Beer Beards Pirates Den

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Now !!!

Welcome to the Pirates Den!  Updated on 08-24-2001

For those of you who have never been here before this is a Parrot Head Site.

Jimmy Buffett, Parrot Heads  ( Buffett Fans ) and Pirates are the theme of  this site.  In the event you aren't interested in what I've mentioned, come on in any ways and take a look around, maybe I'll convert you. 

New Changes to the site. 

Tail Gating that has suggestions for the tail gate parties and the back yard bar-b-que.

Beach Bar Club - The Pirates Den Yahoo Club where parrot heads can gather, chat and exchange photos and info on concerts and other Parrot Head interests.

Enjoy your stay and please sign my guest book.

Thank You,
Captain Beer Beard a.k.a. Sam

Please send me your comments and suggestions 

get this gear!  

This counter was reset on 01-24-01

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A Shanty Jig
