see you all next Sunday!
ElizabethH: It's great reading everyone!
JuanaB joined the room.
DafneG: I am fed up of academic writing after my diss
JuanaB: I went to the group and lost the connection,sorry
ClaireB left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Daf, you will need to reaqd some realxing trivial novels
DafneG: yessssss
AntoniaM joined the room.
SusanneN: I sometiems do that, after exhausting days with only academic texts
SusanneN: Hello Antonia!
DafneG: I had fun going back to Yeats poems
TeresaD: hi, antonia. welcome!
DafneG: welcome, Antonia
SusanneN: Welcome to our Sunday chat in Webheads
AntoniaM: hello, i made it!
TeresaD: i'm glad you made it today  :-)
JoaoF: Hi antonia
AntoniaM: hallo everyone, good to see you!
JuanaB: Hi Antonia,how are you doing?
SusanneN: Daf, yes, the Yeats puzzle was a nice distraction
TeresaD: we've had 'chaotic threading', antonia. it has calmed down now
DafneG: I love some of his poems
DafneG: the Second Coming, for instance
AntoniaM: yes, it'll take a bit of getting used to, i don't chart very much usually, need practice!
SusanneN: I never read anything from Yeats before. I've not had that kind of literature education ever
AntoniaM: poetry - clive james was reading sum of his on the parkinson show on bbc...i didn't realise he wrote such great stuff...
SusanneN: Antonia, a little dirty trick you will need: find the Actions menu at teh top right of this chat window...
DafneG: I enjoyed my lit classes in high school and at the university
TeresaD: relax, antonia. you'll soon get the grasp of things
SusanneN: pull down the menu, scroll down to Detach
SusanneN: that will give you a second (detached) window
DavidBro joined the room.
JoaoF: Thanks Susanne,I didn? know that
DafneG: Welcome, David
DafneG: nice to have you here
TeresaD: hi, david. welcome!
JoaoF: hi david
DavidBro: Hi,
AntoniaM: thanks susanah - got it! :=
SusanneN: and, to stop the wild suite of sentences rolling diwn before your eues, freeze teh text in the Actions/send to pasteboard
DafneG: are you awake? or came here in your dreams
DafneG: what time is it in California?
SusanneN: Hello Dave, and good morning to you
TeresaD: lol, daf
DavidBro: I'm just testing. See you later.
SusanneN: I need to have a cofee break, bye for now
SusanneN looks away
DafneG: ok, now you know where we are, David
TeresaD: i guess it was a dream, daf  ;-)
DafneG . o O ( I think so )
DavidBro left the room.
AntoniaM: i had a friend who used to write & paint her dreams, fscinating, but i don't seem to make time for that kinda stuff....
DafneG: it is nice to see new people in here, isn't it
DavidBro joined the room.
TeresaD: wb, david
DavidBro left the room (signed off).
AntoniaM: it's great to talk with you all!:)
AntoniaM: it's a beautiful day here in portugal, what's it like in other places?
DafneG: REnata, Sara and Eva were here earlier
DafneG: it is windy and grayish here, Tere
AntoniaM: where are you daf?
DafneG: in VAlencia, Spain
JuanaB: Thanks Antonia. It? a very nice day here in the South of Chile.La Union is my town ,Osorno is the closest city.
DafneG: by the mediterranean sea
AntoniaM: quite a ways away from lisbon....
AntoniaM: tha atalantic is so much COLDER than the Med! i only swim in july!
DafneG: well, it depends on where you dive from,
JuanaB: It?s  summer time for us in the Pacific Ocean
AntoniaM: where are you exactly juana?
DafneG: our venezuelan part of the Atlantic is very warm
JuanaB: are you having very cold days there?
JuanaB: I?m in the tenth region in Chile,South America
AntoniaM: it was cold in lisbon about a week ago
DafneG: but I remember the Atlantic from the portuguese coast looked very cold and wild
JoaoF: It is still cold in the south of portugal
AntoniaM: Chile,...I'd luv to visit, met lots of luvly childenos in london!
TeresaD: it is, daf. esp. up north. but it's pretty cold for me in my area
JuanaB: you can access and find x region
AntoniaM: my spelling doing this leaves a lot to be desired...
JoaoF: practice makes perfect
AntoniaM: ok, thanks!
DafneG: don't worry, Antonia
DafneG: we all have our days
JuanaB: yes,Many chilean are living in London,for studies and jobs.
AntoniaM: as long as yr not worried then i won't!
DafneG: I have a couple of chilean friends. They were here and now are back in Chile
JuanaB: so you can come and visit us.
DafneG smiles to Antonia
DafneG: yes, they have invited me
DafneG: when i go back to Venezuela, I will
DafneG: it is closer from there
AntoniaM: i did a month's work with the chile committee for human rights in london once a long time ago...
JuanaB: I had two of my American friends here a week ago.They were fascinated with the beauty of the South.
JuanaB: yes,London had a lot to do with human rights some years ago .
JuanaB: King Juan Carlos from Spain has been here these days.He was in the very south and flew to la Antartica,also
AntoniaM: my son who uses MSN all the time, of course, is fascinating by my chatting
TeresaD: i'm sure, antonia. how cute!
JuanaB: He even had to delay his flight because there was no visibility in the Antartic territory .
AntoniaM: are there still very strong links between chile & Spain?
TeresaD: the other day i was voice chatting with a close friend and then her 80 yera old mother popped in to her room and commented. this world is really crazy! teresa talking onthe computer!
JuanaB: yes,there are and also lots of  business
AntoniaM: yes, it must seem crazy to people who meybe even once had to book the operator to make a call...
TeresaD: i'm sure she did, antonia.
AntoniaM: what i luv is that internet makes the world an easy place to travel, the world really is our oyster as the saying goes..
JuanaB: yes,old people don? understand how I works.And they think it is a waste of time when you are chating
TeresaD: it's hard to keep up with all this and for it to sink in
DafneG: I was watching Kink Juan Carlos in the Antartic, last night
TeresaD: also true, juani
JuanaB: yes,he did it.
DafneG: some of my friends think I am an internet freak
JuanaB: We had the King on the news all these days.He also took a cruiser to some of the islands while the Antartica trip was delayed for half a day or so
DafneG: when I talk about my friends in different countries, I having a meeting with  Tere to plan events, etc
TeresaD: that happens with my colleagues, daf. not really with friends.
TeresaD: going to have lunch and then visit my father. will leave this on. have a great week, everyone!
JuanaB: yes,me.too.I show my colleagues ,too and soem of them think we are crazy...
DafneG: well, the ones i am talking about are technology-phobic
JuanaB: meeting  on a Sunday morning
DafneG: I have been saving on telephone bills since I communicate through the web
AntoniaM: yes, daf & teresa, there is much value in chat but even i find myself a bit 'stick in the mud' about my teenage students chatting? i guess you may have lots of experience with using chat with students 6 i'd like to,learn from you...
JuanaB: I must prepare lunch,too.I have some salmon and groceries waiting for me.
JoaoF left the room (signed off).
DafneG: hmmm yummy, I love salmon
ElizabethH: Mmmm--Chilean salmon
DafneG: I love chilean crab
AntoniaM: luvly lunch juana, even king juan C would be happy with that!
JuanaB: yes,chilean looks great!
AntoniaM: i think salmon is quite a feminine fish, wot do you reckon?
JuanaB: yes,it?s like the king? food.You can easilu find salmon here,fresh or smoked.
DafneG: yes, antonia, I have had great experiences using chat with students and student-teachers
AntoniaM: i loved cebiche when i was in peru & bolivia a long time ago---
DafneG: I eat salmon very frequently
JuanaB: see you next week friends.Have a nice week.I?l be in Santiago next Sunday.
AntoniaM: lucky you, daf, actually it's good here in portugal too:)
DafneG: yes, cebiche is also great, while you are drinking pisco sour
AntoniaM: bye juana, goo to meet you
DafneG: bye, Juani
JuanaB left the room (signed off).
LeeL joined the room.
DafneG: I have analyzed 30 chat sessions with my students in Caracas
DafneG: I will make an article of it
AntoniaM: daf what do you use for voice stuff...i mean when you do audio chat?
LeeL left the room.
DafneG: I have used more text-chat with my students, I wanted to keep the chatlogs for analysis
DafneG: but I have also experienced with voice chat, more informally
AntoniaM: Mmmm, yes, analysing sessions may be a way to do it with my older students who need to work on their lang awareness...
DafneG: well, I use chat more for fluency and negotiation of meaning in task-based activities, than for language
DafneG: the language in chat is different from academic language
DafneG: but they should be aware of that too
AntoniaM: right, text chat, ok i'm going to look into this. what about voice chat...i could get a friend in the UK to try...
DafneG: different language register for differente contexts
ElizabethH: Voice chat is still very buggy, however.
DafneG: voice chat is good to discuss about a given topic
AntoniaM: yeah, i see what you mean, you need to be clear about the purpse of using the chat
DafneG: but as Elizabeht says voice-chat applications are still very unstable
DafneG: right, you can read an article I wrote about on an educational chat taxonomy
AntoniaM: ok the instability is definitely something to consider, so it would be something to do as an experiment rather than as a normal way of talking...
AntoniaM: i'd like to read that daf!
DafneG: well, you should have another medium under your sleeve, Antonia, when you use voice applications
AntoniaM: sorry that my caps key is faulty, it's not lack of respect!
DafneG: it is on our reading web page, Antonia, week 6
AntoniaM: ok, thanks Daf:)
DafneG: my pleasure
DafneG: I had a very good experience with Ann's students in Denmark using voice chat for a discussion on cultural awareness
DafneG: I do not remember now, the name of the application we used
DafneG: the discussion went on for more than an hour
AntoniaM: Yes, that probably would be ab exciting way to start  students off using chat in classes, arranging them to meet another group
AntoniaM: My 16-17 yr.old IB students this year are lovely, but it's a small group, about 6-8
AntoniaM left the room.
DafneG: you can plan for one on one chat activities or maybe two groups of 3 or 4
AntoniaM joined the room.
DafneG: wb
AntoniaM: i just got lost!
DafneG: I said after you left, that you can plan for one on one chat activities or maybe two groups of 3 or 4
DafneG: it happens, Antonia
AntoniaM: i think that i've lost all the earlier part of the chat..
DafneG: you will receive it in your mail box, Antonia, do not worry
cindyl joined the room.
DafneG: hi Cindy
AntoniaM: wow, that's great, to get the chat sent i mean
cindyl: hello
AntoniaM: hello cindy
DafneG: yes, if you are a member you do get it
DafneG: about chat activities, you can reach me at YM and we can talk about this. I think that tasks are very important in using chat with students
DafneG: I need to get going now, see you around. It has been nice to have you here, Antonia
AntoniaM: OK , yes, I agree wbout tasks, students do need structure when using ICT because i think they associate it with freedom!
DafneG: right
LeeL joined the room.
LeeL left the room.
AntoniaM: Yes, i'm going to get lunch , thanks daf , see you!:)
DafneG: you will like my taxonomy I have organized chat according to freedom
AntoniaM: It's been great meeting you all & now i think i'll feel more relaxed next time, i can see how it can become a habit ( one of the good ones!) :)
DafneG: he he, bye, and bon appetite
AntoniaM: That sounds very interesting Daf
DafneG left the room (signed off).
AntoniaM: Bye take care all:)
AntoniaM left the room (signed off).
FernandaR left the room (signed off).
cindyl left the room (signed off).
TeresaD left the room (signed off).

2004.01.18 06:27:38 Signoff



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Created on 18 January 2004

Teresa Almeida d'Eça