(Please take the time to let the song download it is well worth the wait.)

Begin from infancy to give him everything he wants. This way he will believe that the world owes him a living.

When he picks up bad words laugh at him.This will make him think he's cute. It will also encourage him to pick up even cuter phrases that will shock and embarrass you later.

Avoid the use of the word "wrong" so he won't develop a guilt complex. Then later, when he is arrested for stealing a car, he will believe that society is against him and he is being persecuted.

Always pick up anything that he leaves lying around - books, shoes, clothing. Do everything for him so he will be experienced in shirking responsibility.

Let him read any printed matter that he can get his hands on. Don't monitor his computer usage. The silverware and drinking glasses must be sterilized, but the childs mind can feed on garbage.

Quarrel frequently in the presence of your children, This way they won't be too shocked when the home is broken up.

Give him all of the spending money he wants. Never let him earn his own. Why should he have things as tough as you had them?

Satisfy his every craving for food, drink, and comfort. See that every desire is gratified. Denial may lead to harmful frustrations.

Take his part against the neighbors, teachers, and policemen. They are all prejudiced against your child.

Then when he gets into real trouble, apologize for yourself by saying, "I never could do anything with him."

Prepare for a life of grief - you will have it.

Houston Police Department

"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it" ( Proverbs 22:6 )

Parents we must all remember that a child is a precious gift from God. We should love them the way that God loves us with an unconditional love. (no strings attached) We were once children and we are all conceived in sin. 1 Cor. 15:43-44 & 1 Cor. 15:46. Like sheep we have all gone astray but thanks to a just and loving God we have all been given a way back into the fold through Christ Jesus. Like Christ Jesus we should look at our children not as failures and wrongdoers but as young ones that need to be taught. Christ accepts us first and then teaches us. Likewise we should first accept the fact that no matter how perfect we think that our children are and want them to be they are still flesh and blood and subject to sin. Above all don't forget that although we might be saved we are by no means perfect because the flesh has yet to be redeemed. So when your little sheep go astray please don't turn your back on them they are not something that you can just cast aside because it doesn't fit into your lifestyle. Remember God created us as individuals and He doesn't impose His will on us,( and likewise we can't impose our will on our children), we have a choice between right and wrong and although sometimes we make the wrong choices in life He is still there loving us and welcoming us back into the fold. So don't just give your children a choice between right and wrong. Teach them the difference and although they might make the wrong decision LOVE THEM ANYWAY.

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