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Sunday, Feb. 1st, 2004


This Sunday we had the largest turnout of first timers from Becoming a Webhead and one of the largest turnouts in Webhead history, I believe!

Participants: Agata Zieba-Warcholak (Poland), Alison Driver (Italy), Anna Koorey (Australia), Antonia Melvin (Portugal), Babi (Hungary), Barbara/Bee Dieu (Brazil), BJB (USA), Claire Bradin Siskin (USA), Dafne Gonzalez (Holland), Darcy Christianson (USA), David Brown (USA), David Cousens (Portugal), Elderbob (USA), Elaine Avery (USA), Eva Wilden (Germany), Isabel Perez (Spain), Jane Petring (Canada), Jean Michel (Colombia), Laure Hauwaert (France), Luisa Rosa (Portugal), Maggi Doty (Germany), Maria Jordano (Spain), Michael Coghlan (Australia), Michael Ivy (England), Michael Marzio (France), Sara Martín (Spain), Susan Esnawy (Egypt), Susanne Nyrop (Denmark), Teresa Almeida d'Eça (Portugal) and Van Souza (Brazil).


VIP(oint): This chat contains very useful information for TI newbies on several different things such as how to make the chat window bigger, see who's who, etc.


Sun, 1Feb2004

Tapped In

# Tappedin transcript for TeresaD, 2004.02.01 07:02:40

Room: TI_Reception

TeresaD joined the room.
SusanaT: yes, it worked
ElizabetN: Good morning!
BeeD: Good morning here as well...but good evening in Australia :-)
TeresaD: good morning, everyone!
DavidBro: It's very early here.
BeeD hugs Tere affectionately
TeresaD: it's nice to see so many webheads here!  :-)
DavidBro: 4 AM
TeresaD: wow, david! such courage and commitment  :-)
DavidBro: Can we use audio here?
BeeD: No...this is only text chat
AgataGst1 left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: david, this is a much simpler environment because of text only
BeeD: Tere...I was explaining how to use some of the DETACH and view information about the other participants
DafneG joined the room.
DafneG: hi everybody
BeeD hugs Daf warmly
TeresaD: great, bee
DafneG kisses everybody on both cheeks (spanish style)
TeresaD hugs daf
LaureH joined the room.
SusanneN joined the room.
DafneG: hi Laure
TeresaD: welcome laure
DafneG hugs Sus
SusanneN: Hello, what a lot of people!!
BeeD welcomes Laure from France and hugs Sus from Denmark
AgataGst2 joined the room.
TeresaD hugs sus
LaureH: Hi there, great to be here with you all!!
BeeD: Welcome back Agata
SusanneN hugs all of you, newcomers included
DafneG waves hi to Agata
SusanaT: Thanks
DavidBro: I'm going to be in class during Michael's presentation Wednesday, but I sent my instructor the information and asked if we might listen in in class.
AgataGst2: Hi, I accidentaly closed Tapped In
DafneG: that's great David
TeresaD: great idea, david!
SusanneN: Great idea, David
SusanneN: lol
TeresaD: what did he say?
BeeD laughs...yes Agata , this often happens to me as well
SusanneN: we're So much in sync
DafneG: did he like the idea, DAvid?
RobertWB joined the room.
DavidBro: We'll see what he thinks,but I think the other students would enjo y it.
DafneG waves hi to Bob
BeeD: Welcome to Tappedin Robert
JaneAP: David--That's a great idea. I'll be teaching and I hadn't thought about sharing it with the students. I'll have to see if I can work it in my lesson plans.
RobertWB: Good day to all.
TeresaD: hi bob!
SusanneN: In case you wish to open another page while you're in Tapped, in, it is best to open  a totally NEW browser page, from your desktop icon!
SusanneN: Hi Bob!
DavidBro: Bob, you got us out of #13
SusanEsn joined the room.
TeresaD: bob, how's the weather in texas?
MargaretD: I don't want to shock anyone in Europe but has anyone read about global warming causing an ice age in Europe and that it could happen in 1-3 years when it starts?
BeeD: Hello Susan
SusanneN: Maggi, that's a major concern
SusanEsn: Hello Bee
TeresaD: good nes for a sunday morning, maggi  ;-)
RobertWB: It's still dark here this morning...and I haven't been out but I understand that it is supposed to rain today.
AlisonD: Well it's sunny in Rome today :-)
DafneG: I don't know Maggie, but last night there was a terrible wind storm
SusanEsn: hello Teresa
MargaretD: more than jmajor Sus
SusanneN: Hello and welcome Susan in Cairo I presume?
RobertWB: IS there a way to enlarge this small chat box.
TeresaD: welcome susan in cairo!
DafneG waves hi to Susan
SusanneN: Yes Bob...
TeresaD: i don't think so, bob
SusanEsn: hi Dafne
TeresaD: there is?
SusanneN: you can choose from teh Actions menu, scroll down and detach
SusanEsn: hi Susanne
BeeD: Very sunny here in Sao Paulo, sky without any rained so  much last night that it washed everything away...:-)
RobertWB: Never mind I just found out how to enlarge it.
SusanneN: that will give you a second window for teh text chat only
RobertWB: Thanks susan, I found it.
TeresaD: how did you do it,bob?
DavidBro: I got an e-mail from my brother in Thailand saying that he had to kill all of his domestic fowl -- ducks, geese, and chickens.
RobertWB: And I also found the button to enlarge the tiny text,.
DafneG: have you seen that our Baw map is getting more and more people :-)
RobertWB: YOu have to detach it first
SusanneN: everybody might prefer using this solution as you have much better view of your text field
DafneG: oh, that's terrible, David
RobertWB: Then use a typical windows resizing arrows,.
LaureH: you guys are so quick... I knew how to do it, but it took me ages typing it!!!
TeresaD: bob, i thought you meant the area where we write
RobertWB: Its u nder the Actions drop down box.
MargaretD: most scientists weren't aware that without the Gulf Stream an ice age could happen so fast
MichaelI joined the room.
BeeD welcomes Michael
DafneG: hi Michaell
TeresaD: welcome michael!
MariaJ joined the room.
SusanEsn: good . found it and now i have a larger window too
SusanneN: and, if you wish to stop the fast paced running chat, you can freeze it from the actions menu/ send to pasteboard
BeeD: Hello Maria!
MichaelI: Hallo all. Am I in the right chat room?
DavidBro: Hi, Michael
TeresaD hugs maria
SusanneN: Hello Michael, are you a Webhead?
BeeD: You bet you are! Welcome to tappedin and the webheads chat
AlisonD: Is that you Mike? in Rome?
SusanneN: I'm a webhead from Denmark
MariaJ: Hi!
MichaelI: Hallo, David, Susanne, yeas affirmative. Hi Alison.
SusanEsn: there seems to be a lot of people. hi to all  of you
MichaelI: In San Giovanni where the sun always shines.
IsabelP joined the room.
SusanneN: Waves hi and welcome to Maria! I saw you enter
SusanneN: Hello Isabel, and welcome
TeresaD: lucky you, michael!
MariaJ: Hi Isabel!
IsabelP: hello
BeeD: Welcome Isabel!
TeresaD: welcome, isabel!
MargaretD: the question is where will over 400 million people in Europe go?
IsabelP: this is my second time in Tapped in
IsabelP: so I'll try to do my best
DafneG: hi isabel
SusanneN: Isabel, make yourself feel at home  :-)
MichaelI: My coonex speed today is 46667 bps, what are yours?
MargaretD: and then the droughts this will cause in other areas
DavidBro: We've had lots of sun in Long Beach too. I hope we have it for TESOL.
SusanEsn: hi Isabel. this is my first time here in a chat room.
BeeD: Reminder to newcomers: If you want to see your window a little bit bigger and read more text, click on the Action slide down menu on the right and find the DETACH option
SusanneN: Oh, Mike, what a very specific question. I wonder where to check my connection speed
DavidBro: I found the detach, which enlarges -- much better
DafneG: you can also select to have larger fonts
RaymondGst1 joined the room.
TeresaD: if you want to check 'who is who', highlight the name on the left and click on the gree i bottom right
RobertWB: With all these people here, I would like to remind folks that you also have the ability to chat in smaller units by opening a private chat box.  Click on a name on the left hand list and a new chat window will open...Makes it a little easier to follow some can also stay in both rooms at once.
MariaJ: my conex is better today but these days has been awful.... I will cross my fingers....
DafneG: hi Raymong, welcome!
BeeD: Hello Raymond! May I helo you?
SusanaT: How dafne?
TeresaD: you will have the info in the browser window
BeeD . o O ( help )
DafneG: in the drop down menu
MichaelI: ->Susanne, look at the little compuster screen iconbtm r.h. of yr screen, hover yr mouse over it and ig u r in Win98+ it should tell you.
ElaineA joined the room.
SusanneN: Bob, smaller units of two only , if you go private
BeeD: Welcome Elaine!
IsabelP: How can I make a larger window
SusanaT: Yes,,, I can see it now ..!!
JeanMC joined the room.
MargaretD . o O ( no  one seems to care )
BeeD: If you want to see your window a little bit bigger and read more text, click on the Action slide down menu on the right and find the DETACH option
DafneG: in the actions menu, isa
JeanMC: Hi everyone
IsabelP: ok
MariaJ: detach window, Isa
BeeD: Bonjour JM
RobertWB: YOu are correct Susanne, but even then you can have multiples of two.
TeresaD: welcome jm!  :-)
MichaelI: Yes, Detach works,thx 4 ur advice, BeeD.
JeanMC: Bonjour tout le monde
DafneG waves hi to JM
SusanneN: Sorry, Michael, I'm not so good at  modern acronyms
JeanMC: Un cordial saludo para todos
MichaelI: Salut les copains, ca gaze?
DavidBro: I found the larger text -- better so early in the morning.
MariaJ: you could also make the letters bigger...
SusanneN: and I'm in Win XP
DafneG: lol, David
JeanMC: ca gaze!
SusanneN: Bonjour JM
MariaJ: Hi Jean Michael!
BeeD: Il fait tres beau ici aujourd' hui!
DavidBro: It's 4:30 here
LaureH: Bonjour JM and all new comers
AGst3 joined the room.
MichaelI: ->Sisanne, I'm not familiar with XP but there mustbe someequivalent method of checking your speed.
JaneAP: Il fait beau ici aussi--si vous aimez la neige!
SusanEsn: hello  JM
JeanMC: Bonne apresmidi Laure
SusanneN: Of course, Michael, and I will tell you once I found it
BeeD: Also if you want some information about the people who are with you in the room without having to ask them directly, you can highlight the person's name on the left and click on the  little i icon at the bottom...there should be a window that opens with the information
TeresaD: j'aime la neige, jane!
RobertWB: Very helpful information BeeD.
DafneG: you can see their picture there, too
SusanaT: Bee... how can i wave sb ?
TeresaD: when they have one!  ;-)
MichaelI: Vous etes tous ou? France? Suisse? PQ?
BeeD: It only works for members though...guests do not appear
SusanEsn: where are you JaneAP?
SusanneN waves hello from Farum in Denmark
TeresaD: colon followed by wave, michael
DafneG: Susana, write semicolon and then the action
BeeD: Je suis au Bresil..a Sao Paulo Michaell
JaneAP: Moi, je suis a Quebec.
AGst3 left the room.
SusanaT: ;waves bee
DavidBro: Has anyone seen the discussion thread on TESL-L concerning use of L1 in the classroom ?-- interesting.
RobertWB: Michael, I beleive if you just roll your mouse over the little screens icon on your task bar at the bottom ofyour window it will display a speed.
JeanMC: Jean Michel (JeanMC) est en Colombie, Am?rique du sud
SusanaT: no... sorry
SusanneN: colon is better
SusanneN looks like a colon
SusanaT: ,wves bee
SusanaT: Sorry
MariaJ: lol
SusanEsn: wow, that is real cold!
DafneG: he he
SusanneN: This is a pracrical exercise, thosw who wish to emote can start a sentence by a colon followed by a verb     : smiles
SusanneN smiles
IsabelP: Is there any questions for today or are we just chatting and learning how to do it?
BeeD: And if you want to a private gossip on the side without anybody reading you...highlight the person's name on the left and click on the speaking person item at the bottom of the page...this will open a little chat window and make a sound to warn the other person you are talking to her
SusanaT smiles
TeresaD: just chatting
SusanaT: thanks
TeresaD: and learning, isabel
MichaelI: Tiens, PQ, c'est tres bien. Montreal, c'est une belle ville
SusanneN: Isabel, we're used to take up any questions raised
DavidBro: I'm making the errors by trying all of the little buttons
TeresaD: that's the way to learn, david
DafneG listens to people's questions
IsabelP: I've made the text larger but not the window, how can i do it?
SusanaT: It's my first time here... I should do the session on tips and tricks
ElizabetN talking
DafneG: in the same menut "detach" isabel
SusanneN: Dave, are you a trial and error leaner, the experimental type?
TeresaD: it's a good session, susana
MariaJ: these are some kind of informal meeting that we have every Sunday to get in touch... a WIA tradition....
SusanaT: thanks
IsabelP: I got it!
IsabelP: thanks
MargaretD: I raised the question of global warming but no one seems interested
DavidBro: Obviously
TeresaD: these sessions have helped us create very strong bonds
DafneG: brb
AGst3 joined the room.
DavidBro: It brought to minf bird flu in Asia, Margaret
MariaJ: most of us may be multitasking at the same time we have a look at the chat
AlisonD: I am watching a programme about the Plague!
AGst3 left the room.
MargaretD: that is another aspect but not of global warming David
ElizabetN: I have a question. This is my first session and I was wondering what writing for webheads consist of.
AGst3 joined the room.
LaureH: True, it's tough to isolate oneself, while the kids are shouting!!
MariaJ: I can see most of the people who are here are new..... how do you feel after this first week with WIA?
TeresaD: welcome, eva, i didn't 'hear' you come in  ;-)
DavidBro: A student recently asked about Earth Day next month. Lots of nformation at Google
MichaelI: ->Alison there is a very good book by Philip Ziegler on 'The Black Death'. It's old now but still a good read.
MariaJ: Hi Eva
AlisonD: I am new - but it's great to find out all this new stuff and be in touch with Webheads
SusanneN: Maggi, we're so many new people who need to learn the basics
LaureH: Maria, I've the awful feeling I'm already overwelmed by information / new stuff to learn....but this is all so excited!
SusanneN: Eva, welcome
DavidBro: I've been enjoying it, and learning a lot, Maria.
DafneG: yes, it happens Laure, but we get used to it :-)
LaureH: I hope so!!
ElizabetN: I agree with you Alison.
JaneAP: Me too--it's opening up new windows. Literally!
MargaretD: ye, but what better place than an international audience Sus
EvaW joined the room.
AGst3 left the room (signed off).
DafneG: hi Eva
EvaW: hi everyone
TeresaD: one thing to remember: if you don't follow all the new stuff, you get the log in the mail, so you have enough time to 'digest' it later
EvaW: sorry, I'm late. I had problems getting in
DavidBro: I much prefer audio chat though. These old fingers (2) don't type well.
TeresaD: wb, eva
DafneG: there is no problem with lateness here, Eva :-)
SusanaT: I found everything very well organised and interesting... I am sorry I haven' t  had enough time .. I still have not sent a mail to introduce myself
MichaelI: ->David, I am trying to persuade my students to experiemtn with Yahoo Voice chat.
TeresaD: please do, susana
LaureH: so who are you??;-)
MichaelMa joined the room.
MariaJ: Yes, Laure, sometimes I have felt like you with the amount of list that I already have in my accounts.... the secret is trying to be organized by reading messages everytime you open your computer...
EvaW: right, daf. but it was frustating cos I tried for half an hour...
SusanaT: yes, today ... after the chat
RaymondGst1: Hello everyone. I've just about worked out how to operate this thing.
DavidBro: Kudos to the moderators who are doing such a great job.
DafneG: hi MC
TeresaD: thanks, david. very sweet of you
JaneAP: Susana--I noticed you teach in a technical institute. I teach students in aeronautics. What field are your students studying?
DavidBro: How do you find the time?
DafneG: thanks David
DafneG: good Raymond
TeresaD: not easy, david!
MariaJ: time? uffff.......
TeresaD: but we've been managing
DavidBro: I'm sure!
LaureH: do you live double or triple lives???
MariaJ: lol
DafneG: kind of Laure
TeresaD: sort of, laure! we have clones!!!
DafneG: we strech the hours of the day
SusanaT: The university has a English teacher training course ...
MargaretD: priorities
MichaelI: Jean-Michel, tu connais Cali?
JeanMC: Bien sur
MariaJ: sometimes it is dfficult, and I feel bad because I think I had to do more.... but at the end this is very gratifying, believe me
MichaelI: Comment c'est come endroit?
LaureH: It's just that everybody seems to think they are priorities!!
JeanMC: mais je suis a Bucaramanga, a 1000km au nord est de Cali
EvaW: Tere, thanks for you report of our chat yesterday!
TeresaD: jane, i taught the portuguese air force for 18 years
SusanaT: To train teacher to teach engineers the futur
SusanaT: e
MariaJ: you don't now how much I have learnt thanks to WIA
JeanMC: y a une tr?s bonne ambiance
JeanMC: tu vas y venir?
TeresaD: glad you k?liked it, eva. did i miss out on anything important?
RobertWB: Is anyone in the room doing any work with video.
MichaelMa: I am
EvaW: don't think so.
TeresaD: great, eva
MichaelI: Oui j'ai une copine ici a Rome qui est originaire de Cali.
TeresaD: welcome, luisa!
MichaelMa: Michaell, do you type English?
DavidBro: It's a mystery to me, Bob, But I'm signed up for another group on video.
TeresaD: and please don't get overwhelmed with so much text scrolling down your screen
JaneAP: That sounds interesting. I'm teaching a course in Aeronautical Report Writing--my predecessor did all the hard work in putting the course together, but I'm trying to figure out ways to integrate blogging and technology into it.
ErzsebetC joined the room.
TeresaD: welcome, babi!
MichaelI: Yes, I can type English but Imake lots of mistakes.
AlisonD left the room.
ErzsebetC: Hi everyone! Thanks Bee for the help!
DavidBro: Hi Babi
DafneG waves hi to Babi
AgataGst2: Hi, Babi1
SusanaT: that sound s very interesting Jane ...
SusanneN: Hi Erszebet
AdaL joined the room.
DavidBro: Thanks for the addtional pics of beautiful Hungary, Babi.
MichaelMa: Si tu ?cris en anglais - avec ou sans faures cela n'a oad d'importance - the important thing is to type in
SusanneN: Oh, yes, I forgot, you're babi!
DafneG: hello Ada
ErzsebetC: I had problems to get in and then I realised my Explorer did not support chat mode, so I had to switch to netscape
TeresaD: yes, babi. it was nice to relive that weekend in budapest
ErzsebetC: I'm glad you liked the pics
BeeD: Hi Babi! What was the problem?
SusanneN: Pour ecrire en francais  nous n'avons pas les accents dan le typographie
MichaelMa: The important thing is to type in English so that we can all meet you!
SusanaT: Jane, have you tried Clarity report writing cd?
AlisonD joined the room.
MichaelI: Roger, will do!
SusanneN: as long as they do not begin to speak POlish or Dutch!!
ErzsebetC: Explorer was the problem, now I'm in Netscape
DafneG: wb alison
ErzsebetC: Susan :-)
JaneAP: Susana--no I haven't. Tell me more
EvaW: Erzsebet, did you have problems getting the chat in IE?
AlisonD: I went to someone's office and got lost in the corridors!
DavidBro: I think it was my favorite European city.
SusanneN: Or HUngarian , Babi?
ErzsebetC -))))
BeeD left the room.
AgataGst2: ROTFL
DavidBro: I liked Prague too.
ErzsebetC: It's an easy language, Susan :-)
TeresaD: me too, david. beautiful
ErzsebetC: Oh, Prague is one of my favourites, David
SusanneN: deifnitely Babi, it is very close to Finnish
SusanaT: you can find all the info in the website ... my students like it
LaureH: I agree, Prague is amazing
SusanaT: it's got lots of examples and help
MichaelMa: Hi Daf and Sus and everybody else
ErzsebetC: Well, I tried to learn Finnish but it wasn't that easy...
EvaW: hi michael
SusanneN: I hope that our newcomers are not scared my the multiple conversation threads, this is something you will get used to
ErzsebetC: Hi Michael
MichaelMa: hi
DavidBro: TI automatically sends me to my office, and I'm all alone and lost there.
MargaretD: and you think Finnish is easy Sus? :-)
SusanneN: Mello MIke, look at all these new faces!!
MichaelMa: Yes - it's great
DafneG: hi Michael, how are you?
EvaW: sus, it's definitely difficult to take it all in :-)
MichaelMa: great thanks!
EvaW: and to follow the discussion
ErzsebetC: Question: Can U make this chat screen bigger?
TeresaD: don't try to take it all in the first few times. read the log later
DavidBro: Esa-Peka Salonen, from Finland, is our much admired condutor of the LA Philharmonic.
SusanneN: Maggi, I was joking, I find that Finnish is a beautiful  song, but  understand only very few words, like Yksi Kaksi KOlme, that is 123 in Finnish
EvaW: ok
DafneG: yes, baby go to the actions menu
DafneG: and click on detach
SusanEsn: it is ok SusanneN. it is like MOO
ErzsebetC: Ahhhh, thanks Dafne
DafneG -)
SusanneN: Yes, Babi, find teh SActions menu, scroll down and choose detach, that will give you a second chat window
BjB joined the room.
TeresaD hugs bj
DafneG hugs BJ warmly
LaureH: To those of you who answered my mail earlier about one of the links: THANK YOU!
BjB waves hi
JeanMC: Hello Bj
MargaretD: I spent a summer in Finland and Swedish was easier
ErzsebetC: Thanks Susan, I did so. but the letters are still tiny :-)
BjB hugs warmly
MichaelMa: Hi BJ
ErzsebetC: I Bj
SaraMa joined the room.
MargaretD hugs BJ
DafneG: and thanks to Maria for uploading the article to the files section of the group :-)
DavidBro: Hi
SusanneN hugs BJ, our very dear Tapped In helpdesk and everytihng else that is nice and caring! Meet all our new friends, BJ
SaraMa: Hi everybody!
DafneG: hi Sara
Lu?saR joined the room.
ErzsebetC: Hi Sara
TeresaD: hi sara!
BeeD joined the room.
TeresaD: wb luisa
EvaW: hi sara
AgataGst2: In the same Menu find Larger Text
AdaL left the room.
DafneG waves hi to Luisa
SusanEsn: hi sara
ErzsebetC: Ohhhh Agata, you're great help...
EvaW: hi agata
IsabelP: Everytime I chat I feel like running, it's so fast, , but  I also enjoy it . Do you have the same feeling?
Lu?saR: Finally, I've found you
AdaL joined the room.
SusanneN: and in teh same Actions menu, freeze your chat texh by choosing Send to pasteboard
Lu?saR: Hi Daf
EvaW: yes, Isa I have the same feeling!
AgataGst2: HI Eva
DafneG: not anymore, Isabel, but I had that feeling
SusanEsn: yes , Isabel, this one is fast!
SusanneN: Isabel and Eva, to  Send it to pasteboard will help you feel less stressed
TeresaD: i think we all have the same feeling, isabel
AdaL: Hello.
EvaW: nice to meet you again, agata
LaureH: I'm getting used to it,  things are getting better!!
Lu?saR: Barbara, thanks for your help
AdaL: Is this the room of the webheads?
EvaW: but then I cant follow the live chat anymore, sus
DafneG: good to hear that, Laure
TeresaD: i still do, daf. today is like running a marathon!  ;-)
MariaJ: Yes Isabel, that is at the very beginning... you feel you are not getting any which is being said... but it is a question of practice
AgataGst2: It was nice talking to you yesterday :-)
SusanneN: You practice skim reading while the chat goes faster
BeeD: It just takes some sessions to get used to it...and then it's plain sailing
EvaW: yes, Agata. I enjoyed  myself too.
Lu?saR: But it goes too fast
EvaW: this whole workshop is a great experience
MariaJ: don't worry If you miss anything.,.. you will have the log after the sesion in your account
ErzsebetC: It is... I agree
DafneG: that's the idea, Eva :-)
SusanneN: We're not less that 27 participants in one room!!!
DafneG: 28 now, Sus
EvaW smiles at Daf
BeeD: Luisa, if you want to see your window a little bit bigger and read more text, click on the Action slide down menu on the right and find the DETACH option
SusanneN: Yes, Maria, the recorded chatlog that we get in our mailbox as members, is a great help
SusanaT: is this inteaction saved automatically and sent to us all?
DafneG: yes, Susana
Lu?saR: it's much better
DafneG: it is sent to members
SusanaT: ok...
TeresaD: to all members, susana
SusanaT: thanks
EvaW: but by reading the log I realize how much I missed in the live chat
SusanneN: our guests can send me their email and I will take care to send them a copy of the log
AdaL left the room.
AdaL joined the room.
DafneG: I think everybody has registered as a member
MichaelAC joined the room.
EvaW: Agata, I'm sorry you were kicked out so much yesterday.
MargaretD: hi mc
EvaW: but tere told me about a chat she had the day before
EvaW: and didn't get kicked out once.
SusanneN: Raymond and Agata are here as guests
DafneG waves hi to mc
MichaelAC: Hi Maggi - and others
EvaW: so I really think it was due to traffic
TeresaD hugs michael c.
AgataGst2: Oh, yes, Eva, it wasn't very nice. Today was better, though.
Lu?saR: Isto ? areia demais para a minha camioneta, Teresa
SusanneN: Hello Michael, here you see your  potential audience for teh session on Wednessay
BeeD hugs Michael
MichaelAC: Yes sus
EvaW: did you try YM again today?
SusanaT: Thanks teresa
MichaelAC: What a crowd here today!
TeresaD: luisa, tem calma. habitua-te lentamente
ErzsebetC: When is the voice chat on Wed?
AgataGst2: I talked to Anna in Australia and we had no problems with the connection.
SusanaT: and daf
SusanneN: Welceom to Michael Coghlan, one of the oldest Webheads (together  with Vance & Maggi)
SusanaT: by email ?
EvaW: thats great!
Lu?saR: It's so crowded that I can't see anybody
MichaelAC: Thank you Sus
DafneG: he he
JeanMC: Hi, Mike, how are things in Australia?
SusanneN: Michael is in Adelaide, Australia so it is late evening for you I think?
MichaelAC: Wed's session is at GMT 22.00 I think
ElizabetN smiles
DavidBro left the room (signed off).
DavidBro joined the room.
TeresaD: luisa, look left and you'll see everybody ;-)
DafneG: we are 29 now, Luisa
MichaelAC: Jean MC - all is well down under!
AgataGst2: Hope my comp will behave during the voice conference :-)
IsabelP: Have you stablished any rules to chat easily?  Once I attended a chat here and They have some rules,
BeeD: A reminder : if you want some information about the people who are with you in the room without having to ask them directly, you can highlight the person's name on the left and click on the  little i icon at the bottom...there should be a window that opens with the information
ErzsebetC: I'm not sure if I can take part then, it's too late to talk...
JeanMC: what time is it now for you?
Lu?saR: Not bad
AdaL left the room.
DavidBro: Sorry, I got lost.
MichaelMa left the room.
SusanneN: yes, at 22 GMT we expect to see many of you in Michael's presentation on  getting a Voice online
EvaW: I'll keep my fingers crossed Agata
DafneG: this is usually a free chat, Isabel
AdaL joined the room.
MichaelAC: It is 11.10 pm here in Adelaide
TeresaD: we haven't such a crowd in quite some time, i think
DafneG: we have other kind of chat when we have presentations
EvaW: but as we saw yesterday: rebooting often helps
MichaelAC: We have never had this many i n my memory
TeresaD: it sure does, eva
AgataGst2: Thanks, Eva
LaureH: For Wednesday, I downloaded YM. Anything else to do in preparation?
DafneG: we will send some instructions before the session, Laure
SusanneN: next Sunday, we may have a more prderly chat session, as we're hosting a prominent guest: dr, Curtis Bonk from Indiana University
MariaJ: try to test audio first, Laure
Lu?saR: I'm doing that Bee, because I don't know the people
TeresaD: do the audio test wizard in ym
AdaL left the room.
LaureH: Thanks Dafne
MichaelMa joined the room.
SusanaT: Is yahoo with audio next wed /
MichaelAC: Yes
TeresaD: yes
DafneG: yes
DafneG: he he
MichaelAC smiles
LaureH: I'll do the test.  Thanks.
SusanaT: thanks
ErzsebetC: yes :-)
AdaL joined the room.
DafneG: lol
ErzsebetC: This is funny
DavidBro: If you'll excuse me, it's time to do my laundry.
MariaJ: Hi Mike
MichaelAC: V importanjt David
SusanneN: Susana, Yes, but in case your audio is on strike, you can still follow the text chat accompanying teh session with Michael
RobertWB: I have been talking with quite a few people setting up their voice capabiliy already...
DafneG: nice seeing you David
ErzsebetC: By David
DafneG: enjoy your task
DavidBro: My Sunday morning religious experience.
SusanaT: I am leaving .... thanks for everything and see you on wed then
SusanneN: Clean sheets Dave!
MichaelAC smiles
MichaelMa left the room.
SusanneN: BYe bye Susana
SusanaT wave everybody
DafneG: bye Susana
TeresaD: bye susana
MichaelMa joined the room.
BeeD: See you Susana
EvaW: bye
ErzsebetC: Bye Susana
DavidBro left the room (signed off).
SusanaT: It was nice to meet you all
Lu?saR: I'm trying to do what Bee advised but I
MichaelI: Susana, what is happening wednesday?
TeresaD: a chat with michael coghlan
ErzsebetC: we have a voice chat at 11GMT
TeresaD: at yahoo messenger
MichaelAC: That's 22.00 GMT
DafneG: right
BeeD: When are we going to use the webcam?
EvaW: sus, is Bonk coming to this TI chat next Sunday?
TeresaD: voice chat with summaries in text
ErzsebetC: None of us is Susana :-)))
DafneG: yes, Eva
EvaW: that's great!
TeresaD: one step at a time, bee
EvaW: I somehow remember his name from writing my thesis
AdaL left the room.
SusanneN: Yes, Ewa, we just had am ail from Vance telling us he  VBonkm will come
AdaL joined the room.
BeeD: Just wanted to know when I bought one but am not satisfied with it...
SusanneN: Bonk
ElaineA left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: or we'll scare everybody away!  ;-)
TeresaD: why not, bee?
MichaelMa left the room (signed off).
AdaL: Hello. I'm new here. could someone tell me how I can get to TI Reception?
BeeD: I'd like something more performant
RobertWB: You are there Ada.
BeeD: YOu are at Reception Ada! Welcome to Tappedin
SusanneN: Ada dear, welcome! you ARE in the receptiom
SusanneN: and we're teh webheads
BeeD: May we help you?
MichaelI: 11 GMT - bit difficult for me as I am at work.
AdaL: Yeah!!!!
ErzsebetC: Hello Ada!
AdaL: Hello, everyone.
EvaW: hi ada
MichaelI: BTW every1 - what success have you had with students at chat in the classroom?
AdaL: I've just lost my way in virtual space!
SusanneN: I saw you running around but thought you were already welcomed, sorry Ada
ErzsebetC: For me it will be diff. too, my husband is sleeping at that time :-)
ElizabetN: Hello, Ada!
SusanneN: lost and found Ada
SusanaT left the room.
RobertWB: Is there a prize for the 30th person that joins us today?
DafneG: he he
TeresaD: lol bob
BeeD: a cyber sticker
BeeD: a cyber hug
TeresaD: lol bee
SusanneN is counting heads
DafneG: yes, Bee
RaymondGst1: This is very interesting but it's midnight here in Oz and I have to work in the morning. Goodbye for now.
SaraMa: lol bee
DafneG: or cyber candies
EvaW: whats a cyber sticker?
MichaelAC: Michaell - chat with students in small gps (6-8 people) can be v effective
TeresaD: i love the cyber hug idea, bee
RobertWB: Bye Raymond.
MargaretD left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: bye raymond
SusanneN: Did you klnow that teacher Daf uses stickers for her students  to reward  good work!!
MariaJ: lol
DafneG: David won a cyber sticker for answering the question for week 1
ErzsebetC: I answered the question, too!!!!
SusanneN: Bye Raymond
ErzsebetC: Bruhaaaaa
ErzsebetC: I didn 't get a cybersticker!!!!
SusanneN: if you want the transcript of ourxsession, ray, send me a message
DafneG hands Babi a bag full of cyber candies
TeresaD: you will, babi
RaymondGst1 left the room (signed off).
AdaL: The next step for me now is to find otu how I can return without getting lost again.
TeresaD: even better, babi
BeeD: You know what...I think we could think of brainstorming a little bit on what would earn us a cyber
ErzsebetC: Thanks! :-) That's better.
DafneG: lol
AlisonD: Bye everyone, it was nice chatting to you
TeresaD: bye, alison
EvaW: bye alison
IsabelP: Ok,
DafneG: bye Alison, nice seeing you
ErzsebetC: Bye
MichaelAC: I think everyone should realise that this is not the ideal arrangement for effective chatting! Too many people! Better in tis case to just 'freewheel'!
DafneG: I got to go to, going to enjoy this sunny day in Holland
MariaJ: Bye Alison
Lu?saR left the room.
MichaelAC: You're in Holland Daf?
DafneG: going back to Spain on Tuesday
TeresaD: enjoy your day, daf
DafneG: yes
EvaW: bye daf
MichaelAC: I see
BeeD: See you Daf
EvaW: have a nice day
SusanEsn: bye dafne and enjly the sun
MichaelI: ->MichaelAG: yes, agreed but I try to organise a theme first, and use chat as practice toperfect question-asking technique.
ErzsebetC: Bye Daf, enjoy the sun. It's sunny here too.
MichaelAC: Where in Holland Daf?
MariaJ: when do you come back, Daf?
IsabelP: by daf enjoy
DafneG: Tuesday, Maria
SusanEsn: funny, but it is all overcast here in cairo!
ErzsebetC: Poor Susan
MariaJ: I forgot it... :)
DafneG: see you all in cyber space :-)
MichaelAC: I hear you Michaell!
SaraMa: I'm leaving too. As usual it's been great having had the opportunity to see you all here!!
TeresaD: it's rainy and very foggy in lisbon
MichaelMa joined the room.
SaraMa: Bye!
AlisonD left the room (signed off).
EvaW: bye sara
TeresaD: bye, sara. nice week!
DafneG left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: wb, mike
EvaW: so there won't be a prized for nr. 30....
SaraMa left the room (signed off).
SusanEsn: that' ok, a few days like this, then sunny again
MichaelI: However in Chat it is hard even for native speakers to type correctly.
AnnaK: Bye everybody, time to sleep (midnight in Sydney)
Lu?saR joined the room.
MichaelI: One becomes overwhelmed by the medium.
EvaW: bye anna
TeresaD: bye anna
MichaelAC smiles at Michael'l's comment
AgataGst2: Bye, Anna
MichaelMa: Hello to Ada Lam who just arrived her for the first time!
ErzsebetC: bye anna
LaureH: Good nignaht An
MichaelI: Anna, r u at Sydney Uni?
BjB: with such a large group, it might be better to meet in small groups
AdaL: Great, so I'm really in the right place.
SusanEsn: bye anna
MichaelAC: Agreed BJB
AnnaK: Thanks Agata for an interesting chat.
EvaW: yes I had the same thought BjB
TeresaD: right, bj. we'll have to do that some other time
ElizabetN: It was nice meeting you all. Thank you for your support too!
BjB: Ada, did you get my private message about using the favorite places menu to get to Reception?
MichaelMa: Yes, Ada, you're in the RIGHT place!
AgataGst2: Hope we'llbe able to talk again, Ania
MichaelMa: Sus, meet Ada!
TeresaD: but it's also good that newbies here get the idea of how crowded this can get
AdaL: Hello, Sus.
AnnaK: not, not at Uni any more...
MariaJ: Yes, Tere
BjB nods to Tere
TeresaD: bj, i've been to presentation with 60 participants. wow!
AdaL: I'm from Hong Kong and it's about 9 p.m here
Lu?saR: I got the message, Tere
ElizabetN left the room (signed off).
ErzsebetC: Does anyone know if I can change my login name?
SusanneN: Hello Adam I was looking away, worry
BjB: With 60 people it's difficult to have a dialogue. You almost have to have a lecture format
AdaL: Is there a way for me to bookmark this room so that I can return later?
AnnaK left the room (signed off).
BjB: Erzsebet, what do you want to change your username to?
SusanneN: Adam this is where you enter by default
TeresaD: that's right, bj
MichaelMa: Ada, there are so many new people - it's wonderful - but I don't know many of the people here right now
ErzsebetC: It's too long and I keep forgetting
MichaelAC: I was thinking the same BJ - or someone who is a v strong moderator!
AdaL: Well, my default seems to bring me to TI2 reception room instead.
BjB: Right, Michael
BjB: Ada, click on the ME tab
BjB: then click on Settings
TeresaD: luisa, you could ask bj to help you take the ? off your name. you shouldn't use the apostrophe
MichaelI: 2 all: can I upload my photo to my profile? I'll try to find out myself.
BjB: at the top of Settings is a place to set your 'home'
BjB: Michael, go to ME/Settings
Lu?saR: Who's bj?
MichaelI: ;checks his Sunday roast
MichaelMa: Bye everybody - Nye Ada, Bye BJ, Bye Sus - I have to get some work done.
MichaelAC smiles
BjB: Luisa, I'm a helpdesk volunteer for Tapped In
BjB waves bye to Michael
TeresaD: bjb, luisa. she's a colleague and the best help desk i know
EvaW: bye michael
SusanneN: BJ, could you introduce yourself to Luisa and others ?
MichaelMa left the room (signed off).
BeeD: BJ , I think it will have to be a lecture type thing...and some time for Q and A every ten minutes...
TeresaD: above all, bj is a very dear friend
BjB: Luisa, do you want your username to be Luisa?
BjB nods to Bee
BjB: I'm a teacher in the US
Lu?saR: OK, BJ, how do I take the ?off my name?
MichaelI: How do you make a comment, e.g. "MichaelAC smiles"
AdaL left the room.
MichaelI: Perhaps you type a slash as on IRC?
Lu?saR: Yes
AdaL joined the room.
BeeD: colon
TeresaD: colon followed by the action, michael
BjB: I can do it for you, but not while you're logged in. The next time you log in, enter the username Luisa
BeeD: use a colon Michale
MichaelI: Colon? Let's have a go..
BeeD: and then type the emote
TeresaD waves to mike
BeeD: sorry...the action
Lu?saR: I wiil, thannks
SusanneN waves and laughs
MichaelI thanks BeeD and TeresaD for tips.
MichaelAC left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: very good!
LaureH waves to Bee
BeeD claps wildly
ErzsebetC: So does that mean I cannot change my logon name, BJ?
TeresaD: fast learner, mike!
LaureH: It works!
MichaelI goes to check his Sunday roast
BjB: Erzsebet, I can change it for you.
TeresaD: yummy! roast!
ErzsebetC: Will you? Thanks.
BjB: but you need to tell me what username you want
IsabelP claps
JaneAP: Luisa--I see you teach in the Air Force. Are your lessons adapted for aviation?
EvaW Eva is drooling too
BeeD has just had her Sunday breakfast
ErzsebetC: Babi would be the easiest
IsabelP: It works, thanks
SusanEsn smiles
BeeD: Babi, Agata and Polewebs...would you like to join me in my office
Lu?saR: THey aren't but they should
ErzsebetC: yes, how do I get there?
Lu?saR: Only in the last year, sometimes
BeeD: When I go...highlight me on the left and click on the little door icon at the bottom
ErzsebetC: Thanks BJ for the help
BeeD: OK?
AdaL: Ok, I think I've got it. Nice meeting you all today and thanks for your help. Time for dinner. Bye.
BeeD left the room (signed off).
BjB: Babi, the next time you log in use the username BabiC
BeeD joined the room.
EvaW: bye ada
BeeD left the room.
AdaL left the room (signed off).
ErzsebetC: Thank you BJ
BjB: You're welcome, Babi
MichaelI: Roast's doing well. I willhave to check the tatties in a min.
JaneAP: It's been great chatting with all of you. But I must move on with the day. Bye!
EvaW: that sound good, michaell
BjB waves bye to Jane
TeresaD: bye jane.
EvaW: bye jane
MichaelI: Bye Jane!
SusanneN: Bye Jane and others leaving soon
LaureH: Time to go and put the kids to sleep.. Thank you all for this fun introductory session! Michael, enjoy your roast.. CU all on Wednesday.
ErzsebetC: Agata, I couldn't ctach Bee. Did you?
EvaW: bye laure
TeresaD waves bye to laure
JaneAP left the room (signed off).
BjB: Babi, click on the ONLINE tab to the left of the chat window
AgataGst2: No, how do we get to her office?
TeresaD: thanks for joining us and glad you enjoyed it, laure
BjB: then single click on BeeD and the door icon at the bottom of the frame
ErzsebetC: Ohhhh, I feel so stupid. Thanks again.
ErzsebetC left the room.
Lu?saR: Time to go now
AdaL joined the room.
BjB: Agata, do you understand how to join Bee?
TeresaD: see you, luisa
ErzsebetC joined the room.
EvaW: yes, for me too. my basketball mates are waiting.
EvaW waves to everyone
TeresaD: enjoy your day, eva and luisa
Lu?saR: A coffee is waiting for me
AgataGst2: Yes, thanks.
EvaW: thanks, you too
ErzsebetC: Bye everyone
TeresaD: bye, babi!
Lu?saR: Nice to meet(!!!!!) you all!
MariaJ: I must go too
MichaelI: It's very useful to get a copy of the chat transcript afterwards.
TeresaD: bye, maria!
AgataGst2: Bye, Everyone!
ErzsebetC left the room.
MariaJ: bye
EvaW left the room (signed off).
MichaelI: BRB
AgataGst2 left the room.
MariaJ left the room (signed off).
AdaL left the room (signed off).
JeanMC: Beakfast time in Colombia (8am). We will meet again during the different BaW activities. And now I hope to receive the transcript of this very big chat in order to follow the diffrenet threads....because I have been chatting (private chats) with some of the members of this workshop. Bye, have fun....
Lu?saR left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: thanks, jm. nice week!  :-)
RobertWB: Man, is everyone leaving?
EllenG joined the room.
TeresaD: seems like it, bob
TeresaD: hi, ellen
EllenG: hello ,
SusanEsn: teresa, others, thanks. has been interesting. meet you again in the other activities.
TeresaD: sure, susan. glad you dropped by.
EllenG: I am a newcomer I am trying to figure out how it works
SusanEsn: thanks, bye now
SusanneN: Hello Ellen, it works quite natural
BjB: Ellen, are you a teacher?
MichaelI: Bye JeanM
BjB: I'm an art teacher in Pennsylvania
EllenG: yes , I teach English at \Cultura Inglesa in Brazil
SusanneN: we type and talk, Ellen, and learn as we go
SusanneN: I'm in Denmark
EllenG: ok
BjB: Great, Ellen! Welcome to the Tapped In community
LaureH left the room (signed off).
EllenG: thanks
TeresaD: i know two colleagues from cultura inglesa, ellen
SusanEsn left the room (signed off).
EllenG: who are they and where from?
TeresaD: claudia louro in petropolis and cristina daibert in rio
TeresaD: do you know them?
EllenG: I know Cristina we have attended a course together
TeresaD: i met them at the st. louis tesol in 2001
TeresaD: i also know colin paton, but just online
MichaelI: susanne,where can I see the presentation by Micahel about Voice Online?
EllenG: Collin came Here last here to introdude his new online course
EllenG: Terese where are you from?
TeresaD: yes, i've been looking at it as regularly as i can
TeresaD: portugal
TeresaD: the lisbon area
IsabelP: I must go now, I'll see you all soon
MichaelI: Portugal's a great place. I love the beaches in the Minho.
TeresaD: i prefer the algarve because of the warm water, but they're too crowded, michael
TeresaD waves bye to isabel
EllenG: i have been to Europe twice but never been to Portugal.
TeresaD: the beaches in algarve, i meant
TeresaD: you should come over, ellen. i'm sure you'll like it
IsabelP left the room (signed off).
ChristophJ joined the room.
MichaelI: Yes, well I remember one Easter in the Minho, about six years ago...It was blazing hot weather. The water was coooold but it was fantastic.
ChristophJ: Hi everyone!
TeresaD hugs chris
ChristophJ: Long time, but I can only stay a few minutes
TeresaD: welcome! long time no see yoou, chris
ChristophJ: too long
ChristophJ: been working a lot lately
TeresaD: where have been?
ChristophJ: Scotland, dissertation, and work
TeresaD: i imagine. is the diss about finished?
ChristophJ: not exactly, but making progress
TeresaD: scotland is good news, i imagine  ;-)
ClaireB joined the room.
TeresaD: when's the deadline, chris?
ChristophJ: yes, very good news
ClaireB: hello
TeresaD hugs calrinha
ChristophJ: very soon, my advisor is getting on me
ChristophJ: that's good, though
TeresaD: i'm happy for you, chris  :-)
ClaireB hugs all who would like a hug
ChristophJ: Hi Claire
BjB: bom dia, Claire
TeresaD: earlier we had 29 people here. what a crowd!
ChristophJ: Anyway, gotta go, you all take claire
ClaireB: bom dia bj, and hi chris
ClaireB: bye chris
TeresaD: nice of you to drop by, chris.
ChristophJ: I mean, take care
ClaireB: 29 sounds like a record
MichaelI: To all in this room: do whenever you like come and visit our students' Web site at the British Council Rome.
ClaireB: I'm just getting out of bed lol
TeresaD: maybe, clarinha. not sure
ChristophJ: by all
ChristophJ left the room (signed off).
MichaelI: It's called The Metro Pages and it is at:
TeresaD: we will, mike. thanks
SusanneN: Oh, I see that I just missed Chris!
RobertWB: Wha...I must have dozed off, where did everyone go..
TeresaD: yes, you did, sus
SusanneN: too bad
SusanneN: we don't see him every week, do we
MichaelI: OK, and have your students visit it too. We welcome comments and feedback and also your reactive articles to our pages.
BjB: Thanks, Michael
ClaireB: so did Vance drop by?
BjB: Robert, guess people are off to do normal stuff
MichaelI: It is dead easy to upload a contribution by clicking on the e-mail icon, which opens a form in your browser.
MichaelI: I look forward to hearing from you and your students.
TeresaD: no he didn't
TeresaD: must be with some mummy in egypt!!!
ClaireB: according to the message he left, he and bobbi are scuba diving
SusanneN: sounds wet
TeresaD: i was joking
SusanneN: I just love the image of Vance scuba diving with that shark
ClaireB: pity the poor shark lol
MichaelI: What happens if you see that some1 has an Office here? Can you drop by or is it considered rude?
TeresaD: you can if it isn't locked, mike
TeresaD: no problem and not considered rude, as far as i know
RobertWB: I got so involved in other conversation, I missed a lot of here...I guess i will read the transcripts..
ClaireB: I love the way people talk about "entering" offices and other cyberspaces as though they were real physical spaces. I thinkit's fascinating
RobertWB: Will there be a remedial session.
SusanneN: Michael, if people are alon,e you can join, if they have visitors uit is best to send a private messageand ask politely
SusanneN: remedial, Bob?
TeresaD: that has always fascinated me, clarinha
RobertWB: Like if I didnt read everything here this morning....can I repeat the class.
SusanneN: Claire, I think this is a natural follow of how our minds are used to organize social settings
ClaireB: I once spent 2 hours trying to convince 2 people who were angry with each other to go into the same room. I was in the US, one person was in Japan, and the other person was in Australia
RobertWB: How would I know if someone was in my office if I am in here.
SusanneN: Bob, you will get a transcript in your mailbox
RobertWB left the room.
ClaireB: but it was as if we were in a real "house" with only a few meters of  separation
SusanneN: they might sneak around  behind your back
SusanneN: Yes, Claire
MichaelI sips a pre-prandial glass of "Conte Zecca" red wine from the Salento region.
RobertWB joined the room.
SusanneN: In old TI, we used to spend lots of time using the elevator and moving between floors
SusanneN: WB, Bob
RobertWB: Well, I found out that I cant be in my office and here at the same time.
SusanneN: didyou find any intruders in your office?
TeresaD: yes, and it was such a real feeling, sus
SusanneN: they might sneak around  behind your back
ClaireB: why was it a nice feeling, tere?
RobertWB: No, but people can visit my office while I am not there and leave a message, right?
SusanneN: I still struggle a  bit imagining the architecure here in e new Tapped In environment
MichaelI: The old TI? When was it upgraded?
RobertWB: Well, I see they had not emptied the trash in my office..
RobertWB: and no one had watered my plants.
BjB: TI2 was officially opened in March 2003
SusanneN: the old MOP style was more visually oriented, although text based (supplied with teh sreen images)
TeresaD: yes, they can leave a message, bob
RobertWB: cyber african violets....the lights were on, but they did not have water.
BjB: on your whiteboard, Bob
SusanneN: Bob, you need regular habits to keep your office  neat and tidy
SusanneN: lol
RobertWB: Me...regular habits....I dont think so...
SusanneN: we used to have virtual pets that needed care and  attention
RobertWB: I am afraid that my plants ARE my virtual pets.
SusanneN hands you a bag of organic fertilizer
RobertWB: Thanks, I think.
SusanneN: I miss my virtual  guinea pig, she was so well trained
RobertWB: I think with that, I need more coffee and a stretch of my old legs...
SusanneN hands you a cup of strong mocca
SusanneN: we also need a gym room
RobertWB: You folks have a great day...the sun is rising here...maybe...or maybe its gonna rain...either way...I got stuff to do.
MichaelI: This is a very interesting environment. I think the Brtitish Council could adapt its 'Global Village' cyber-environment to look a bit more like this.
SusanneN: bye for now, Bob, great to see you around
TeresaD: bye, bob
RobertWB: See you all later in the week...
RobertWB: bye.
ClaireB: bye bob
SusanneN: Michael, this palce has developed though years of heavy duty with thousands of users
MichaelI: One very practical feature here is that the Chat is detached from the rest of the site so that while chatting you can explore the rest of the site.
RobertWB left the room.
MichaelI: ->Susanne: how many years?
SusanneN: Bj, is that since 1996???
BjB: 1997
SusanneN: the first version was a text only MOO?
SusanneN: then came the first browser interface with images...
BjB: yes, with a separate Java applet window
MichaelI: 1997? Interesting. The Net has only really caught on in Italy since '98 or even 2000, with the advent of Win 98 and faster speeds - and cheaper computers.
BjB . o O ( you had to type all the MOO commands in the text window )
ClaireB: ah do I ever remember moooo commands
SusanneN: and even when the graphic interface came yup, many people still connected with text only because of slower modems
MichaelI: I see that the numbers are diminishing in this Chat! A reflection of the day moving ahead. I must attend to my Sunday luncheon! :-)
SusanneN looks fantastic in a new silk gown with large roses
MichaelI: yahp, 56k modems are standard in Italy now and many ppl are getting ADSL.
SusanneN: we used a bit more imaginateio nack then
SusanneN reaches out to pet her virtual pussycat on the couch
SusanneN hands out bagels with dream cheese and salmon
MichaelI: Any highlights in the week's programme? I must check the Webheads site this evening.
TeresaD: the caht with mike coghlan on wed
TeresaD: chat
MichaelI left the room.
BeeD joined the room.
TeresaD: wb, bee
TeresaD: did you have a nice meeting?
BeeD: I'm chatting in Polish on YM
SusanneN: Yes Michael Coghlan on Wednesday,  1t 22 GMT, and BJ on Thursday
MichaelI joined the room.
SusanneN: Sounds like great fun, Bee
BjB: Bee, can you ask Babi to log out of Tapped In so I can change her username?
TeresaD: fabulous, bee. and how's that polish of yours?
TeresaD: rusty?!
SusanneN: Michael, check he calendar:  YMichael Coghlan on Wednesday,  1t 22 GMT, and BJ on Thursday
SusanneN: MichaelI entered the room.
ClaireB: BeeD, does YM handle the polish fonts?
SusanneN: Sorry, I was copying & pasting
MichaelI: Thanks very much Suzanne.
SusanneN leaves for a cup of cofee but will get back eventually
MichaelI: BTW seems as tho while wandering around I inadvertently left the Chat room.
MichaelI: Perhaps I should have set "Attach" on the Actions.
SusanneN: yes, that happens sometimes
MichaelI: Did I do anything wrong?
SusanneN: BJ, can we exlpain how to do that without problems?
SusanneN: try do do as follows: openA NEW BROWSER FROM YOUR DESKTOP ICON
SusanneN: adn use that for opening new pages
BjB: if you leave this room, a new chat window will open in the room you enter, Michael
MichaelI: That would be CTRL+N to open a new window?
SusanneN: I still wonder sometimes how to  avoid that unwanted leaving
TeresaD: me too, sus
SusanneN: that is not  a good way , that will often make you leave and be asked for a new login
BjB: Michael, that will open a new Tapped In window and log you out of this one
SusanneN: I think this is kind of a bug
BjB: Michael, click on this hyperlink
SusanneN: that would be a very habitual way of working
BjB: that will open a new window for you
MichaelI: OK, well not to worry, it has still been a great Chat (much better than IRC ;-))
MichaelI: And I will be getting the Transcript.
BjB: It's not really a bug, Sus...
MichaelI sips his red wine
SusanneN: Once you get to know the  best practices, you will feel more confortable Michael
BjB: when you open a new window using CTRL N you always get a duplicate of the window you're in, yes?
MichaelI: OK, thanks. And now, as the Iranian air traffic controller said, my time is definitely up!
SusanneN: Nah, maybe not a bug, but a usability problem
BjB: you can only be logged in to TI one time so the new window triggers the old one to close
SusanneN: see you around!
ClaireB: lol michael
SusanneN: good explanation BJ
BjB waves bye to Michael
SusanneN: brb in ten minutes
ClaireB: bj is an invaluable help
TeresaD: bye, mike
MichaelI: Bye Bye all!
ClaireB: bye mike
MichaelI: Too right.
BeeD: sorry...I am struggling to write my introduction in YM   does not have Polish characters but it accepts them
MichaelI: Byeeee!
MichaelI left the room (signed off).
ClaireB: what do you mean accepts them?
BjB goes to get the laundry started
TeresaD: brb
BeeD: you can write them if you have them on your computer and it reads them...not like here
BeeD: if you have an s with an shows an accent ...not a question mark
VanD joined the room.
VanD: Van waves
ClaireB: ok, thanks for the info, BeeD
ClaireB: hi van
VanD: Hi folks!
VanD: I'm sorry to be late...
VanD: Are you meeting at alado also?
TeresaD waves to van from lisboa!
VanD: hi Teresa
JeanMC left the room (signed off).
VanD left the room.
BeeD: must go now...ciao
AntoniaM joined the room.
AntoniaM: Hall everyone:)
TeresaD waves hi to swimmer antonia back from island antonia west of the azores!  ;-)
TeresaD: how was the swim, antonia?
AntoniaM: Ha :)! Yes, it's pretty wet and windy out there in the atlantic....
TeresaD: i can imagine
AntoniaM: How are you tere?:)
TeresaD: fine, antonia.
BeeD left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: and you?
VennyS joined the room.
AntoniaM: All tose surveys & stuff must keep you a bit busy...I'm fine but the W/E always too short ! :(
SusanneN: Hi ANtonia and Venny
TeresaD: welcome, venny!
AntoniaM: Hi Sus and everyone else!:)
VennyS waves Hi to you.
SusanneN: Did you swin to the nearest internef cafe, Antonia?
TeresaD: lol, sus
SusanneN: that was a funny little detail making us all laugh
AntoniaM: Must have done, Sus, actually its quite comfy here + i have to discuss with my philosophy st's the poss of other maybe i just slipped realities....:)
TeresaD: of course. and it was so cute seeing antonia in the middle of the ocean!
AntoniaM: Yes, tere, very cute i'm sure!:)
VennyS left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: oceanic thinking with marine assoicated metaphors make great philosophy
AntoniaM: Now seriuosly, guys, is there an edit button in that map thing?:)
SusanneN: Only the owner of teh map, Daf, can iedt
TeresaD: isn't t great that we can joke about these things with no offense? actually, they're all part of our learning process
TeresaD: i think daf said she could do it for you, anton ia. check today's amil, pls
SusanneN: I agree, Tere, and it makes little mistakes (and greater ones) more acceptable
ClaireB: yes, i have always thought that this group has a great spirit
AntoniaM: I see that I'm going to have to be very nice to ~af , not a difficult thing with such a nice person ....:)
TeresaD: we all learn thru mistakes. i keep telling my little ones not to feel ashamed of making mistakes
AntoniaM: I think you mean spirit of the comic Claire:)
SusanneN: good dtrategy, and one that is not often encouraged by traditional schooling
SusanneN: comic as well as caring spirit
AntoniaM: Sus that's so true, it really irritates me st our rather formal british school which Tere knows so welll....
ClaireB: british school?
ClaireB: but seriously people in this group are supportive of one another, even though we joke around
AntoniaM: yes i work at a british school but in terms of st's its so mixed that its really international
SusanneN: Yes, I've ehard quite a lot about that when I visited you  in POrtugal Tere!
TeresaD: we take all kinds of different things with a great spirit, antonia. i agree with clarinha.
DavidCou joined the room.
AntoniaM: I find it very supp....i'm usually nervous about online chat etc and have rather avoided it up to now...
VanD joined the room.
SusanneN: Hey, I'm going to come to Portugal again in June, we mighht find a way to meet
AntoniaM: Hi david, how are you?
SusanneN: Hi Van!!!
TeresaD: but now you've seen how nice and helpful it can be, antonia
DavidCou: Hi, fine thanks
VanD: I got lost...:(
SusanneN: now you're found!
VanD: Hi Sus
TeresaD: welcome, david! wherabouts in portugal are you?
DavidCou: Near Lisbon
TeresaD: you are, sus? you hadn't told me the great news!
VanD: I know i am very late
TeresaD: me too. in parede
SusanneN: Tere, it was decided a few days ago
TeresaD: fabulous, sus
SusanneN: Bernt, ny beloved partner is going to the football tournament in POrto
DavidCou: To be honest, I'm sitting next to Antonia
VanD: but I had guests during the  morning
AntoniaM: I'm always late van because of our family swim...
TeresaD: great, david
SusanneN: we plan to come to Porto and spend about two weeks
TeresaD: do you also teach at st. julian's?
DavidCou: Yes
VanD: How was the meeting?
TeresaD: it's a lovely city, sus
AntoniaM: My son would love to be with your partner sus!
SusanneN: and I'm NOT going to any football match myself so i can also do other things
AntoniaM: Well, in two weeks, Sus
TeresaD: i attended st. julian's
DavidCou: Oh, when was that
SusanneN: POrtugal is not such a huge country
AntoniaM: I'm not a very good mum when it comes to showing enthus about football....
TeresaD: better not say it!  ;-)  too long ago!!!
DavidCou: lol
ClaireB: sus, when are you going to porto?
SusanneN: Antonia, are you also in the LIsbon area?
TeresaD: about '56 to '61, david
SusanneN: around JUne 12, Vlaire
SusanneN: Claire
DavidCou: Politeness prevents me from any comment!
ClaireB: too bad -- I may be going there in april
TeresaD: then i went to the states for 4 years
AntoniaM: yes Sus and we have to come clean that david & I are working in nthe same room right now!...
TeresaD: and went back to st. julian's for 1 more year in '65
SusanneN: oh :-(  I would have loved to meet you Claire
ClaireB: well sus you should come to tesol
AntoniaM: Wot did you do in '65 tere?
SusanneN: oh what a great thing to know about you two :-))
ClaireB: or go to tesol arabia in dubai and meet both me and vance lol
SusanneN: Claire, I'm out of money
ClaireB: i know the feeling lol
TeresaD: isn't that an international problem, sus?
SusanneN: and I'm not even a TESOL person as I would not qualify for teaching lnaguage
TeresaD: aren't we all, in general?
ClaireB: universal problem for sure
SusanneN: I think so yes, Teresa
AntoniaM: Wot's your area of work Sus?
ClaireB: anyone can go to tesol as long as they have money (yes, that's the problem)
SusanneN: to I'm sometimes limited to the kind of holiday where my husband invites me
ClaireB: hmm husband or partner?
ClaireB Claire is nosy
AntoniaM: Hopefully you have a strong influence over your husband...
ClaireB is nosy
TeresaD: i did GCEs (name then) in '65, antonia
ClaireB: most men are easy to influence lol
SusanneN: Claire, I consider this man my  one and only husband, but paper iwse, we?re not married
ClaireB: what is GCE
ClaireB: how shocking sus lol (honestly, just kidding!)
AntoniaM: Yes i think that St'J's is one of the only places you can do IGCSE's around Lisbon...
TeresaD: general certificate of ???
SusanneN: oh yes I definitely have a very good and healthy infulence on him, it is mutual
DavidCou: Secondary Education
AntoniaM: i think that husbands are mors fun than IGCSE's ....
SusanneN: some are
TeresaD: of education, clarinha
DavidCou: I'm not influenced - I just do what I'm told...
AntoniaM: Maybe that's how we could judge them
TeresaD: lol, david
SusanneN: anyway, let us see who will meet me in Porugal, and how
TeresaD: david, are you a first timer at tapped in?
SusanneN: how many hours by train is  Porto from Lisbon?
TeresaD: you can come to lisbon, sus
DavidCou: Almost - I took a tour with BJ the other day
TeresaD: i see
SusanneN: I definitely would not miss to meet YOU again, Tere
TeresaD: it's about 3.5 hours or so, sus
SusanneN hugs you!
DavidCou: But I had to stop before the end as I was falling asleep
TeresaD: thanks, sus. very sweet  :-)
SusanneN: BJ is not THAT boring David, it must have been very late for you
DavidCou: Yup - around 11.30pm by the end
SusanneN: we did have a lot of interesting fun back then, Tere
ClaireB: sus, have you already met tere f2f?
DavidCou . o O ( BJ definately not boring )
DarcyC joined the room.
AntoniaM: Where did you & tere meet Sus ?
SusanneN: Yes, David
TeresaD: we sure did, sus. btw, i had dinner at pereira on friday evening. still the same great food
TeresaD: welcome, darcy!
AntoniaM: Tere, is that local to parede or in Lisbon?
SusanneN: in 2002, when I apent a month in Cascais, invited by that same obedient husband of mine
DarcyC: Thanks!
TeresaD: clarinha, sus was in cascais for a month in 2002
TeresaD: is it your first time, darcy?
SusanneN: Hi Darcy
AntoniaM: Hi darcy how are you?
DavidCou: Hi Darcy
DarcyC: Yes.  It's my first time.  Hello everyone!
SusanneN: your first time  in Tapped In, we mean
TeresaD: make yourself at home, darcy
DarcyC: Yes.  It's my first time at Tapped In.  Very cool tool.
SusanneN: ;smiles a  most welcoming smile
TeresaD: antonia, were you referring to pereira?
AntoniaM: Yes tere
TeresaD: it's a fabulous tool, darcy
SusanneN: it is a meeting place, dn I'm logging in from Denmark, where are you Darcy?
TeresaD: and quite user-friendly
ClaireB: I must leave now -- bye everyone
TeresaD: bye, clarinha
DarcyC: Chicago Illinois.  !Very cold here!
DavidCou: Bye Claire
AntoniaM: Places like tapped in certainly make travel cheap & easy
SusanneN hugs good old  Clarinha
AntoniaM: Bye claire :)
EllenG left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Antonia, much easier than swinning
EllenG joined the room.
AntoniaM: Yep, that's for sure! lol
SusanneN: the whow melted yesterday because we had rain, and not it is sunshine all over!!
SusanneN: now
SusanneN: snowhow
VanD: can anyone talk about TI features? What is possible to be done here?
ClaireB left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Van, you already set up your office, I think?
VanD: yep
SusanneN: so you know how you can prepare and save notes and links from there
TeresaD: i'll be afk (away from keyboard) for a while, but will not log out bec. of the transcript for our web page
SusanneN: you can also use one of the public meeting rooms for planned sessions
VanD: Yes, Sus
SusanneN: Great Tere
AntoniaM: ok, tere, see you later :)
SusanneN: you can find informations of members, so they're not anonymous beings like in public chatrooms
SusanneN: we stick to our real identity here
VanD: I see
SusanneN: this means you have a much more relevant experience of meeting peers
VanD: right
EllenG: i am back. i was trying to familiarize with the place
SusanneN: it is free and open but you need to register to have access to offices, transcripts etc
AntoniaM: Have you used tapped in with students claire?
SusanneN: great Ellen
DarcyC left the room.
SusanneN: Van, apart from all this, ehre is a number of open sessions announced in teh calendar, anyone could plan to host one
AntoniaM: Sorry, i meant you Sus! it's all the muzzes tha brain!
VanD: Thanks Sus, may I ask another question? Do you speak or recognize norwish?
SusanneN: Van, your MOO is created with the software made by Hanyes and Holmevik, right?
AntoniaM: What is that Van?
DarcyC joined the room.
SusanneN: Yes, a little Van
VanD: say yes
SusanneN: Norwegian is pretty close to Danish language
DarcyC: I'm didn't leave yet - just  went to my office - this is a great site!
SusanneN: do you need any help?
VanD: may I ask you you a favor?
AntoniaM: Aha!, Norwish very Spinglish i spoke with my family...
DarcyC left the room.
SusanneN: I've got their book right here in my hand, it is called High Wiredm and is all about different MOOs
SusanneN: educational MOOs
VanD: I have that book too
SusanneN: the older version of Tapped IN was a Moo too
SusanneN: great, so we could discuss it together Van :-)
DavidCou: What's a MOO - I read it somewhere but I forget
VanD: Sus, would you mind entering my MOO now..I need your help
DarcyC joined the room.
DarcyC left the room.
VanD: David, and all you're invited too
SusanneN: Ok give me the directions, but not for long because I?ve already been online for some hours
VanD: ok
DarcyC joined the room.
DarcyC left the room.
SusanneN: I'll open a new window  -maybe I should leave Tapped IN so that I would not interfere with the Javas?
VanD: yes
MarilynWe joined the room.
SusanneN: Ok, then bye for now all my dear friends
SusanneN: bye bye
AntoniaM: do we need a psswd Van?
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
DarcyC joined the room.
DarcyC left the room.
DarcyC joined the room.
DarcyC: hey - tapped in's detach function is wonderful
DavidCou: Van's MOO is good
DarcyC left the room.
DarcyC joined the room.
AntoniaM: I'm back from Van's moo...well actually I believe i'm in both tapped & the Moo now...very starnge...
SherryJu joined the room.
DarcyC left the room.
AntoniaM: Hallo Sherry, how are you?
DarcyC joined the room.
AdaL joined the room.
SherryJu: hello Antonia. I am good. And you?
AntoniaM: darcy, you seem restless, all ok?
DarcyC: Sorryif my bouncing in and out is bothering you...
DarcyC: just looking at other's rooms.
DavidCou: No - it's quite fun really
AntoniaM: No its fine, we all bounce from yime to time:)
DarcyC: Good!  Nothing like a little fun :)
AdaL left the room.
SherryJu left the room (signed off).
DarcyC: This is a great tool for teaching.  I am in the process of setting up some online courses, and will surely use this site as a source.
DavidCou: Has anyone viviste the student campus area
BjB left the room (signed off).
VanD: David and Antonia..can I show you the MOO?
DavidCou: Were there, and here too
AntoniaM: I'd like to know how to set up courses darcy....
AntoniaM: Wot sort of courses have you run?
AdaL joined the room.
DavidCou left the room (signed off).
DarcyC: I'm just starting to learn now.  I want to set up ESL courses, which would cover all skills - Listening, reading, writing, grammar, speaking, vocab., etc. the listening /speaking skills are the tough ones to set up
AntoniaM: it sounds very interesting, but i'll ask you again because i think i'll leave because im learning about Van's Moo and can't do both!
AntoniaM left the room (signed off).
DarcyC left the room.
AdaL: Hello, Darcy. I'm new here. Where are you from?
AdaL: Good evening, everyone.
DarcyC joined the room.
DarcyC: I have to go now - breakfast time.  I'll connect again later if anyone wants to discuss online learning.
DarcyC left the room (signed off).
VanD left the room (signed off).
AdaL left the room (signed off).
MarilynWe left the room (signed off).
TeresaD: bye ellen. nice meeting you!
TeresaD left the room (signed off).

2004.02.01 07:02:40 Signoff



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Created on 1 February 2004

Teresa Almeida d'Eça