Readings |
This is a list of readings we consider to be useful for you during the workshop and later on. Do not feel obliged to read everything on the list. Read what you feel you need and 'relate' to.
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6
Week 1: Introductions
Hints for Learning Online (1998).
Dotson, Tim (2003). Why Johnny Won't Post. Converge Online.
Illinois Online Network (2003). Tips for Online Success.
Illinois Online Network (2003). What Makes a Successful Online Student?.
Kelly, Charles. 10 Netsurfing Tips: How to Save Time & Avoid Frustration.
Sweeney, Nuala (2001). How to Be an E-Learner. Learning Circuits. (in our YG files section - week 1).
Week 2: Synchronous communication tools
Almeida d'Eça,
Teresa (2003). The
Use of Chat in EFL/ESL. TESL-EJ.
Haefner, Joel (2000). Opinion: The Importance of Being Synchronous. Academic Writing.
Martín, Gregorio Blanco (2002). Using Chats in EFL: A Tool for Collaborative Learning. The GRETA Magazine.
Mynard, Jo (2002). Introducing EFL Students to Chat Rooms. ITESLJ, VIII (2).
Pointers & Clickers (1999). Chat as a Teaching Tool.
Tudini, Vincenza (2003). Using Native Speakers in Chat. Language Learning & Technology, Sep. 2003
Week 3: Virtual classrooms and other tools
Al Othman, Buthaina (2003). Exploring a New Webcasting Tool: A Virtual Classroom at Elluminate.
Cooper, Jeff. Educational MUVEs: Virtual Learning Communities.
Foreman, J. Distance
Learning and Synchronous Interaction. The Michigan Virtual University.
Campbell, Aaron Patric (2002). Learner Attitudes Towards a Tutor-Run Weblog in the EFL University Classroom.
Campbell, Aaron Patric (2003). Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes. ITESL-J, Feb. 2003.
Cross, Jay (2002). Blogs. Learning Circuits.
How Educators Are Using Weblogs. The Intel Innovator.
Johnston, Timothy C. (2002). Teaching with a Weblog: How to Post Student Work Online.
Stanley, Graham (2003). ELT Weblog Workshop. (think it's necessary and/or useful?)Wiley, David. What is a blog?
Week 4: Building an online presence
DIY CALL (comparison of GeoCities and Tripod; HTML editors and exercise creators)
Kelly, Charles. Guidelines for Designing a Good Web Site for ESL Students.
Web Style Guide (this is a book that is online and also in print)
Week 5: Developing class materials
March, Tom (1995-2001). What's on the Web? Sorting Strands of the World Wide Web for Educators.
March, Tom (1997). Working the Web for Education: Theory and Practice of Integrating the Web for Learning.
Pérez, Isabel. Creating Materials Online with Free Teacher Tools. TESOL Spain, Newsletter 2003.
Week 6: Conclusions and reflections
Gonzalez, Dafne. Teaching and Learning Through Chat. A Taxonomy of Educational Chat for EFL/ESL. IATEFL Poland Computer SIG Journal, Oct. 2003.
Jung, Hee-Jung. Overview of Computer Assisted Language Learning Research with Second Language Acquisition Perspectives. IATEFL Poland Computer SIG Journal, Jul. 2003.
Peterson, Mark. Emergent network technologies in CALL: MOOs and ESL Pedagogy. CALL-IS e-publication, 22 Oct. 2003.
Rovai, Alfred P. (2002). Building a Sense of Community at a Distance. IRRODL, Apr. 2002.
Created on 19 December 2003
Teresa Almeida d'Eça