Parenting Sites

A collection of web sites that I've found to be interesting, helpful and informative.

AP Photo Album see the faces behind the names of the parents who post at the Parent Soup AP Message Board


Spare the Rod and Save the Child
Corporal punishment is not discipline, nor is it an effective means of guiding young ones' behavior
By Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami

Sparing The Child - Should Corporal Punishment end?
By V. G. Julie Rajan, Philadelphia

Nighttime Parenting

One Study Not Enough To Scare Parents About Co-Sleeping
by Dr. Dean Edell

Get out of my bedroom!
by Peggy O'Mara

The Family Bed:An Age Old Concept in Child Rearing

Say No to Circumcision

Where is My Foreskin? The Case Against Circumcision
by Paul M. Fleiss, MD

No Harmm

National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males
A Health & Human Rights Organization

What Happens During Circumcision?
Very graphic website...not for the faint of heart

The Circumcision Decision: An Overview
by Mary G. Ray, ©1998

Attachment Parenting

Violence on Television
What do Children Learn? What Can Parents Do?
APA Public Communications

Coping with Sibling Rivalry
by Burton White


Doctors Need To Study Up On Breastfeeding
by Dr. Dean Edell

Starting Solid Foods
Kids Are People Too

Bright Future Lactation Resource Centre

Wear Your Baby

The Importance of the In-Arms Phase
by Jean Liedloff

Why Wear Your Baby?
by Sharon Reuven

Ten Reasons to Wear your Baby
by Laura Simeon, M.A.

Work at Home Moms

Please support these great moms who are also working from home so they can be with their children.


Your children are not your children

they come through you but not from you
though they are with you
yet they belong not to you
you may house their bodies; not their souls
their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow
which you cannot visit
not even in your dreams
you may strive to be like them
but seek not to make them like you"

--kahlil gabran, the prophet

Last revised: April 12, 2003

