welcome to fireflys domain this web site is for the 3 3/4 gi joes and cartoon. Okay, coming soon, THE FIRST THAT I KNOW OF GIF ANIMATED GI JOE DIO STORY/CARTOON! I need to make a set, but that may not take long, I am going to start working on It as soon as my dang Scanner is working. I have a rpg where you play as a cobra progressing through ranks and doing missions. Thats what the website is mainly for but i will put up anything requested.Email me if you wish to join telling me about your character(age, name what type of solider and maybe a little story of why the joined cobra). If you want to get something posted up here email me again I will get it posted up real quick. Also I have appointed a rpg time,its in the news section. Last but not least, I got a chat room. To go there click here
Fireflys file card, and a contest. Enter it, and read about it here.
Here is who provided the aweasome Firefly picture on the Fireflys file card page.
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gi joe is a regerstired trademark of Hasbro,tm. All names and vehicels with any likeness are also regerstired trade marks of Hasbro, tm.This web site is not endoresed by Hasbro, tm. in any way.View My guestbook Sign my guestbook
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