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Barbara Dieu's Presentation on Blogs

Tapped In

Monday, February 16, 2004 (22:00 - 23:00 GMT)

Bee's e-book on Blogs

Subject: Tappedin transcript for DafneG, 2004.02.16 15:12:49

Room: TI_Reception

DafneG joined the room.
AgataZ: Witaj, Bee!
SusanneN joined the room.
JeanMC: Hi Agata
SaraMa: Sure you can, more than a question it was a sort of asking for ideas (not only you but the others) to use blogs creatively in eFL/ESL
JeanMC: Hola Dafne
BeeD hugs Sus warmly
SaraMa: Hi Sus
DafneG hugs and kisses everybody on both cheeks
JeanMC: Bonsoir Susanne
SaraMa: Hi Daf
JaneAP joined the room.
JaneAP left the room.
JaneAP joined the room.
SusanneN sens a huge welcome hug to this amazing group
CatlinGst1: bee, look at your PV!
BeeD: PV???
SaraMa: what's a PV?
LaurieT left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: maybe PM = Private message?
SaraMa: so v stands for the v in private?
SaraMa: just wondering?
JaneAP: Hello everyone. Am I in the right place now for Bee's presentation?
BeeD: Welcome Jane
SaraMa: Hi Jane, you are...
DafneG: yes, Jane
CatlinGst1: no, pc= private chat
JeanMC: Hi Jane
JaneAP: Salut Jean!
DafneG: should we move to ASO, Bee?
JeanMC: Salut, salut. Tout va bien?
JeanMC: Pas trop froid?
BeeD: I think it would be a good idea Daf
JaneAP: Mai s oui!
AgataZ left the room.
BeeD left the room.
DafneG: ok, let's go to ASO for Bee's presentation
CatlinGst1 waves hi
RobertWB joined the room.
SaraMa left the room.
MichaelDK left the room.
CatlinGst1 says cool
DafneG: click on the ASO link under Featured Passageways
JaneAP: Il faisait -20 hier, mais moins extreme aujourd'hui.
SusanneN: I'm gtrying to guide karen
RobertWB: Dafne, am I in the right place.
FernandaR left the room.
JeanMC left the room.
DafneG: yes, Bob
JaneAP: How do we go to ASO
DafneG: let's join Bee in ASO
DafneG: click on After school online under featured passageways
SusanneN: Bob and all, you need to find your way to the After School Office ASO
JaneAP left the room.
DafneG: on the screen above this one on your left
DafneG: right
GregK joined the room.
DafneG left the room.

Room: ASO

DafneG joined the room.
RobertWB joined the room.
JaneAP: Is this the right place now?
FernandaR joined the room.
DafneG: yes, Jane
DafneG: this is ASO
RobertWB: Hello all.
BeeD: Yes it is Jane...please take a seat
AntoniaM joined the room.
BeeD: Hello Bob, welcome to TI and ASO
AntoniaM: Hi everyone !
SaraMa: One question as I'm a lazy did you do the stuff for thoughts here in TI?
DafneG: you can DETACH your chat window for a better view
BeeD hugs Antonia warmly
DafneG: in the drop down menu (Actions...)
AntoniaM: Hugs to you Bee and all :-)
DafneG: just type /th
AgataZ waves to Antonia from the other side of the room
BeeD: The Detach window is on your on the drop down menu
SaraMa . o O ( now i know it thanks to Daf! )
GregK joined the room.
DafneG: great Sara
BeeD: Welcome Greg
DafneG: hi Greg
GregK: Hi all
SaraMa: Hi Greg
LeahS joined the room.
BeeD: Hi Leah
DafneG: hi Leah
LeahS: Hi Good morning
DafneG: Ok are you ready to start, Bee, can i introduce you?
BeeD: Are we going to introduce ourselves for the record?
SaraMa: Hi Leah! good morning sounds so strange here in Spain!
DafneG: I do not know, maybe we are too many, what do you think?
DafneG: it is 11 pm here in Valencia
CatlinGst1 joined the room.
SaraMa: yes, really dark now!
BeeD: OK we all know each you can introduce
SaraMa: 10 pm in the canaries
DafneG: and we know each other, I think
CatlinGst1 left the room (signed off).
LeahS: It's getting light here
AntoniaM says we're always an hour behind central Euro here in portugal so 10.00....
AgataZ: Oh, yes, do introduce Bee, Daf

                                                Session Start
DafneG: Ok, ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to introduce our guest speaker ...
RobertWB: Tada....
DafneG: Barbara Dieu, our dear Bee..
FernandaR :)
SaraMa claps in an excited way!
BeeD bows to the audience
AgataZ claps her hands
AntoniaM antonia is clapping too!
DafneG: we already know how active she is with her participation in our list
DafneG: Bee is here today to share with us...
DafneG: her experience in the use of blogs in learning
DafneG: and I think that we better give her the floor, welcome Bee!
BeeD: Thank you Daf for the wonderful let's start...are you all ready?
SaraMa feeling eager!
BeeD: I have structured my presentation around the questions you sent through the mail or posted in the Becoming a Webhead blog that Daf opened at
LuisaRo joined the room.
JeanMC: yes
DafneG: Bee you can now project here
BeeD: I want to try to give this presentation using both the chat at Tappedin and a little booklet online where I have collected the answers to your doubts. So we will have two screens open. I hope it works :-)
JaneAP: How do we open the second screen?
DafneG: you can project your pages, Bee
BeeD: Can I project here Daf? I was not aware...
DafneG: yes, it is a new feature
DafneG: type /project url
AgataZ: wow!
SaraMa: that's a great new feature!
BeeD: I do not know whether it is going to work in here...anyhow...we can try
AntoniaM this is getting very exciting :-) !
JaneAP projects http://url
JaneAP projects http://url
DafneG: jane, no please
BeeD: I am going to post a link on the chat I want you to click on...I will give you instructions on what to do and how to view it and you can go through it at your own speed. We will keep the TI chat area to make comments and clarify whatever you do not understand. Any questions?
SusanneN joined the room.
AntoniaM: Hi Sus, how are you?
DafneG: fine, Bee
SaraMa: wb Sus
BeeD: I do not think it is going to work on the TI window...better not try as it did not work on Talking Communities...
BeeD: it's not a normal webpage
SusanneN: Hello, I'm fine but trying to help Karen get here, so I will sit in the background and listen for a while
BeeD: thanks Sus
SaraMa: ok, we'll just open the link then...
BeeD: This is the link:
BeeD: Please tell me how long it gets to load on your computer and what your first impression is.
SaraMa: it looks did you create it?
AntoniaM: yep, that's working, looks great!
DafneG: on an e-book
DafneG: I love them
JaneAP: It worked and looks great--I'm amazed!!
SaraMa: I mean as an e-book, which tool did you use, if I can ask?
BeeD: this is an e-book by keeboo
FernandaR: just a few seconds
DafneG: Kee-boo
SaraMa: I'll check that! Thanks Bee
MariaJ joined the room.
AgataZ: and I can't open it :(
MariaJ: Hi
AntoniaM: hey, this is fantastic - a wonderful interactive book! :)
BeeD: All right I will give you the address later...let's focus on the content
MariaJ: sorry, but I could lon in before
DafneG: click here maria
RobertWB: IF you resize your windows, you can even get them both on the same screen.
BeeD: Agata...wait a little bit
BeeD: what is the messatge you get?
AntoniaM left the room (signed off).
MariaJ: thanks Daf
BeeD: Have you all managed to open it?
JaneAP: Yes
DafneG: yes
GregK: yes
FernandaR: yes
SaraMa: Yes and it looks just great!
JeanMC: this page is VERY slow for me
LeahS: No, but go on..
AgataZ: No message- nothing happends when I click on the link
MichaelDK: yes
BeeD: what kind of connection do you have?
DafneG: I love them, and have never been able to put mine online
JeanMC: cable but....
AntoniaM joined the room.
MariaJ: It seems great!
SaraMa: I'll give it a try right after this session...uff! so much to learn at BAW! Not just contents but also tools!
AntoniaM: i got literally knocked out ...offline, woops!
SaraMa: This is being an amazing experience!
GaryBC joined the room.
RobertWB: I love the little buzzing b....I think I may want to borrow it...
BeeD: All the bottom you will see a little button called tools
DafneG: on your left
BeeD: This allows you to view one page at a time or two pages like in a can also have a slide projection
MichaelDK left the room (signed off).
BeeD: Let's set out tool to full page ok?
JaneAP: Awesome
DafneG: ok
SaraMa: ok, done!
BeeD: ****************hello there!
DafneG: he he
SaraMa: lol Bee
GaryBC left the room (signed off).
GaryBC joined the room.
MichaelDK joined the room.
DafneG: you will teach me to put my e-books online Bee
BeeD: Let's set the tools to full page and go to Introduction
DafneG: ok
SaraMa: ok, there we are...
LeahS left the room (signed off).
DafneG: cool
GaryBC left the room (signed off).
GaryBC joined the room.
LeahS joined the room.
DafneG: hi Gary
BeeD: Tell me when you are done
GaryBC left the room (signed off).
GaryBC joined the room.
DafneG: click on this url, gary
GaryBC left the room (signed off).
GaryBC joined the room.
AgataZ: wow, Bee, I typed the URL in and here I am!
BeeD: Gary is getting restless
DafneG: yes
ButhainaA joined the room.
BeeD: Welcome Buth
JeanMC: Hi Buth
DafneG: hi Buth
ButhainaA: Sorry i am late
FernandaR: hi Buth
ButhainaA: Hi everyone
DafneG: Gary and Buth, click here pls
GaryBC: I have a hard time to get on.
ButhainaA: it's 1:20 am here in kuwait
BeeD: Thanks for staying up so late Buth
MariaJ: poor Buth.....
ButhainaA: ok, thanks Daf
ButhainaA: no prob Maria i'm like Daf an OWL
ButhainaA: LOL
BeeD: I hear no apparently everyone is busy flipping the pages
LeahS: ? Sorry to interrupt..when I click on the URL, I can no longer see the chat room
DafneG: then go to tools (bottom to the left and select full page, then to introduction
GaryBC: Buth. Thanks for suggesting Tripod
DafneG: you have to go back and forth, Leah
ButhainaA: No Alado, this time..?
LeahS: Okay
JeanMC: no page in Colombia!...
ButhainaA: no voice?
BeeD: do I get these people back?
DafneG: no, Buth, just text
SusanneN left the room.
ButhainaA: Great E-book, Bee, WOW
AntoniaM: Bee, its just so enthralling, i'm quite speechless, but there's so much info here to learn from, its wonderful!:)
DafneG: they are excited with the e-book
ButhainaA: ok..
SusanneN joined the room.
ButhainaA: yes, it's great
ButhainaA: i wa sexcited the first I saw it , too
AntoniaM: It reminds me of the exitement of learning to read my first story...all by myself :-)
DafneG: people get back here
SaraMa: here I am...well i'm actually at both places!!:-D
BeeD: Sus...everyone
DafneG: yes, I was so excited with ke-boo that I bought it, but have not been able to put my books online
DafneG: that's the idea, sara
BeeD: they are cumbersome Daf...great effect online but heavy to manage
ButhainaA: Buth is looking at Bee's wonderful e-book
DafneG: right, Bee
AgataZ: Let's listen to Bee, please!
BeeD: I much prefer web pages...much lighter
DafneG: they are in the e-book, Agata
AgataZ: The e-book will be available for some time, won't it, Bee?
BeeD: I cannot stop my students ...they are reading!!!
BeeD: I will link it to Beewebhead blog
DafneG: they were absorbed
AgataZ flips the pages, too
ButhainaA: Bee , do you really stick to the rubric?
BeeD: see if you find the answer to your question Agata
SaraMa: Well, if we could get the effect of our students actually would be great!
BeeD: I do stick to it...if not I go crazy
JeanMC: no?page, no reading, no fun !...ouah!...:)
AntoniaM: Bee, I've just saved the book in my favs/bkmrk...will it be there when i want to bgo bak to it another day or can i only see it here & now, bet that sounds really stupid!!
DafneG: try again JM
BeeD: Haven't you managed to open it JM?
DafneG: close the other one
ButhainaA: Don't you think it will spoil the learning with fun experience?
BeeD: type the url directly to the browser
BeeD: the rubric?
DafneG: copy it to the pasteboard, JM
BeeD: I have the rubric for the personal journal...not for the interactive blog
DafneG: I use rubrics for journals too
ButhainaA: Oh, I see, Bee.
BeeD sits back and relaxes
ButhainaA: ok, got you, in this case I agree.
DafneG: lol
DafneG: hey people raise your hand if you are here
DafneG raises her hand
ButhainaA: I can use it for my advanced class
SusanneN: I'm reading and happy, this looks so good!
BeeD: get the students involved...and you just sit back and watch them having
GaryBC: Gay raises hand
JaneAP: I'm here and flipping pages--it's wonderful
BeeD: yes Gary...can I help you?
ButhainaA: Yep, I agree, Bee.
DafneG: please pay attention to Bee
LuisaRo: how do we rwise our hands?
SaraMa raises her hand!
GaryBC: I just was flipping. It's impressive
BeeD: Jane have you found the answer to your question?
LeahS left the room (signed off).
ButhainaA: have you made the rubric, or is it ready made/
JeanMC: Tripod is on strike for me:)
LuisaRo: I don 't remember
BeeD: Yes Sarah? Can I help you?
JaneAP: Which one? I have found answers to some questions I didn't ask
DafneG: type a colon and then your action, Luisa
BeeD: I will upload the webpages later...without the booklet thing for you to see JM
LuisaRo: ;I raise my hand
DafneG: this is a do-it-yourself session
SaraMa: I guess we're about to lose all the cyberstickers we might have earned, due to our terrible behaviour here today...not paying attention to poor Bee!
BeeD: Yes Luisa?
SusanneN: Bee, your e-booklet has a very nice look!
DafneG: no we are saying we are here, Bee
JeanMC: Don't worry. I'll visit this page later when Internet will be not so busy
FernandaR raises her hand
JaneAP: Oh yes--I see the jigsaw activity. Thank you!
LuisaRo: did I raise my hand?
BeeD: yes Fernanda?
MichaelDK raises hand
LuisaRo: ;raises her hand
FernandaR: just to tell you that I'm here...
DafneG: you use a semicolon, Luisa
SaraMa: I was just saying I was here bee!
BeeD: Michael, any questions?
LuisaRo: ,raises her hand
DafneG: just type :action
DafneG: a colon, not a semicolon
ButhainaA: oops, sorry, Daf, should have raised my hand,, just noticed your
DafneG: he he
ButhainaA: request
DafneG: this is fun
ButhainaA: hehehe
BeeD: Isn't it?
ButhainaA: great fun indeed
LuisaRo action
LuisaRo raise her hand
DafneG: too much excitement to pay attention
ButhainaA: Btw, thanks for writing egyptwebheads
DafneG: good, Luisa :-)
LuisaRo: finally
ButhainaA: i agre
ButhainaA: where is Sus/
DafneG: my pleasure, Buth
ButhainaA: Oh, Sus, dear how are you/
LuisaRo: Bee, can we read your e-book later?
SaraMa: Bee next time you should give us just a dull word document so that we actually pay attention! Instead of such a great document!
BeeD: There should be a sound here call people back to order...some sort of bell
DafneG: that's true, Bee
LeahS joined the room.
BeeD: I just answered your questions Sara
DafneG: wb Leah
AgataZ is handing Bee a cyber-whistle
LeahS: thanks
DafneG: if you lost your book, Leah, here it is
BeeD blows it like mad and is out of breath
DafneG: lol
LuisaRo: poor Bee!
SaraMa: lol
ButhainaA: wb Leah
AntoniaM antonia raises hand :)
BeeD: let's chat then...if there are no questions
SusanneN rings a little bell
DafneG: what have you found interesting in the book, guys
AntoniaM: Will you leave the book available to read at our leisure?
SusanneN: I find the open pages are very cool
ButhainaA: Is this the Leah from Vance's TESOl Academic session?
DafneG: it will be in the chatlog, Antonia
MariaJ: I am going throgh it and it is fantastic.....
LeahS: Thanks. But the problem is, the circle which indicates download just goes around for ten minutes or so, and I can't use my pointer or move in the book..I'll just access it later in the day and explore
BeeD: I will link it to my
SusanneN: that lets my own imaginateion wander
AntoniaM: great!
LeahS: Hi, I'm the Leah from Anaheim Univ.
ButhainaA: yes, Bee, good idea
ButhainaA: Oh, great to see again here
MariaJ: whih tool did you use to do that book?.... just an editor?
ButhainaA: How are things?
DafneG: It will also be next to Bee's presentation on the chatsessions page
RobertWB: This is wonderful work Bee...I am quite impressed.
SusanneN: I've already downloaded the KeeBoo trial version
LeahS: thanks Bee..will read it later
SusanneN: it is SO cool.
RobertWB: and I know that you have done this in what,...the last week?
BeeD: it looks nice but as I was saying...too tricky
JaneAP: Bee--I do have another question but I'm not sure you can answer it here. Suppose I want to add a very big power point presentation to my blog--can it be done? Is there a blog provider that is better than others for this?
RobertWB: That make it all that much more impressive.
SaraMa: I have a comment. I liked very much the jigsaw activity.
ButhainaA: wow, tthis blog by blogspot has acomment feature?
BeeD: The jigsaw was Jane's question...I hope I have answered
FernandaR: how long did it take you to make this presentation with keeboo?
JeanMC left the room (signed off).
JaneAP: Yes, Bee. A wonderful answer to my jigsaw query
BeeD: Not built in have to add it...I explain it in the booklet
ButhainaA: I strongly agree with Robert
SaraMa: i'm interested in possible activities for blog usage with students, and I'm thinking of creating a webpage with the ideas just came to my mind about that
ButhainaA: very impressive Bee
ButhainaA: ok, I will find the anser, Bee, thanks
BeeD: I finished it this morning...before going to the last questions in and answered
RobertWB: JaneAP, I think the answer to your question is going to have todo with how much space the blog affords you.
SaraMa: I mean, that onece we've got the links to providers and we learn about how tos, I'd really like to consider real usage possibilities
BeeD: You can link to a powerpoint presentation...
RobertWB: I have a private blog and am limited to a certain amount of space, but I can buy more...the free blogs usually have a space limit.
BeeD: which is already online
ButhainaA: Great job, Bee, must read your answer..
JaneAP: Thanks RobertWB (is that elderbob in code?) Do you know of any websites that allow you to store PowerPoint the way you can store pictures?
RobertWB: elderbob...sorry it's the way I had to sign up.
BeeD: I can store Power Point on Tripod
MariaJ: But you could put some blogs on your own server too
JaneAP: Thanks Bee.
BeeD: which hosts my website
RobertWB: Again, my allows me to determine what I want to archive, but basically it can be done.
RobertWB: I just haven't had a chance to use mine that much...
BeeD: Powerpoint presentations are extremely heavy and take lots of space on disk
ButhainaA: the only reason I don't use blogs by with my remedial class is because they don't support comment feature..but good we have Bee, thanks
BeeD: You can add two minutes
RobertWB: My service providor put mine together for me...
RobertWB: I use MT...I forget what that stands for...
DafneG: I read that Tabulas was very good
DafneG: for collaborative work
BeeD: I saw your post Daf...looks good...must try it
RobertWB: I also am involved in an Wiki, its not mine, but we are learning how to use it in another studygroup I belong to,
DafneG: so many things to try
BeeD: Yes...and so little time!
DafneG: do you ever sleep, bob?
BeeD: I think he does not
RobertWB: What is sleep?
BeeD: he's permanently
DafneG: yes, he is, Bee
AgataZ: and active!
BeeD: Bob...I have just enrolled for Dreamweaver
RobertWB: I am wet-wired...I have a phone line runninginto a USB port under my arm.
BeeD: lol
DafneG: me too, I registered in Moodle
FernandaR: so did I
SaraMa: and me too!
DafneG: but you are a senior Fern
RobertWB: Yes, there are several of you who have signed up for the Dreamweaver..i have already appointed you and Dafne to write the final text for our sessions.
LuisaRo: what is moodle?
DafneG: and Sara too
ButhainaA: Oh, where can I join DW, Daf/
DafneG: hhhhh
DafneG: look in our list, Buth
RobertWB: I haven't granted senior status to anyone but me yet, until I know who has the most experience.
ButhainaA: I use it for 3 years now, and think it's the best, so far
RobertWB: but I am intersted in small bribes.
SaraMa: No Daf, I'm not a senior! Just enjoy playing with tools!!
DafneG: I can give you the list, bob
DafneG: Sara, Eva, Fernanda, Maria
AntoniaM: I'm up for both elderbob!- moodle & dreamweaver...I'll check I've signed...:-)
FernandaR: I don't know what I am, Daf... I surely try to touch everything and end up by doing nothing
ButhainaA: oh, sorry, Daf, it's late here, you knwo, i know i behaved like my studetns
ButhainaA: hehehe
RobertWB: Well, Buth will be the first senior after me..
BeeD: So...any questions about Blogging you would like me to answer?
BeeD: or presence online?
ButhainaA: Oh, wow, thanks Rob
SaraMa: Same about me Fern! Just trial and error DW learning!
DavidCou joined the room.
GregK: Bee, have you had any students respond through using audio?
DafneG: Do you use lots of HTML in your blog, Bee?
BeeD: Not yet...we do not have audio open at school
RobertWB: I am just looking for guides not experts...
BeeD: but I am planning to use the phone
RobertWB: this is collaborative learning....
GregK: Have you had any student privacy issues/concerns while using Blogs?
SaraMa: Yes, a question. What do you use your blog for. i mean what type of activity?
BeeD: to record their voices
RobertWB: I have to take my child to her college classes now, so I have tosign off for a this going to be archived...
FernandaR: I have a question: do students generally react well to blogs? do they feel enthusiastic?
MariaJ: so I think most of us are in the same situation whe using programms.... trial-error
DafneG: sure, Bob
ButhainaA: the phone! not in my case, nobody will pay!
RobertWB: Kewl, then I shall bid you all g'day...and have an awesome tomorrow.
MariaJ: anyway, we are teachers of languages, not informatics......;)
RobertWB: bye all.
BeeD: I teach at an international school...Brazilians are very open to new things and gadgets...Europeans not that
DafneG: bye, Bob thanks for coming
DafneG: that's true, Bee
BeeD: Thanks for being here Bob
JaneAP: I was wondering about the privacy issues and enthusiasm issues as well--esp for busy college (18-24) age students
MariaJ: I do agree with you both....
RobertWB: I had fun...
RobertWB left the room (signed off).
BeeD: I do not allow them to post private information about themselves
SaraMa: I'm thinking of creating some sort of bog-quest
MariaJ: Most Europeans need more energy to move....
ButhainaA: Yes, Fernanda, but I found that e-learning is very sensative, in the sense that a little mistake from the instructor can turn SS off
BeeD: I give them quite strict rules
MariaJ: blog-quest?
JaneAP: Sara--what do you mean by bogquest?
MariaJ: that sound very good Sara
MarciaRe joined the room.
AntoniaM: can they post themselves or do you moderate?
ButhainaA: In my case, blogs worked mirales
SaraMa: Using the blog as the tool for students to write on things they've found out through a 2mini quest" on links posted for that task
BeeD: welcome Marcia, can I help you?
MariaJ: we could try something like that.....
ButhainaA: Students loved it
MarciaRe: Looking for library tapped in. Sorry
MarciaRe left the room.
DafneG: what are your rules, Bee
ButhainaA: I will definitely repeat the experience this time
MariaJ: we could talk to Isabel Perez, who know a lot about that.....but sh is very busy now with her tesis
JaneAP: Hmm...maybe the blogquest could become a scavenger hunt of sorts
SaraMa: I mean I'd post a couple of links for the quest, ask some questions or opinions about the inf they found, and they should reply at the blog
ButhainaA: good question Daf
BeeD: I do not let them post their full names, information about where they live or telephones and such
DafneG: good idea
DafneG: very sensible
BeeD: they usually use nicknames
SusanneN is back with you
BeeD: and I do not make the blog public...well, it is now for you...
DafneG: are they motivated from the beginning?
DafneG: only for the group
JaneAP: Bee and all of you--thank you very much. This has been enormously helpful. I have bookmarked the url and plan to come back to it later. Unfortunately I have to go now.
ButhainaA: May i ask , Bee, why do you do this? security reason/
BeeD: it takes some time for them to start off...but once they get the kick, then it's plain sailing
BeeD: My students are under 18 Buth
DafneG: in that age they like writing diaries
BeeD: Thanks for coming Jane ...and drop me a line if you still have questions
SusanneN: Bee, how do you make blogs internal?
ButhainaA: oh, I see.
BeeD: you could have them on an intranet
MichaelDK: Could you comment on advantages of using a blog over a Web-based bulletin board such as NiceNet?
SusanneN: could we talk about intrablogging?
JaneAP: Since you're talking about privacy--one last question. Do you include pictures of your students?
ButhainaA: Bee, do you recommend blogspot for kids/
BeeD: I gave you the answer in the e-book :-)
BeeD: I like it because it is very simple with no frills
ButhainaA: Or, which one do you think is better and why? i mean for the kids/
SusanneN: Oh, so if we have more questions AFTER reading your booklet, we will aks again Bee :-))
BeeD: I'd say the blogger
BeeD: read my answer to your question in e-book
ButhainaA: I wish i have read the e-book earlier..sorry about this Bee
LuisaRo: That's what i'm going to do: first study, then ask questions
SaraMa: I'm sure we will be contacting you Bee, after we've done our homework!
ButhainaA: was really too busy, tomorrow is ther first day I meet my new stduents
BeeD: I have just presented it there was nothing there to ask
DafneG: good girl, Luisa
JaneAP left the room (signed off).
LuisaRo: now i'm silent
SusanneN: Bee is such a typical teacher!
FionaL joined the room.
MichaelDK: Thanks much for the resource Bee. I look forward to reading it after the chat ends!
BeeD: What do you mean by that Sus?
AntoniaM: Now now girls!..
DafneG: he he
SusanneN: I eman, first you prepare a wonderful text for us to read, and if we did not do so, we are sent back to read again :-)
BeeD: You are welcome Michael...
AntoniaM: Why di I always end up reading books backwards?
ButhainaA: I will use your e-book as a resource on blogs in case I lead a workshop for oithers in our unit, do you mind Bee/
SusanneN bluses because she has been multitasking as a helpdesk
ButhainaA: permission, please?
BeeD: no problem Buth
ButhainaA: thanks
ButhainaA smiles
SaraMa: and permission to link it Bee? is that possible?
DafneG: that is a great resurce Bee
SusanneN: Bee, did you use the KeeBoo for other purposes?
BeeD: feel free to link and use
DafneG: show it at the Brasil TESOL
SusanneN: I've seen it before but not used it yet
BeeD: yes...for students presentations...want to see some?
DafneG: thanks, Bee
SaraMa thanks Bee for such a great resource
ButhainaA: Yes, good idea, Daf
AntoniaM: Bee, is it ok to show my students because i have two who are very ICT literate & I think they'll help me start the collab blog...?
DavidCou left the room (signed off).
BeeD: why don't they join beeonline? How old are they?
ButhainaA: thank you so much Bee, this has been so informative session..
AntoniaM: yes, and st presentations...i think they'd love to use this as a medium!
BeeD: My pleasure Buth
AntoniaM: Bee my st's are about 16
ButhainaA: I will check your e-book thoroughly, later and see what I can do with the new info i find
BeeD: let's connect them
SaraMa: Yes, we've learned about blogs and also about e-book creating! much more than expected!
DafneG: added value
BeeD: lol
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
SusanneN joined the room.
LuisaRo: what does lol mean?
ButhainaA: mine are in this age range Antonia
AntoniaM: OK Bee I'll chat to you about it another time, thanks very much, this is great!
ButhainaA: Freshmen and sophomores
SusanneN: LOL is Lots of Laughing, we have a lot of that
BeeD: Antonia and Buth...let's connect through Beeonline which is up and working
DafneG: Well, I think it is time to thank Bee for her excelent job, fabulous planning
LuisaRo: thanks
MichaelDK: Thanks Bee!
ButhainaA: ok, Bee
AntoniaM: That will be wonderful Bee, thanks so much!
BeeD:  and
LeahS: Thanks very much
SusanneN: I was so happy to bet the blog topic rolling
DafneG: and there are no adjectives really to describe her e-book and the content it has

MichaelDK waves goodbye
MichaelI joined the room.
GaryBC: Wonderful job, Bee. I will enjoy reading your book carefully
LuisaRo: Thanks a lot from this lasy student
MichaelI: Good evening all. Sorry I am late.
BeeD: Thank you all...I hope I will get everyone blogging!
LuisaRo: I'll read the e-book, I promise, BBee
SaraMa: Sure you will Bee! Thanks indeed!
GaryBC: I'll let you know!
MichaelDK left the room (signed off).
FionaL: Hi I ahve just joined but was wondering if anyone could help me understand why i cannot access the tapped in chat through explorer..just netscape? I guess I can find out what has happened by reading later
DafneG: hi michael, yes, we are finishing, but you can take a look at the book Bee prepared for us
AgataZ: Great job, Bee! And all my questions answered!
BeeD: yes...please give me feedback on it
LeahS: Goodbye all..have to get to the high school..thanks
SusanneN: Micheal in Rome, we will share the blog so you can see what was on the session today
DafneG: thanks for coming, everybody
BeeD: Have a nice day Leah
GaryBC: Bye all!
BeeD: Hi Michael from Rome
LeahS: thanks, Bee and all
ButhainaA: I know the first beeonline , visited once when you added the audio, loved it, great one
DafneG: thanks for coming, guys
SusanneN: Bye Bee and all, it is midnight and I wish to get offline
AntoniaM: You're in my best bookmarks now bee alomng with so amny other new dear Webhead friends :-)
MichaelI: Thanks vey much.
ButhainaA: i will check the other one
BeeD: beeonline 2 has just started
AgataZ: It is midnight here, good night everyone!
BeeD: Dziekuje Agata for coming
AntoniaM: Sweet dreams Agata :)
SusanneN waves goodnight!!
DafneG: same here, I am going to become a pumpkin soon
MichaelI: I have opened the URL Dafne gave out.
BeeD hugs Agata warmly
ButhainaA: buth waves to sus
AntoniaM antonia waves goodnight!
LeahS left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Daf, take care of your glass shoes!
GregK: Thanks Bee. Dobranoc!
BeeD: goodnight...sleep tight
DafneG: he he
BeeD: dobranoc Greg
DafneG: thanks again, Bee wonderful job, congratulations from the bottom of my heart
BeeD: mowiz tez po polsku?
SusanneN: I see th AgataZ kisses Bee three times
MichaelI: And I have bookmarked it.
AntoniaM: Bee have a lovely fact lets all raise our glases/cups
SusanneN: I only know two words: Vodka and Uwaga!
MichaelI: I guess I can then return whenever I like?
AgataZ: LOL
BeeD: uwaga is what you need after drinking vodka
DafneG passes around caipirinha
AntoniaM: there's also hot choc...i'm a choccy holic:-)
AgataZ: or before
BeeD starts throwing confetti's Carnival time next week
ButhainaA: Bee, your blogs are very inspiring, thanks
GregK left the room (signed off).
DafneG: I have herring after straight vodka
SusanneN: I prefer just plain hot water at this time of the might
BeeD: lovely too
SaraMa . o O ( I'll end up being an alcoholic webhead after these sessions! )
AntoniaM yes, lots of balloons too, LOL!
DafneG: he he
LuisaRo waves good night
ButhainaA: I booked marked them, and will try to post them to an elementary level coleague here in Kuwait
SusanneN: Both, your student blogs were also very promising!
BeeD waves back to Luisa
AntoniaM waves goodnight!
BeeD hugs Antonia
SaraMa wishes good night to everyone
DafneG let white doves fly around Bee's head
LuisaRo left the room (signed off).
BeeD waves to Sara
AntoniaM big hugs Bee and to all of you!
SusanneN: LIghts up a dozen ugly red plastic heart shaped lamps
FernandaR wishes goodnight
ButhainaA: was that Both or Buth, sus?
SusanneN: letfovers from Valentine's
ButhainaA: hehehe
ButhainaA: LOl
ButhainaA: ok, np sus
SusanneN: Both Buth and Bath?
BeeD: I have to go as men are waiting for diner
AntoniaM: Ha ha ha tee hee...
DafneG: csl
SaraMa left the room.
MichaelI: Bee, how did you compose your book? What software did youuse?
FernandaR :-)
ButhainaA: Thanks for the support Sus
AgataZ left the room (signed off).
SusanneN: Bee, did you use that for other purposes?
ButhainaA: is a free tool Bee
ButhainaA: have to check sorry
SusanneN: it looks so orderly and inviting!
DafneG: no, only for 15 or 30 days buth
AntoniaM now sweet dreams to all, really must go, thanks again so much Bee your a beaut!
BeeD: no...30 days trial and then 39 euros for an educational version
SusanneN: 15 days trial
DafneG: bye Antonia, dear
SusanneN: but it looks like it is worth to pay for
BeeD: I have some more keeboos online if you want to see
DafneG: yes
AntoniaM left the room (signed off).
DafneG: I have seen one, I think
SusanneN jumps up & down yes we will bee your booklets Bee!!!
BeeD pats crazy Sus on the head :-)
DafneG: did you use zip to get in on the server, Bee
BeeD: its zips and does everything automatically...
DafneG: I have to try tripod
BeeD: I find it really cumbersome
DafneG: which accepts zip
ButhainaA: Bee, do i will add your 2 blogs on my blogs Handout here:
ButhainaA: is this all right, Bee?
BeeD: ok buth
ButhainaA: thanks, Bee
DafneG: well, let's bee take care of her men
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
SusanneN joined the room.
BeeD: Thanks Daf...they're eying me
SusanneN: wellwell, I lost my connection again, sorry
BeeD: my wolves...hehehe
MichaelI: BeeD, this book looks great!
SusanneN: Just wanted to wave goodbye
DafneG: thanks, Bee it was a real pleasure, a big kiss for you
BeeD: good night
BeeD: Kissie kissie goodbye
FernandaR: Bee, do you also know
SusanneN: I'll look forward to read teh chatlog
DafneG kisses Bee on both cheeks
BeeD: movable type is great but you need php
BeeD: which I do not have
DafneG: bye people, let's call it a day
BeeD: more to come...some time later...see you, ciao
SusanneN: yesm bye to all of you! see you next time
DafneG: bye bye bambina
SusanneN hugs goodnight
SusanneN left the room (signed off).
ButhainaA: Have you tried Fernanda? looks neat
ButhainaA: thanks Bee, great job..
ButhainaA: and hope to see you soon
BeeD left the room (signed off).
DafneG: bye all, this woman needs some rest
ButhainaA: Fernanda?
MichaelI: PhP?
ButhainaA: yes, the women here needs it too
ButhainaA: 8 am class tomorrow
DafneG: bye buth, bye all
DafneG left the room (signed off).

2004.02.16 15:12:49 Signoff

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Created on Feb. 16, 2004

Dafne Gonzalez