Double Crested Cormorant
Coming Soon

Please excuse the lack of content presented here, we are currently upgrading the website! (our new website is in public beta, please visit it at (

When the upgrade is complete our website will have plenty of new features to look forward to! Our Events Calendar is currently in it's infancy, and we have set up a blog to allow our visitors to keep track of whats happening here at the Centre during the off-season period. (

The blog will also have information pertaining to the 18th Annual Lockeport Sea Derby, as well as the Lockeport Loop, so check back soon!

The blog will also display the details of any events that are currently on the drawing board, and the comments section will allow you to post what you think about the ideas!

The Weather at the Beach today!

* The nearest weather network station is at Baccaro Point, so this isn't always accurate, for the most part, it is warmer here in Lockeport.

This is the official events schedule for the Beach Centre

The Committee of the Crescent Beach Development Association as well as the Lockeport Loop Committee, and the Lockeport Sea Derby Committee would like to wish all the Lobster Fishermen the very best of luck in the upcoming season

Crescent Beach Centre | Lockeport N.S. | B0T 1L0 | (902) 656 3123
Fax:(902) 656 3026 |