Arizona State Flag

Arizona is known as the Grand Canyon state. It is bordered by California on the west, New Mexico on the east, Nevada & Utah on the north, with Mexico on the southern border. In our Northeastern corner of the state ( 4 corners) we have the only place in the USA where 4 states meet Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona. There is many different types of climates here, you have the desert and the High mountains. Phoenix and Tucson are the biggest and best know cities. Flagstaff is another fairly well know city also. Now here is some tables with URL's to there site pages.  Just click to view

Major Universities

ASU  = Tempe
Sun Devils
U of A  =  Tucson
NAU  = Flagstaff 
Lumber Jacks

National   Parks

Grand Canyon
Petrified Forest 

National  Forests



Agua   Fria
Canyon De Chelly
Casa Grande Ruins
Montezuma Castle
Organ  Pipe
Pipe Spring 
Rainbow Bridge
Sunset Crater 
Walnut Creek

National Historical Parks

Coronado National Memorial 
Fort Bowie
State Historical Parks 

One of our biggest legends out here is the Legend of Jacob Walsh  the Lost Dutchman and his mine.
Many, many people have hunted for it over the years. The Superstition Mountians are an unmistakenable scene in the Vallely of the Sun along with Weavers needle.

Fun Places to visit

Kartchner Caverns 
Lost Duchman 
State Park
Indian Country
Site Seeing 
Arizona Ghost

Some other places to visit if you come to Arizona is Tombstone with the OK coral still there. Then the movie studio's at Old Tucson. There is many old western towns, Route 66 towns, indian villages, and old U.S.Cavalry forts and Buffalo Soldiers quarters. Museums of all kinds for the old west. Rex Allen and the Cowboy Museum also. And the old US Territory Prison in Yuma.

Tempertures in Arizona range from the high 30's in the desert to 0 in the mountians in the winter. Then 100-teens in the desert to the high 80's in the mountians in the summer. You have a wide range of weater and seasons in arizona as the High country is like many Northern states and the low deserts are hot and dry, except when the summer monsoons come in and raise the humidity. The plants range from cactus to Big Pines. with many things in between.

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