


Holy bible

As a fundamental, Bible-believing Baptist, I recognize and hold true to the following beliefs:

The Father: God the Father, the first person of the Holy Trinity, is eternal, the Creator of all things, unchangeable in all His attributes and reigning Lord of the universe. He is worthy of adoration, praise, worship, and obedience.

The Son: Jesus Christ is fully God and was fully man coming to earth from Heaven as one sinless, perfect divine-human person through the miraculous conception, and virgin birth.

Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the Godhead who convicts, regenerates, and empowers. The Holy Spirit dwells within the believer and gives guidance and direction in the belivers life journey.

The Holy Trinity: The three parts of the Godhead; Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, existing as one. All three parts share the same eternal, transcendent, sovereign nature.

The Bible:The divinely inspired Word of God. It is infallible, unchanged, and authorative in all matters which the Scriptures deal. It is a historical record of the beginnings of man, his fall from Grace and the entrance of sin, and the account of man's relationship to God since.

Special Creation: Through Divine Order, God brought the world and all things into existance in six 24 hour days. The Genesis account of creation should be accepted literally, not allegorically or figuratively. Man was created directly in God's own image and was not a matter of evolution or evolutionary change of species. All animal and vegetable life was made directly, and as God ordained, should bring forth only "after their kind".

Satan: Satan, called the devil or Lucifer, is a malignant, evil being who is a deceiver, accuser, tempter, and destroyer. He is condemned to eternal punishment and torment as is all who follow him and reject Christ as Saviour.

Redemption: The literal, physical death of Jesus Christ on the cross as our substitute for the sin of the world brings hope to the believer by His burial, resurrection and ascension into Heaven. As He lives, so shall all who believe on His name.

Salvation: Salvation from sin comes from God by His Grace alone and no other method. It is received by personal faith in the atoning death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is "Eternal Security" for the believer: it is impossible for one born into the family of God ever to be lost.

Last Days: In the Last Days, Jesus Christ will return bodily to earth to judge and purge sin and to establish His kingdom.

The Church: The Church is a fellowship of believers united together by the Holy Spirit into one redeemed body of Christ and identified as His possession. As the bride of Christ, the Church is called to build the kingdom by strengthening the saints and winning the lost through evangelism.


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