Common  Phrases  in


A Chairde _________________ Dear Friends 

Jane, a chara,______________ Dear  Jane 

Dia duit!___________________ Hi  there! 

Dia daoibh!________________ Hi  there! ( more than one person)

Cead Mile Failte___________ A hundred thousand welcomes !


Slan!_ _____________________ Bye

Slan go foill!_ ______________ Bye for now

Adh  mor!__________________ Cheers!

Beir bua agus beannacht, _____ Best  wishes,


Ta an ceart agat. ___________________________ You're right.

Eist moran agus can beagan___________________Hear much say little.

Nar lagai Dia thu! ___________________________More power  to you!

Mo ghraidhin go deo thu!_____________________ Bravo! Good for you!

B'fheidir go bhfuil an ceart agat. _______________ Maybe you're right.

An dairire ata tu? ____________________________ Are you serious?

Is minic a gheibhean beal oscailt diog dunta_____________ 
                                           ( An open mouth often catches a closed fist ! )

An feidir le heinne cuidiu liom? _______________ Can anyone help me?

Tuigim Gaeilge shimpli.______________________ I understand simple Irish.

Is goire cabhair De na an doras_____________________
                                                      ( God's help is nearer than the door. )

Nil moran Gaeilge agam. _____________________ I don't know much Irish.

Nil me' ach ag tosu' ar an teanga a fhoghlaim .____________ 
                                                           ( I'm only beginning to learn the language.)

De reir a cheile a thogtar na caisleain __________ It takes time to build castles.


Go raibh maith agat! _______________________ Thank  You! ( to one person)

Go raibh mile maith agaibh as bhur gcunamh! __________________ 
                      Thank you very much for your help( to more than one person )
Ta' me' buioch diot as do chunamh.___________________________ 
                                            I'm grateful to you for your help.(to one person)

Go meadai Dia thu! _______________________________________ 
                                      May God prosper you! ( to one person, seriousThanks)

Ta' failte romhat! _______________________You're welcome! ( to one person )

Mol an oige agus tiofaidh si_____________Praise the young and they will come.


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