January 26 - March 6
"It is the supreme art of the teacher
to awaken joy
in creative _expression and knowledge"
- Albert Einstein -
Web Page with Recording Link (at the bottom of the page)
Sus' Questions
me [Aladoadmin]
thanks Daf [RenataS]
welcome bob [RenataS]
daf is just introducing arnold [elderbob]
Thanks for letting me know...I was two hours off. [RenataS]
wow, that makes ten years [RenataS]
vance's guard??? ;) [Sus
in Denmark] Arnold Mühren is speaking about the Art of e-teaching, and
we will have a discussion [Teresa]
very nice quote, arnold :-) Sus'
Sus' questions [Sus
in Denmark] amazing to see my old question pop up [RenataS]
sus' questions are up on my screen [Daf]
Sus, please, elaborate [RenataS]
i personally don't feel comfortable yet to be a 'teacher [Karen
Garcia] Comfort level is a factor not only about teaching but comfort
with the technology [Maria]
I think that fact that teachers prefer feels more confortable with
traditional teaching has nothing to do with the age or experience of the
teacher at all.... [Maria]
It is only a willing of improving... [Daf]
I agree, Maria [RenataS]
well, to be honest, here as a newbie i find it really hard to make
friends with the newbies [RenataS]
i am totally teacher/moderator addicted [RenataS]
and bug daf or teres or maria all the time [Karen
Garcia] Risk taker!!!! [Teresa]
there's no 'bugging' us, renata. :-) [RenataS]
so i think setting up peer learning when everyone is new to technology
is very hard [Teresa]
we are here to help gladly [RenataS]
having people invade your computer space [vance]
moderators like the feedback [RenataS]
in online like yahoo, can seem really threatening for firsttimers [Daf]
and the chit-chat too :-) [RenataS]
ah yes, but that is student teacher centred learning,k n [RenataS]
ot peer learning [Sus
in Denmark] I see a very interesting parallel discussion in the text
chat [RenataS]
i mean you are all my teachres [RenataS]
parallel??? [RenataS]
i was talking about sus' q [RenataS]
no3 [Daf]
no, we are your colleagues, renata [Daf]
and we are also learning [elderbob]
5 years from now, Professors will be studying the WAB sessions to figure
out how to teach new teachers e-teaching... [elderbob]
this group is revolutionary. [Sus
in Denmark] ok, Renata, yes you are, so it is rather a supplementary
mutivocal discussion. [elderbob]
And Daf many of your papers will become reference citations for future
students. [elderbob]
And this applies to many others. [Arnold]
right, bob [luisa]
sharing is the word [elderbob]
Collaboration. [Daf]
scaffolding [elderbob]
Yes, thats a good concept. [Arnold]
dealing with the question by Dat on the screen... I think there is no
difference bt moderator and tutor at all... [RenataS]
hi elizabeth, you managed to wake up too [Arnold]
arnold did you miss moderator for the role of the teacher? [Daf]
oh it reminds me of Aiden's project [Teresa]
right daf [RenataS]
none suit me [Karen
Garcia] agent provocateur [RenataS]
i am an e-learner [elderbob]
This is quite a provocative list. [Sus
in Denmark] Gilly Salmon has some thought provoking ideas [Daf]
many of them but online priest [elderbob]
coach? [elderbob]
guide. [Daf]
nor e-police [vance]
online facilitator [RenataS]
does it not mean bob's ruminating? [Sus
in Denmark] Bob IS a an Elder-coach [Daf]
I think we accomplish different roles at different times [vance]
yep [elderbob]
Thanks sus...but I think many moderators are coaches tool [ChrisJ]
I like the idea of online facilitator or online conductor. [elderbob]
too [Sus
in Denmark] I agree with Daf on the different roles [Teresa]
online coordinator? [ChrisJ]
The conductor is co-ordinating the orchestra of students. [Maria]
sometimes as online priests.... [elderbob]
I think several of these are potentially in place at a given time... [Daf]
except online e-police [RenataS]
oh e-police means stopping students going to sex sites [elderbob]
Devils advocate sounds like a tool to me instead of a name. [RenataS]
doesn't it? [RenataS]
during class time [Daf]
yes, Karen [elderbob]
I can see it as a skill [RenataS]
there's a lot of control here in japan [RenataS] everyone has a password so you can follow exactly where
they've gone [RenataS]
total e-police [Karen
Garcia] I like the provocaterur label.. [elderbob]
looks like a bunch of epolice talking about this ladies mic. [Maria]
no e-police at all... [Karen
Garcia] because I am always pushing the envelope [Ismail
in Egypt] lol [Karen
Garcia] Personally pushing myself [Daf]
I tell my students that If i had wanted to be a police I would have
signed up to the police academy [RenataS]
lol [RenataS]
it's built in in the administrative management of the computer room [RenataS]
here [Arnold]
sure [RenataS]
or so i understand, not actually managed to get access to the room here [RenataS]
the access itself is kafkaesque [Arnold]
how about trouble shooter??? [Daf]
berge mentions that one, Renata [aiden]
or e-traffic aid [Teresa]
glad you did, fiona [Daf]
I wonder why they do not include the role of designer [RenataS]
too creative a word to be pedagogically analyzed in academic language??? [RenataS]
;) [Jacira]
is there a list ofg these writers [Daf]
it is on the page, jacira [Karen
Garcia] we influence the evolution of language also [RenataS]
somebody mentioned chaos navigation last time [Jacira]
not on mine I have art of e teaching [Daf]
we are in roles and functions [Arnold]
right [Daf]
right, bob [Arnold]
right [Teresa]
designer is absolutely essential, i believe [ChrisJ]
Elder Bob has a good point that each year more is added to this table. [RenataS]
ty [Daf]
Elizabeth wants the floor, Arnold [ChrisJ]
It's interesting that the last once shown is from 1998 when this is
2004. [Karen
Garcia] we need to publish!!!! [RenataS]
lolkaren [Teresa]
and it's interesting to see how the concepts have evolved to include
managerial and technical features, so important in the online world [Karen
Garcia] the planning before doing thing [Karen
Garcia] can we do without planning? [Daf]
I do not think so, Karen [aiden]
no, it would be difficult without any plan [Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith] yes--I meant how you see organizational as different from
design? [Sus
in Denmark] planning and planning, for example, getting togethter at the same time for a discussion takes
some planning :-) [Karen
Garcia] hummm [Karen
Garcia] or luck [Daf]
objectives, methodology, activies, assessment [aiden]
ok, renata Salmon's
Hanson-Smith] Thanks, Arnold--this is a very interesting chart [ChrisJ]
EVen the way Arnold has set up his table shows design. He has links to
number of references. This is not just organization of his session. [Daf]
right, Chris [RenataS]
is it an e book? [RenataS]
do you ever think about how all this technology is really exclusive of
third world countries? [RenataS]
they dont even have elctricity sometimes... [SusanEsn]
i can't see the model, can you? [aiden]
oh, but they are catching up Renata [Daf]
yes [Agata]
yes [Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith] yes [Sus
in Denmark] renata, that depends, actually many third world people are
also included! they skip the telephone age and jump directly into the
satellite internet age. [aiden]
yes, i can see the model [RenataS]
oh boy do i need hand holding [ChrisJ]
I went to your source page to see this chart. It's not in my alado
screen. [Daf]
yes [jchaupart]
Renata, sure, third world countries are excluded for many technologies
but, as seen during BaW, YM can bue quite universal [Daf]
use the green arrow to go back [Agata]
wow, this is impressive :-) [Karen
Garcia] It looks similar to group dynamics theory [RenataS]
agata i find it more confusing than anything [aiden]
I do agree with access and motivation [RenataS]
i can't navigate this page to read it [Daf]
no? [RenataS]
i prefer a simple low tech word document [aiden]
click start [Daf]
great interactive figure [Jacira]
can't get past step 1 [RenataS]
oh, at last i find two [ChrisJ]
If you can't see the graphic click on "start" or open
"source" in a separate page. the latter works better. [RenataS]
me neither [RenataS]
this is really hard to manipulate arnold [Sus
in Denmark] dear renata, it is good to remember that we do have differnt
learning styles; some are linear and others think in hypercomplex structures [Daf]
click on the dark blue [Daf]
and then you will get the top of the arrow for the next step [Sus
in Denmark] but I admit I lost my way now, were are we now? [Daf]
do the same [RenataS]
you have to actually click the text areas to be able to move on [janeap]
Yesterday I read a quote from a professor in London saying that in the
future govts won't be able to afford f2f education at the university
level. Students will have to elearn from home. This sounds a bit too
Orwellian to me--are we moving in that direction? [Daf]
it is very much related [RenataS]
salmon's stuff is excluxive for techies [Ismail
in Egypt] yes it is [Arnold]
okay [Sus
in Denmark] renata - Webheads NEED to be
semi techies [Daf]
you will have it available [elderbob]
Its all being recorded I think [Karen
Garcia] how does this model relat to learning & teaching in a
community like webheads? [elderbob]
I know I am recording it. [Sus
in Denmark] Poor little you! save the links and get back later to
explore [Daf]
me too [Daf]
the webpage will be available [elderbob]
Ill be glad to supply a copy if noone else has it. [Daf]
it relates a lot to webheads, Arnold [Jacira]
how can I get back to salmon's page? [RenataS]
ty, have bookmarked it [Arnold]
thanks [RenataS]
sorry could you repeat the Q? [Karen
Garcia] how does this model relat to learning & teaching in a
community like webheads? [RenataS]
it is like being in the staffroom as well as the student's room [RenataS]
you hear all the stuff [RenataS]
very hard to understand where the things needed to be learned are [Teresa]
i agree, eliz [Maria]
I think we have achived levels in WIA, which ay be unthinkable in other
elearning environment... [Sus
in Denmark] I lost sight of which page we're looking at that makes
Renata feel so lost :-)) -
would someone update me please? [Maria]
and the roles change- distributed leadership [Karen
Garcia] The model (under the source link) is very interesting because it
may apply to a not "standard" the experience since each user
has a different experience... [Sus
in Denmark] leadership that is disttributed, changing and also
negociated from time to time! [RenataS]
i'm not sure you're not looking at it with rose tinted glasses [Daf]
not every body participates [RenataS]
i think you have to have the nerves to carve out a place [Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith] That's true, Daf, and participation is required! [Karen
Garcia] which technology leads to best results withouth the overwhelming
factor of too much stimulation? [Daf]
yes, I think that 20-25 [Karen
Garcia] are limits set because of technology? [Daf]
I have had 36 [Karen
Garcia] or best results? [Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith] Tere--the TESOL courses were well researched for optimal
class size. [Daf]
:agrees with Teresa regarding SAlmon's graphic [Teresa]
thanks for clarifying, eliz. [Arnold]
karen, the platform depends on the objectives of the course or lesson [Teresa]
but that comes with the territory, chris, doesn't it? [Chris]
True. I was just happy to get back in. [Teresa]
people need to know that things don't always run on wheels [Teresa]
me too, chris :-) [Jacira]
practice...practice [Daf]
absolutely [Sus
in Denmark] asome are early adapters and others need different
encouragement - but my
belief and experience me
that the Webheads way we allow newcomers to observe from the periphery
what others are doing IS useful and inspiring for so many people. [Chris]
Arnold, I think this list also applies to any teaching. [Daf]
right, Crhis [Teresa]
definitely [Jacira]
yes sus I agree [aiden]
i like the coined phrase 'pregnant pause' :-) [Arnold]
good [Arnold]
yes, aiden [Daf]
I like it too, Aiden [Arnold]
I like the term weaving [elderbob]
Very interesting quote. [Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith] Please restate the question, Arnold? [Jacira]
yes I agree [Sus
in Denmark] Weaving is very important, to be able to restructure and
reflect on already mentioned tpiocs and views [Sus
in Denmark] topics [Jacira]
this is not just in elearning though [Karen
Garcia] For me highlighting would also work... [elderbob]
There is also a mechanical aspect to this...the ability to hyperlink
back and forth to different parts of the class record. [Chris]
I'm one of those listeners that Elizabeth is referring to though I'll
interject questions or comments occasionally. [Chris]
I like her suggestion that a dinner conversation is similar to this
weaving. [elderbob]
I also think the use of Wiki is somewhat similar. [Arnold]
synthesizing also makes stronger bonding among members [Karen
Garcia] For me, highlighting would help in the weaving [aiden]
yes, karen you weave and bond [aiden]
bind [elderbob]
I am reminded of an old saw about one mans junk is another mans art... [Karen
Garcia] Aha! [Elizabeth
Hanson-Smith] Community Language Learning [elderbob]
who gets to determine what is a tool and what is not a tool... [aiden]
yeah, that's true Bob [FionaL]
weaving and reviewing using
new technologies is essential for newbies like me, [elderbob]
Isnt it the artists lot to determine how he uses the tool to
communicate. [Daf]
for all of us, fiona :-) [aiden]
i agree, bob [Karen
Garcia] don't you need to master tools before you create a work of art? [Daf]
right, Karen [Jacira]
would it depend on the techn. levels of the students [Karen
Garcia] sorry.... this is a better color... [elderbob]
Who determines what mastery is.... [Chris]
A painter is always learning new ways to use his tools. [elderbob]
When picasso picks up a brush, who determines whether the way he uses it
is appropriate or not. [elderbob]
Much of art is just experimental.. [elderbob]
and much is experiential. [FionaL]
relating to langauge teaching, [luisa]
i agree [Karen
Garcia] we are getting into issues of status and class...no? [Arnold]
right [Daf]
agree with you, Sus [Chris]
Tools in teaching change as do modes of painting. [FionaL]
I find some students end up spending more time on their presentation
than on langauge content, [elderbob]
In the case of electronic tools, as soon as you master it, there will be
a new version to learn and master again... [Arnold]
right [luisa]
but we must experiment too [Sus
in Denmark] I enjoy the experimental trajectory! [Teresa]
absolutely, bob [Teresa]
or another similar tool to explore! [elderbob]
I think that may in part be a reason for the boom in adult education... [Teresa]
it's hard to keep up iwth many of these tools [Daf]
it happens in all professions, there are new trends, new discoveries,
new virus to attack [elderbob]
the old tools aren't the same as the new tools. [Sus
in Denmark] but sometimes even the simples tool can be very creative in
the hands of the artist [Sus
in Denmark] just look at Arnolds minimalist webpcage design [Teresa]
just focus on a couple and explore them deeper? [luisa]
and the artists are rare [aiden]
that is so true, sus [elderbob]
YOu have given us a great deal to think about and let sink in.... [Chris]
In general the same principles apply to using the tools though new
principles are added from time to time. [elderbob]
It was very interesting. [Sus
in Denmark] copycats can also learn how to learn in new ways [Sus
in Denmark] :claps with enthusiasm [Arnold]
thanks [elderbob]
also clapping. [aiden]
are we leaving , can we go on? [Maria]
thanks for all Arnold [Karen
Garcia] I liked the scope of the topic.... enough of a challenge [FionaL]
thank you and bye [Arnold]
thank and goodbye to all [elderbob]
Great session, all. [Sus
in Denmark] this was very inspiring Arnold [aiden]
more, more, more [luisa]
:thanks to Arnold [Chris]
Thanks, Arnold! [Jacira]
thanks Arnold [Ismail
in Egypt] Thanks Arnold [aiden]
i agree [Chris]
Thanks, Daf, Tere, and other BAW moderators for setting this up. [Agata]
thank you, Arnold [elderbob]
Teresa, that sounds like an artist discovering a new type of brush...you
are right. [SusanEsn]
thanks Arnold, very interesting! [Karen
Garcia] YES thanks to the moderators and Arnold [Ismail
in Egypt] I am eager to listen to this session again in the your
archieve since I lost most of it, because of sound problems [Daf]
thanks Arnold :-) [elderbob]
Daf, will you be posting the archive. [Daf]
yes, bob [elderbob]
kewl. [Ismail
in Egypt] Thanks Ter, Sus, Maria, and Daf :-) [elderbob]
I really enjoyed it. [Teresa]
thanks for being with us, ismail [Karen
Garcia] please keep me posted arnold... [SusanEsn]
thanks Daf,Sus, Teresa, & Maria [luisa]
bye, everybody [elderbob]
BYe all. |
Created on February 23, 2004
Dafne Gonzalez