These are my favorite places on the internet.
I have arranged them by these categories:
If you would like to suggest a cool site, feel free to email me.
Beatle Links |
Beatle-related Pages |
Band Pages |
Bohemia |
Fab Movies |
Poetry |
My Buddie's Pages |
Miscellaneous Sites
Beatle Links
A Short Break From Reality - Beatles Stuff - cool stuff, such as exerpts from John Lennon's
The Internet Beatles Album - a very cool site with an original layout.
The Ultimate Beatles Archives - a great site with tons of stuff, including desktop themes.
The Inner Light: Beatle Bootlegs - has tons of bootlegs in mp3 and real audio format.
Sgt. Pepper - very original site: tells the story of everyone on the cover of Sgt. Pepper.
Beatle News - read about the latest Beatle-related news here. - the main site for Liverpool and Merseyside.
Chuck's Music Land - great classic rock site with Beatles, Led Zeppelin, and more....Beatles movies too!
A Day in the Life - another gear page.
Beatle Me This, Beatle Me That - just that!
A Pattie Boyd Site - a lovely site about George Harrison's beautiful first wife.
She Loves You - a site dedicated to all the Beatles wives and girlfriends.
Free As a Bird: Into the Land of Beatles Fan Fiction Great Beatles fan-fiction site that explores daydreams
John Lennon - FBI Files Find out just what the Nixon administration was hiding.
John Lennon: Acoustic Masterpieces - great acoustic versions of John's solo songs.
Hari's On Tour (Express) - a George Harrison site devoted mainly to his 1974 North American Tour.
Syd Barrett - the best Barrett site I've seen around
Feeling Mr. Falkner - the official "unofficial" Jason Falkner web site, with lots o' news updates.
A Page From Under the Floorboards - my Jason Falkner page with pix, articles and sound clips. - the official Bob Dylan web site.
Sister Ray Enterprises - a cool Lou Reed site.
All Things Imperial - all about Imperial Drag.
The Grays, an unofficial site - one of the only pages on the net about this great band.
Joining A Fanpage: Jellyfish Tales - firsthand accounts of what Jellyfish is and used to be.
Eleni Mandell - check out this great Los Angeles indie-artist.
Fiona Apple - the official Fiona Apple web site.
Kula Shaker - a cool site about a cool band.
The Smiths/Morrissey - my favorite musicians of the '80s.
Official Leo Kottke Homepage - a great folk guitarist (maintained by Leo himself!)
The unoffical Pharcyde Page - my very favorite hip-hop group.
Jeff Buckley - dedicated to this great musician.
Eleni Mandell - a cool indie artist from the Los Angeles area.
Wish You Were Here - a great Pink Floyd site.
Klaatu Home Page - they were thought to be the Beatles in the '70s!
God Save the Sex Pistols - the first breakthrough punk band.
BECK.COM - the offical Beck site.
Experience Hendrix Interactive - the official Jimi Hendrix site.
The Led Zeppelin Home Page - a comprehensive fan site.
Fly Jefferson Airplane - great site with tons of pix.
Bohemia - my Bohemian site with pix, poetry, bands, and more.
Intrepid Trips Dot Com - Ken Kesey and Babb's own Merry Pranksters site
boHemiAn Ink - learn about the great beat poets.
Alan Watts - read some of his philisophical lectures. - a great sixties site.
Summer of Love - go back to the swinging '60s.
Sixties - a cool hippie site.
Austin Powers Simply shagadelic.
Easy Rider All about the movie.
A Clockwork Orange GREAT movie, but make sure to read the book first.
Leaves of Grass - one of my favorite poems of all time, by Walt Whitman.
e.e. cummings - read his p o e t r y.
Ralph Waldo Emerson - some of Emerson's works.
Linda's Poetry - some original poetry by yours truly.
MGGP - meet my wonderful wonderful bud, who designed lots o' my fab backgrounds.
Whoops! - Ginger's site is CRAZY fun.
Brian's Phish Bowl - learn more than you ever wanted to know about my Phish-crazed friend.
Chris's Home Page of Fun - meet Chris!
The Home of Blue Imagination - check out Frankie's fab band!!
Mark Ryden - Courtnay's page dedicated to this great contemporary artist.
Chaotic Rut - my personal site with a bunch of random stuff.
The Vaults of Erowid - a very informative and comprehensive site with information on nearly all drugs; learn
me site!!! greggs trailer - hilarious. Check it out.
Gacy - the serial-killing clown.
"West Wing...the Works of Edward Gorey" - he writes morbid, gruesome children's stories.
Martinis Online - hundrds of martini recipes.
Reverse Speech - talk backwards!
flip flop flyin' minipops - teeny, tiny versions of your favorite band!
Simpsons Surplus - I bent my wookie...
mattyG's TV Theme Songs & More - find your favorite old TV theme song.
choose life, choose ewan - pix of Ewan McGregor...need I say more?