Berean Dispensational Links Page

Announcement: For the benefit of all those who continue to watch this ministry closely, Yahoo recently announced that it will soon close all geocities sites. Please see for details. However, the Dispensational Berean Site will continue to be in operation. Until then, those who prefer to use this original site are welcome to do so. Those who find the new site more preferable are welcome to go there as well. While both sites have very different designs, they currently both have the same material and content. It's your preference to use the one that is more comfortable. We continue to be encouraged by the number of people who come in from day to day in the hopes of understanding God's Word more clearly.

Thanks again to Jeremy Lucas, from, for all of the hard work he has done in transferring all of the material, and giving Dispensational Berean Site a truly professional look.

I have already posted the following notice on my Main Page; I will post it here, as well.

Here's a really strange coincidence. Back in 1999, I first placed my study entitled The Basics of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism on the Internet. I first put this study together in 1992. Recently, portions of this study have shown up almost verbatim in Terry McLean's booklet by the title "Basics of Mid-Acts Dispensationalism", as advertised at . I have found over seven pages in Brother McLean's booklet that read practically the same as my study, almost word-for-word. I?m certain that my study was not based on any of Brother McLean's material, because when I first wrote it in 1992-1993, I had never heard him teach on dispensationalism. In response to recent e-mail correspondence as to which portions are similar, I am posting the main ones I have found at (All I can say is that great minds think alike!)

Please Note: I had previously posted the following notice before going offline for a short time. I'm back now, but still on a limited basis. I can again answer an occasional e-mail; however, my correspondence is still going to be rather sporadic. But when I get more information on this book project, I'll try to post it here.

My friend Michael Meiring, editor of the book Four Keys to the Millennium, recently invited me to participate in a book project that will focus on the unity of the Body of Christ. It will include a collection of essays, response papers, and counter-rebuttals by various Protestant and Evangelical theologians, dealing with issues that have previously led to divisions within the Body of Christ (e.g. Calvinism vs. Arminianism, Dispensationalism vs. the Continuity View; Cessationism vs. Continuationism; etc.) I will be representing the Dispensational view.

How many of you have ever been told that Dispensationalism is wrong, because nobody else believes the way you do? (I know that I have been told this on numerous occasions.) One method for dealing with such criticism is to show that there are quite a few dispensational web sites available on the Internet. By proving that there are many other dispensationalists out there who believe as you do, your critics will no longer be able to use that particular argument against you. This is one reason that I have posted the following list of dispensational links. So, if you are ever criticized for being a "lone ranger" (so to speak), you may effectively silence this type of criticism by pointing your detractors to the dispensational web sites that are listed below.

Plus, in a continuing effort to promote the understanding of Dispensationalism, and to refute the mis-information surrounding Dispensational Theology your Berean Dispensational host is also the editor for the Dispensationalism category for the Open Directory Project, which is a human-driven directory that feeds search engines such as Google, AltaVista, HotBot, Yahoo, Lycos, etc. Since this Directory depends upon human input, the sites that are listed in ODP stand a much better chance of obtaining higher ratings in the search engines.

And for those who may be interested in learning more about the pre-tribulation "rapture", your Berean Dispensational host is now the editor for two different Pre-Trib sections of the ODP:

The Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Perspectives/Prophecy/Prophecies/End_Times/Millennial_Views/Premillennialism/Pre-Tribulation_Rapture/ section is for sites that address whether or not the Pre-Trib Rapture was prophesied, or whether or not it was symbolized by certain Jewish feasts.

The newest addition, the Society/Religion_and_Spirituality/Christianity/Bible/Bible_Study/By_Topic/Rapture_of_the_Church/Pre-Tribulation_Rapture/ section, is for Bible Study pages concerning the Pre-Trib Rapture, that don't necessarily address the question as to whether or not it was the subject of Old Testament prophecy.

So far, in the Dispensational section of the ODP, this editor has added well over 200 sites and articles to the various Dispensational categories, including sites under the sub-categories of :

General Dispensationalism (Contains sites that simply describe Dispensationalism in general, along with sites that chronicle the history of Dispensationalism);

Hyper-Dispensationalism (Contains Dispensational sites and discussion forums which debate the merits of Hyper-Dispensationalism, the reasons for beginning the church after Acts chapter 2, and the theological results of doing so);

Traditional, or Acts 2 Dispensationalism (consists of Dispensational sites that critique other Theological viewpoints from the Traditional [Acts 2] viewpoint; sites that defend the Traditional viewpoint from Covenant Theology, Reformed Theology, and Preterism; and sites that point out the various misconceptions concerning Dispensationalism that are being propagated by misinformed Covnenant and Reformed Theologians);

Classic Pauline, which is also listed as "Hyper-Dispensationalism", and contains the sub-cats of Mid-Acts and Acts 28;

Opposing Views (for sites that focus upon the debate among dispensationalists from the various "camps");

and even a sub-category for Progressive Dispensationalism (which most Dispensationalists do not consider to be Dispensational at all, but is still listed in an attempt to present the full spectrum of sites pertaining to all Dispensational categories).

Please be aware that your computer may not display the latest updates, unless you press "Refresh" or "Shift-Refresh" on your keyboard. And the above links are indeed great places to perform an in-depth study of the various viewpoints concerning Dispensationalism, as well as the Pre-Trib Rapture, because many of the sites listed there do not yet appear in our Berean Dispensational links.

If you are submitting a site through the above links, you should first click on "add URL" in the top right-hand corner of the screen. If the site you are submitting to Dispensationalism would fit better in one of the sub-categories (Traditional, Pauline@ Mid-Acts, Opposing Views, etc.), you should first go to that sub-category and click on "add URL". But please be patient; the ODP is sometimes rather slow. If it doesn't respond in a timely manner, just check back at a later time.

Berean Dispensational Links:

#1. MID ACTS Dispensational Web Sites:

In Alphabetical Order, Section A below lists sites that no longer believe water baptism is necessary today; while Section B lists sites that still profess a belief in water baptism.
A. MID ACTS Dispensationalists who do NOT believe water baptism is necessary today (1Cor.1:17)

Dispensationalists who proclaim the King James Bible to be the inerrant word of God
Dispensationalists who may also use other versions of the Bible
Absolute Truth: Grace Bible Church of Montgomery, AL, with Pastor Barry Hampton Time Line: This mid-Acts Dispensational time line shows the relationship between the gospel of God, the gospel of the Kingdom, and the gospel of the Grace of God.

Amarillo Grace Bible Study, by Steve and Sharon Henry

Ambassadors for Christ Home Page (Nancy Paulson) A non-denominational, self governing body of Bible believers in Thomasville, NC

Berean Bible Church in New Braunfels, TX (New Web Site): Pastor Jerry Lockhart, head of the Academy of Bible Doctrine, also presents archived messages from Sunday mornings, available as podcasts.

Berean Bible Church in New Braunfels, TX (Old Web Site): More new articles have been added; even more to come - Audio, then Video, then 3-D, then Interactive, then the Lord comes!!! (Study materials from pastors Jerry Lockhart, Scott Mitchell, Mike Schroeder, Mike Arnold, Jeremy Woodruff, and Bob Raborn.)

Berean Bible Ministries of San Juan Capistrano, CA: Helpers of Your Joy, with Pastor John Verstegen

Berean Workman (Excellent site for teens, and those who are new to Dispensationalism) Study Group of Erie, PA (with Rita Bauschard, who writes, 'Bible Ambassadors is now a "church" but we don't use the word church in the name. Just Bible Ambassadors. We are located at 2810 West 21st Street, (in EBCO Park), Erie, Pennsylvania 16506-2980 Pastor Dan Porath.'
Visitors may also wish to check out a website that Bible Ambassadors supports, promoting a new book on the "Origin of the Races" (with another to follow "soon"), written by a missionary to China, at

Bible Reference Page: Family Site for Jim and Dayna Zile

Bible Trivia: A nightly worldwide Bible trivia game and fellowship chat room, using the chat software developed by .

The Bible: Fundamentals in Common, and Fundamental Differences, by Duke P. Ganote

The Bible as a Timeline (By Pastor Jerry Lockhart of New Braunfels, TX)

Biblical Proportions Blog, by Pastor C. Douglas Dodd

Busch's Bookshop (New URL!) By David W. Busch, who writes in part: "...the nice is you can get everything at Amazon prices. Unfortunately, most 'Grace' authors are not available through the main lines of distribution-or only on a limited basis-so I will be directing folks to other outlets through the Ambassador's Lounge for any material they are unable to get through my bookstore."

Charity Bible Church of Harmony, N.C. (Brian Sipes)

Crossroads Grace Fellowship: "Crossroads Grace Fellowship was started for the purpose of teaching Faithful Men to Rightly Divide the Word of Truth, and to teach them how to study the word of God for themselves. We hold to the final authority of the King James Bible. Those who choose to study here are free to come and go as they may, for we are not here to please man, but God."

Discerning the Times Publishing, with Pastor Terence D. McLean

Dictionary of the Gospel, by Grace Home Bible Ministries

Enjoy The Bible Ministries (Keith Blades)

First Grace Church of Plantation, FL with Pastor Glen Caneel (NEW site for Berean Bible Church of Edgewater, Florida!)

Grace Alive! (Tracy Plessinger) (Formerly known as

Grace Believers Bible Fellowship (Doug Sawyer)

Grace Bible Church of Atlanta

Grace Bible Church of Chattanooga, Tennessee (Steve Atwood, Pastor)

Grace Bible Church of Warren, MI

Grace Bible Ministries of Mesa, AZ

Grace Bible Study Lessons, by Pastor Jerry Pourcy. Presenting Dispensational Bible studies in two sections, the Beginners series and the Advanced series, with free videos also avaiable on DVD.

Grace Family Bible Church of Seguin, Texas, with Pastor Scott Mitchell

Grace Harbor Church: With a special emphasis on children's materials, called "Miners". As many readers may know, there is very little Dispensational Children's materials available. "Miners can be used in a club setting, for Sunday school or home schooling. Thanks for your help in getting the word out. Thanks to Calvary, Gary and Lynda Miller".

Grace Impact, with Richard Jordan (Here, you can hear Richard's daily Broadcast, "Daily Bible Time", as well as his weekly program, "The Riches of Grace", over this web site)

GraceOnline: Worldwide Directory of Grace Churches

Heaven's Embassy, Inc, by David W. Busch, the author of the newly released book, "APPOINTED: The Biblical Fall Feasts and the Return of the Lord Jesus Christ, King of Yisrael, King of All the Earth" ; and the Founder and President of Heaven's Embassy, Inc.

King James Bible, Dispensationally Weekly journalistic musings, from a Grace perspective., with Bishop David Dowell (1 Tim. 3:1, KJV).

MidActs Essays and Tracts, By Frank LeDoux

MidActs Tracts: An independent gospel tract organization. Bible Study resource with an emphasis on the mystery revealed to Paul for the Gentiles, which is the gospel of the grace of God.

Pauline Truth - II Timothy 2:8: NEW site of Steve and Sharon Henry!

85 pages in the Bible: PDF Book by Pastor Mike Schroeder of Seguin, Texas - Pastor Schroeder explains why he believes that, even though the body of Christ began with Paul in Acts chapter 9, God did not send salvation to the Gentiles until Acts 28:28. Published by Llumina Press; listed for sale in paperback on all the major internet bookseller sites. Other essays are also available to be read online at this URL.

Pilkington & Sons

Rejoicing in Grace Ministries International: Dan Gross, President and Founder, states in part, "We now have 27 children in the orphanage. Our goal is to provide a home for 30 children. As funds are pledged, we will keep adding children until we reach 30. Any contribution is helpful and greatly appreciated. If you would be interested in sponsoring a child, you can do that for $50 per month. We can then send you the name of the child, along with a photo, and further information about the child. You will also have the opportunity to correspond with the child, if you wish to do so.
"Once we reach our goal of 30 children in this orphanage, we hope to start more orphanages in other places in India. "

Riches of His Grace: Thomas Heijtink's mid-acts dispensational site, where believers can study the "word of truth" rightly divided (2 Tim. 2:15), and join a discussion forum for further questions, edification and fellowship. Website of Christ's Body Bible Church, with Bishop Don Cote', now meeting at:
W977 Geranium, Genoa City, Wi
Don Cote'
Presenting Bible studies in Real Audio format; recorded in the Berean Bible study room, on Paltalk.

Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth, by D.J. Root

Satan and his Plan of Evil, by Keith Blades

Shorewood Bible Church, Pastored by Richard Jordan (here, you can also read the Grace Journal online!)

Sound Words Ministry, by Obed Kirkpatrick

Southwest Bible Fellowship of Tempe, AZ with Pastor Rick Jordan, Jr.

SUNCOAST Bible Fellowship

Studying the Bible

Tampa Bible Fellowship, with Pastor Keith Baxter

Teachable Berean (formerly Greenville Grace Fellowship, with Dave Davenport)

Trusting The Lord: In addition to featuring over 50 audio messages by Pastor E.C. Moore, and focusing on the mystery revealed to the apostle Paul, this site also features live Bible study on Paltalk.

Twonotes Ministries (Acts 20:24) A Dispensational Site in the Netherlands, that uses a Bible which is based upon the Textus Receptus (as is the King James)!

Wadsworth Bible Fellowship Endeavoring to present the Word of God "rightly divided" (2Timothy 2:15), Wadsworth Bible Fellowship preaches the gospel "according to the revelation of the mystery" (Romans 16:25).
Wadsworth Bible Fellowship
735 S. Main St.
Wadsworth Ohio 44230
Any questions please call John Schooling at 330-658-6743

Westside Grace Church, of Muskegon Heights, MI

Westside Grace Ministries, with Pastor Michael A. McDaniel

Adelaide Grace Ministries

Altoona Bible Church of Altoona, Pennsylvania

Sir Robert Anderson books: Read them online!

Beacon of Grace Bible Church

Berean Bible Institute

Berean Bible Society (Now, by the graces of BBS, you can even read The Berean Searchlight Online!)

Berean Church of Colorado: A dispensational church that has been in existence for almost 50 years in Denver!

Bible Doctrines to Live By, with Evangelist S. Lee Homoki

Bible Magazine from Berean Advocate Ministries, by Pastor James Gray, by Jerry Sterchi

Bible Study for Bereans - January, 1936, from Berean Bible Society

Bible Study for Bereans - May, 1936: Articles by J.C. O'Hair, Harry Bultema, Charles Baker, and Vincent Bennett; from

Bible Study for Bereans - ISMS and SCHISMS, from

Bible Study for Bereans - February and March, 1937, from

Biblical Answers By Bob Hill

The Biblical Expositor (Albert Bray)

By His Grace Home Page: Bob Trescott's Home Page

Canyonview Ministries Located three miles south of Silverton, in the foothills of Oregon's Cascade Mountains.

Canyonview Press publishes Verse By Verse Bible Commentaries directly from the Greek. These Commentaries are written by Dr. Ernest R Campbell, Th.D., a fairly well-known Pauline dispensationalist.

Christian Articles and Studies, by Jerry Shugart.

Church of the Resurrection. Please Note: Berean Dispensational would like to congratulate Pastor David Carden, who received his Master's Degree in Biblical Studies from St. Louis Theological Seminary and Bible College on May 7, 2007. Pastor Carden's church recently moved from the Baptist position to the mid-Acts position, which means that its beliefs have changed significantly. Pastor Carden now fully endorses the mid-Acts position. For more information, please contact:
Pastor David Carden
Church of the Resurrection
1601 Holland Avenue
Galena Park, Texas 77547-2539
Fax 713-453-0019

The Crusader's Home Page (Gary Smith's NEW Site)

The Crusader (Gary Smith's ORIGINAL site)
We have a online bible study chat room. We come together and study the word of God every nite. It is audio chat and we show dispensational teaching sites. You sign up in (its free). We are in the "family and friends" section and the name of the room is "Bible Study (2Tim.2:15)". We start study at 10 pm ct usa and go till after 12 am.

Also, PALTALK is audio; and like MPLAYER its "FREE". The Berean Bible Church has nightly Bible studies. The study begins nightly at 7:00 and 9:00 PM Eastern time. After you download PALTALK click on Groups, then click on CHRISTIANITY, then click on BEREAN BIBLE STUDY.

Denver Bible Church

The Dispensational Razzle-Dazzle: Mystery! Mystery! Who's Got the Mystery? - A Scriptural Investigation of Bullingerism vs. Wrongly Dividing the Word of Truth, from Berean Bible Society

Doctrinal Problems with Acts 2 Dispensationalism, by Robert Brock

Early Church Fathers, in Light of Acts 20:29,30, from Fellowship Bible Church of Anaheim, CA: This essay examines the Early Church (or Apostolic Fathers) in light of Paul's statement to the Ephesian Elders: "For I know this, that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in among you, not sparing the flock. Also of your own selves shall men arise, speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples after them." (Acts 20:29,30)

Eastport Bible Church of Eastport, New York

Eleventh Avenue Church of Mineral Wells, TX

Bob Enyart Live radio program

Ephesians 3:9 Ministries, by Don Moore of Yorktown, Indiana

Faith Bible Church of Steger, IL, with Pastor Ricky Kurth

Falls Bible Church, of Menomonee Falls, WI (formerly Pastored by Pastors Paul Sadler and Joel Finck!)

Friendship Congregational Bible Church of Friendship, WI

GBF 2000 Bible Conference THE DISPENSATION OF THE MYSTERY. What is its Significance? What are its Implications?

God's Invitation To You, with Steve Walker

Grace Bible Church of Willis, TX: Pastor Gerald Wheaton invites believers to receive a fuller understanding of Christ’s ministry to the Church, which is His Body.

Grace Memorial Church of Edinburg, Illinois


GraceUvGod Ministries: Site created by Eric Rukin; items to be added shortly include articles which teach on important topics, from the gospel of grace perspective.

Grace and the Truth

The Grace Believer

Grace Bible Church of Rolling Meadows, IL

Grace Bible Church of West Allis, Wisconsin

Grace Bible Church of Fort Worth, Texas

Grace Bible Church of Glendale, AZ (Harold Petersen, Pastor)

Grace Bible Church of Palm Pay, Florida

Grace Bible College Founded by Charles Baker; formerly known as Milwaukee Bible Institute

Grace Bible Fellowship Church of Venice, Florida

Grace Bible Study of Hazard, Kentucky

Grace Community Fellowship of Nashville, Tennessee

Grace Gospel Fellowship

GraceLife Internet Ministries (Mark McGee)

Grace Ministries International

G.R.A.C.E. Discussion Board: G.R.A.C.E. stands for Grace Rightly Applied Changes Everything, and is designed for candid, yet productive discussion on God's matchless grace through the revealed mystery presented by the Apostle Paul.

Hope of the Glory: Bridging Calvinism with Dispensationalism, this mid-Acts web site features articles and over 190 tapes on various subjects.

Growing Up In Grace Sunday School Ministries

Jesus Loves Me: Contains hundreds of audio messages

Life Enhancements, NEW site of Howell Osborne!

Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute: "The Church of the Resurrection is sponsoring Mid-Acts Dispensational Bible Institute. A Diploma of Theology (Bachelor of Theology in the USA) through the Evangelical Bible College of Western Australia will be awarded upon successful completion of the curriculum. We are not accredited nor do we seek accreditation due to two basic principles, namely, the separation of Church and State and the Autonomy of the local church. To surrender those principles will require giving up our right to 'Rightly Divide the Word of Truth'. However, credits and/or the Diploma of Theology are / is accepted by the New Covenant International University & Theological in Florida."

Northern Grace Youth Camp, in Northeast Wisconsin, about 45 minutes from Green Bay

Paul's Grace Message, Hosted by Cecil and Connie Spivey

Parsons Publishing Company, by Pastor Joel Finck

Peace Church of Indiahoma, Oklahoma

The Plot, by Bob Enyart (clearly and simply presents Dispensationalism from a mid-Acts dispensational perspective)

Pastor David Rodabaugh (e-mail david.rodbaugh@csun )now has a midacts church in Simi Valley California, called Open Bible Assembly. No website at this time.

Saved and Secure: Sister site for, Saved and Secure is dedicated more to salvational issues.

Saved by Grace, with Steve Holder

Spiritual Manifestations and the Gift of Tongues, by Sir Robert Anderson

Starlight Research Catalog of Articles

Things that Differ: "THE" book by C. R. Stam! Read it Online!

Through the Bible with Les Feldick

Trinity Grace Fellowship

The Unsearchable Riches of Christ, by J.C. O'Hair; from

Welcome To Grace, with Pastor Curt Crist: "Study with us the distinctiveness of Paul's Apostleship and the marching orders that we have in this age of Grace."

Wielding the Sword of the Spirit (Matthew McGee)

Word of Grace Mission: "For more than 18 years Word of Grace Mission has been proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ as Savior according to the revelation of the Mystery given to the Apostle Paul".

B. Mid Acts Dispensationalists who still profess a belief in water baptism:

Proclaiming the King James Bible to be the inerrant word of God
Advocating the use of the New King James Bible, along with the Old King James, Publishers of ONE BOOK Rightly Divided, by Dr. Doug Stauffer of Millbrook, AL


Web Site of ONE BOOK Rightly Divided

Open Door Baptist Church (Dr. Ken Blue)

Saved by Christ, by Nathan Spinazzolo

In addition, we also feature these recommended links from Cecil Spivey.
Just click on the "Bible Message" that you want to read.

What Difference Does It Make? - David M. Havard (February / March 1999)
Tradition, How Shall We Regard It? - Cornelius R. Stam (April 1999)
Y2K - Hype, Hysteria, Hope - David M. Havard (May 1999)
The Present Obsession With the Antichrist - Paul M. Sadler (June 1999)
The Present Obsession With the Antichrist, Part II Paul M. Sadler (August 1999)
The General Epistles: Where Do They Fit In? - David M. Havard (September 1999)
The Present Obsession With the Antichrist, Part III - Paul M. Sadler (October 1999)
The Apostle of Grace - Cornelius R. Stam (November 1999)
Faith and Unbelief - Cornelius R. Stam (December 1999)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part I - Paul M. Sadler (January 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part II - Paul M. Sadler (February 2000)
Bible Messages for Bereans & A Simple Principle in Bible Study - J.C. O'Hair (March 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part III - Paul M. Sadler (April 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part IV - Paul M. Sadler (May 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part V - Paul M. Sadler (June 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part VI - Paul M. Sadler (August 2000)
Begin With The End In Mind - David Havard (September 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part VIII - Paul M. Sadler (October 2000)
What's For Supper? - Dennis Kiszonas (November 2000)
The Life and Letters of the Apostle Peter, Part X - Paul M. Sadler (December 2000)
The Pastor's Perils - John Willson (January 2001)
The Gospel for Today's Age of Grace - Thomas Freeman (February 2001)
Gratitude Overflowing - C.R.Stam (March 2001)
One That Had Authority - C.R.Stam (April 2001)
All Profitable - C.R.Stam (May 2001)

#2. Acts 2 Dispensational Grace Links:

(Note: Among the more "hard-core" dispensationalists, there have actually been those who have claimed that a "true" dispensationalist will never believe the church began in Acts chapter 2. In order to show the fallacy of this statement, the following links are presented to the web sites of our Acts 2 brethren. Every one of the following sites is maintained by an affirmed dispensationalist.)

General Dispensational Category for the Open Directory Project: (Remember - your computer may not display the latest updates unless you press "Shift-Refresh" on your keyboard.)

Traditional Dispensational Category for the Open Directory Project, consisting of Dispensational sites that critique other Theological viewpoints from the Traditional (Acts 2) viewpoint, or that defend the Traditional viewpoint from Covenant or Reformed Theology. Sites that point out the various misconceptions concerning Dispensationalism that are being propagated by misinformed Covnenant and Reformed Theologians, as well as Preterists, are also listed here. However, sites that address the in-house debate among Dispensationalists as to when the church began in the book of Acts (Hyper-Dispensationalism vs. Traditional Dispensationalism) will be listed in the Opposing Views category below.

Opposing Views Among Dispensationalists, which consists of sites that address the debate between Traditional (Acts 2) Dispensationalists and Hyper-Dispensationalists as to when the church began in the book of Acts. Sites include those that question the "Hyper" (mid-Acts and Acts 28) perspectives from the Traditional perspective, as well as those that question the Traditional perspective from the "Hyper" perspective.

Acts 2 Dispensationalists who proclaim the King James Bible to be the inerrant word of God
Acts 2 Dispensationalists who may not necessarily advocate using only the King James Bible

Another Gospel

Bible Believers' Church Directory: A Directory that lists over 1,000 Acts 2, King James-Only Churches!

Bible Believers.Net Bible Believers' Resource Page

The Bible For Today
(Also, be sure to check out this site's series of audio messages that explain and defend Dispensationalism, by Pastor D. A. Waite, Th.D., Ph.D.) (NOTE: I am placing Ray in this column, because he personally uses only the King James Bible; but on his site he also has other versions available.)

Doc's Exhortation Place, by Dr. O. Wilburn Swaim Th.D

Endtime Ministries Christian Resource Centre of Burpengary, Quebec (or maybe Landsborough, Quebec)

False Prophets...Pseudo Apostles, And a New Gospel: As a dispensationalist, this writer believes the Charismatic movement is deceiving more and more Christians within evangelical and fundamental churches.

Gloryland Baptist Church of Birmingham, Alabama

Little Billy's Reality

Our Bible Heritage Web Site: A local church ministry of Adrian Baptist Church in Canisteo, New York

The Midweek Rapture: The Pretribulation Gathering ON the Day of Christ, by Carl Denson

Midweek Publishing: Publishers of books, pamphlets, bible commentaries, and tracts concerning the Midweek Rapture

Rings of Benzene: Laura Keslar, a pre-pharmacy major at the University of Arizona, explains why she is a dispensationalist, and believes the King James Bible is the word of God.

The Heresy of The Sinner's Prayer (by Michael D. O'Neal)

A People For His Name Baptist Church, with Dr. Robert Patenaude: "This is a first attempt to completely publicize the website of 'A People For His Name' Baptist Church, Lipa City, Philippines. It contains articles, links and some photos of the activities of the church."

Sound Doctrine By the Open Door Baptist Church; Bismarck, N. D.

Timothy Morton's Dispensational Chart

Through the Bible in Twelve Lessons, by Rev. Claude Purser

Where is the Promise of His Coming?, by Jan Moser: "A Review and Defense of the Pre-Tribulation Resurrection of the Church"

According to Prophecy Ministries - Pre-Trib Articles, presenting various topics concerning the pre-Trib Rapture

After These Things, by Linda Vegh

Articles by Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer, Founder of Dallas Theological Seminary

Berean Baptist Church of Brunswick, Maine

Berean Bible Church of New Orleans, Louisiana

Berean Internet Ministry, from Berean Bible Church of Ephrata, PA Biblical studies in apologetics and dispensational teaching.

Brethren Online, Site of the Plymouth Brethren

Brethren Writers Hall of Fame The editor of this site states that it contains the life and works of all major authors of dispensational works, mostly Plymouth Brethren; but also some Presbyterian and Lutherans! With works online, and links to similar sites.

Bible Charts, by Clarence Larkin

Bible Doctrine Church of Little Rock Another online version of the Scofield Bible Reference Notes (1917 Edition), from

Christ Only, by Steven R. Cook

Congregation Yeshuat Yisrael: A Messianic Jewish Synagogue, in Nashville, Tennessee - Using a Dispensational time line, the page entitled "The Shofar will Sound" also shows why Islam is the ultimate "replacement theology", because Islam teaches "a new form of legalism that is a reaction against the Sonship of the Messiah and a replacement of the promises of Israel to the Arab peoples".

The Conservative Theological Society, an extension of Tyndale Theological Seminary and Biblical Institute

Critique Of The Preterist View Of The Olivet Discourse, by Stanley D. Toussaint - An honest analysis of Preterism, explaining why the scriptures do not support this view. 'Dispensation of was designed for the purpose of teaching and biblical study in "in Christ" truths. It is not a debate site or an apologetics site. It is merely an informational site. The goal is to edify the saints. Grow in grace!'

Dispensational Biblical Resources

Dispensational Implications of Gal. 3:17-19: 'Although the biblical term for "dispensation" (oijkonomiva, economy, stewardship, administration) does not occur in the passage currently under study, the text does contain implications for dispensationalism in at least three areas...'

Dispensational International Research Network Featuring biographies of Darby, Schofield, Chafer, Ironside, Walvoord, and Pentecost, in addition to articles explaining how several church fathers set forth the principles which laid the foundation for dispensationalism.

Dispensational Theology, by Phillip Heideman, Th.M. of Chafer Theological Seminary - While presenting a view similar to what Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer taught, this author highlights weaknesses in traditional Dispensational theology, presents a different focus ("Dispensationalism does not concern the unregenerate person, as Dr. Chafer asserted..."), and suggests a few additional Dispensations.

The Dispensational View of the Davidic Kingdom: A Response to Progressive Dispensationalism

Dispensationalism, from Shows that Dispensationalism is not a "new" idea, because some of the earliest Christians, such as Irenaeus (177 AD), Clement of Alexandria (192 AD), Tertullian (210 AD), and Origen (230 AD) all held beliefs that would be considered Dispensational.

Dispensationalism, from Realms of Faith

Dispensationalism, from Middletown Bible Church

Dispensationalism: A Defense

Doctrine of Dispensations: This site takes a unique approach by classifying the dispensations into three groups - Theocentric, Christocentric, and Eschatological.

Dispensationalism Explained, by Tom Elseroad

The Dispensational Gospels, by the late Miles J. Stanford

A Dispensational Model: The Essentials, by John M. Baze, Jr., Professor of Biblical Languages, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX

A Dispensational Model: The Essentials, Part II

A Dispensational Model: The Essentials, Part III

Dispensationalism Understood: One in a series of 36 Bible lessons from Rogma International in Liberia, intended to help its students lay a foundation to understanding God's word (students for whom English is a second langage may use the Special English version.)

First Response: A Dispensationalist answers the "straw man" arguments of a Preterist concerning the oversimplification and mischaracterization of the Grammatico-Historical ("consistently literal") hermeneutic

Eternal Ministries, Inc with Prof. Ron J. Bigalke Jr.

Forum: Eschatology - Because Southern Baptists have formed no consensus on Eschatology, "SBC Life" gathered 3 scholars - Drs. Paige Patterson (a dispensational premillennialist), David Dockery, and Millard Erickson - to discuss this issue.

Fredericksburg Bible Church, of Fredericksburg, Texas: Containing studies by Pastor Jeremy Thomas on the books of Ephesians and 1 John (Updated on a weekly basis, with one study per week being added for each of these books)

Grace Evangelical Society

History of the War Over Dispensationalism: Part I, by Dr. Mal Couch, President & Professor of Theology & Languages, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Ft. Worth, TX

History of the War Over Dispensationalism: Part II

Introduction to Dispensational Theology by Joe Lawendowski, of Tribulation Forces

Israel and the Church (Has the Church replaced Israel?), by Linda Vegh

Israel and Gentiles in One Body - Ephesians 3:5-6: This page gives a Dispensational response to a Reformed Pastor's claim that the church is the final phase in history.

Jack Van Impe Ministries

Jeremy's Seminary Studies and Position Papers, by Jeremy Thomas

Millennial Views, by James P. Dawson - Universalism, Amillennialism, Postmillennialism, and Premillennialism explained (shows that Clement of Rome, Ignatius, Polycarp, Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, Tertullian, Cyprian, and Commodianus all held a Premillennial view)

Mr. D's Notes on Theology (New URL!)

Study Course on Dispensationalism from Omaha Bible Church Institute for Biblical Studies. Teacher: Todd Swift

Miles J. Stanford's Home Page

The School of Tyrannus: Adult Christian Education

Scofield Memorial Church (Formerly Pastored by Dr. C. I. Scofield, editor of the Scofield Reference Bible)

The Second Coming: Extracts from "The Second Coming of Christ", pp.7-24, by Clarence Larkin

Theology Adrift: The Early Church Fathers And Their Views of Eschatology

The Tribluation and the Church, by Chuck Smith ("The Two Tribulations", "The 70 Weeks", "The Rapture of the Church", etc.) by Bob Brown, who writes: "Perhaps it is not ?when did the church of the present dispensation begin,? but, ?when was the present hope of the believer revealed?? If there were variations in the promises to believers throughout the book of Acts, and beyond, might not believers to whom these promises were given, still be part of the original church that began in Acts 2? Does a progression in God's program, (that first promised the restoration of the kingdom to Israel upon their repentance, then included Samaritans and Gentiles as a result of Israel's beginning unbelief, then, finally, the full truth of the mystery revealed as Israel was fully blinded), necessarily mean a new church began at each of these points?

"Those, basically, were some of the questions pondered over the years. And, the web site is meant to be suggestive to those who might take hard-line positions. None of us is ?right? on everything."

So, those who would like to learn more concerning these various positions are also invited to visit, where Bob explains why he doesn?t believe it really matters when the church began (he believes this was in Acts 2), but when God blinded Israel and revealed the present heavenly hope (he believes this took place in Acts 28:28). Bob also has another new study entitled "The Birthday of the Church, Versus the Beginning of the Present Dispensation", at

Turning Point Online, with Dr. David Jeremiah (Note: Your Berean Dispensational editor highly recommends Turning Point's series on "Escape the Coming Night", in which Dr. Jeremiah teaches the entire book of Revelation, along with parallel Old Testament prophecies, from a Traditional Dispensational viewpoint.)

Mario Velez's Theological Home Page (formerly known as True Branch Ministries)

#3. Acts 13:46, 18:6, 28:28 Dispensational Grace Links: Harry Wellington's Web Site

The Rightly Divided Bible, by Harry Wellington

4. Acts 28 Dispensational Grace Links:

Acts 28 Dispensational Category for the Open Directory Project

Acts 28 Dispensationalists who proclaim the King James Bible to be the inerrant word of God for English Speaking people today
Acts 28 Dispensationalists who may question certain words, as translated in the King James Bible

The Word Understood Presents audio messages on the book of Acts, along with both audio and written studies on Rightly Dividing, using the literal interpretive method of Bible study. Rafael Wolf, Website Administrator for The Word Understood, writes:

" ...I wanted to let you know that currently, our view on the KJV is that it is the inerrant word of God for English Speaking people today. That yes, there may be other possible translations, and yes, there may be various interpretations, and debate about what passages should be translated as or words that could be translated many different ways, etc. We recognize that had you only the KJV today with no 'Greek' texts to consult you could be a 100% complete individual with what we consider to be an accurate copy / translation of the word of God in English.

"That the KJV is indeed an ACCURATE translation to English and it's the only translation we study out of. I guess you could say we are a Textus Receptus shop :) Again, not that words can't be translated differently or that there is no other word that could be used, or that 'Greek', our little understanding of it can?t be of use or shed light on matters...sure...but that the KJV is ACCURATE!!! The KJV is worthy of defense as many great men have done. We haven?t found the time nor energy yet being a young website to put that content up on our site."

Rafael also writes, "We have also just added a message board and chat features so we're 100% now!!!"

Berean Bible Studies Index

Berean Expositor (contains over 220 audios in mp3; or real audio files of Charles Welch, a great teacher of right division)

Bible Search Publications (Be sure to check out Deb's Message Board, at this site)

Church of the Harvest Network (CHN)

Grace Bible Church of Hampton Roads, VA: With Pastor Jeff Brown, this site features audio (with more to come), and written Sunday School material.

Grace Bible Study with Michael Holt, who also teaches live via the internet on paltalk

Grace Panorama: Scandinavian site by Jan Lilleby in two languages (English and Norwegian), exposing heresies like the Word-Faith movement, with links to Charles Welch material.

Joel Graebe's Personal Home Page

The New Covenant, by J. Eustace Mills: Out of print for many years, a mimeographed edition of this treatise on the New Covenant was again printed in 1953, and is now available from Scripture Research, Inc. (Editor's warning: The reader should be warned that other views contained in this site are Preterist, and depart from "traditional" Acts 28 Dispensationalism. )

Rightly Dividing the Word

The Word of Truth Ministry, founded in 1936 by the late Otis Q. Sellers...

Studies in Scripture By Dr. Dennis M. Callahan Th. D., who writes: In just 18 days both my wife and I will be forced to relocate, as I am on life support and my wife has been housebound for more than four years this will create an extreme hardship. The reason we are just like you poor and the "world" has no tolerance for poor. Mother Teresa said the reason that there are poor is that people aren?t willing to share. Christ Jesus said "The poor you will always have with you".

I am asking that you and your brothers and sisters in Christ will pray that in matters like these God will have His way and that He will receive glory in our lives.

Things Most Surely Believed: "This is the online version of a booklet of the same title, published by the Berean Publishing Trust, London, England."

Travel Thru The Word with Shawn McKinley, who also writes:
Join me on PALTALK every Wed. and Fri. at 9:00 PM EST in Travel Thru The Word!

Truth For Today (Oscar Baker)

Additional Writings of Other Dispensationalists:

Please note: The editor of this site does not always agree with everything contained in the Writings below. Indeed, the editor strongly disagrees with some of the descriptive language used by certain writers. However, since the Berean Dispensational Site is designed to encourage others to THINK for themselves, these Writings are presented for just that purpose. The reader has a responsibility to be a Berean by searching the scriptures to see whether these things are so (Acts 17:11), instead of simply accepting (or rejecting) these Writings at face value. Opinions will differ, but the scriptures alone are to be our final authority.

Mid-Acts Dispensationalists

M.A.D.'s who proclaim the King James Bible to be the inerrant word of God
M.A.D.'s who do not necessarily advocate using only the King James Bible

Pastor Scott Mitchell's Newsletters: Scott currently preaches in Wimberley, Austin, Seguin, and San Antonio, Texas.
Scott also writes:
I now pastor a rightly dividing church in Seguin, Texas. Here is our information:

Grace Family Bible Church
2400 East Walnut
Seguin, Texas 78155

We preach the Word of truth rightly divided and use the Authorized 1611 Bible, with a special emphasis on children and young adult ministries, as well as music and evangelism. We have a children's course my wife Sandi and I teach each semester called Berean Bible Brigade, and we are beginning this spring a young adults series of Bible studies called Koinonia. We also perform gospel music with a bluegrass sound in a group we call BlueGrace, as well as producing music cd's by berea, the latest of which is "Frozen Lake," available to download free at

SIMPLY SCRIPTURE: THE GREAT TITHE, by "Big Dawgie" Randy Campbell

Things Paul Could Not Do (Phil. 4:13), by Brother E. C. Moore

Thoughts from Paddy Andrew

Thoughts from Steve and Sharon Henry

Thoughts from Obed Kirkpatrick

The Writings of Clyde Pilkington

The Writings of Edward and Sharrie Yarber

One Baptism? Yes, Only 1 - Ephesians 4:5, by the Late P. Norman Carlson
Finally! Click here to read the supplement to this study, with many thanks to Cecil Spivey for his help!

When The "Great Commission" Went Out of Commission, by Richard Jordan

The Death Knell Of Calvinism: Sermon Preached by Hal Bekemeyer, of Fellowship Bible Church in Orlando, Florida. Edited & Produced by Doug Dodd s.b.g. (Pastor, Berean Bible Church - Edgewater, Florida)

Reflections on Financial Security, by John M. Whalen

Articles Submitted by Cecil and Connie Spivey

The Grace Soap Box; Featuring the Writings of Jerry Sterchi

The Real War, by Pastor C.D. Chrysler. (Formerly entitled "The Muslim War")
Please note
: Pastor Chrysler bases his article upon the idea that there is to be a transition from one dispensational program to the other in the end time, just as there was in the book of Acts. Pastor Chrysler, as well as the editor of this site, both believe we are now in that time period (this was a teaching of Dr. Bullinger, and is still a widely held belief today). Also, when reading this article, please remember that Esau and Edom are synonymous, because the Scriptures state that "Esau is Edom" (Gen. 36:8-9), and that the Lord gave mount Seir unto Esau "for a possession" (Deut. 2:5; compare Gen. 32:3, 33:16).

Thoughts from THE CRUSADER

Acts 2 Dispensationalists who proclaim the KJV as the inerrant word of God

The Writings of A. V. Hughes

Dispensational Truth and Error, by Lee Spencer: Explains why believers in other dispensations were never saved by works (as some, but not all, ultra-dispensationalists believe), because man - not God - sees faith by works.

The Writings of Bob Patenaude
Editor?s Note: Broken Links have been fixed; Bob?s Article entitled "Pauline Practice in the Churches of God" should be required reading for all Dispensationalists.

In a recent e-mail, Brother Bob Patenaude wrote:

"I'm wondering if you hear from others who are really looking for a ministry...something to do for the Lord, say, with knowledge they have gained from (this) site and others.

"If you hear of KJB-believing dispensationalists (Baptist, Bible, other) seeking out someone to work with or seeking out some ministry opportunities, would you please give them our name and this email address?" ( Bob's e-mail: )

Bob then continues:

"Now that would be in the southern Indiana area. Want to check the atlas? Look for Vincennes, Indiana, north of Evansville along the Wabash River (Illinois State line), and then move your finger straight across to the east through Salem (Washington County, Indiana) and on to Scottsburg (on I-65). South of that line to the Kentucky border is the area we are talking...and PRAYING about."

Asia-Pacific Scripture Study Association
*Bible-Literalist Institutes
*Philippines Institute for Family-Based Education
*Adullam Ministry to Baptist Preachers (and Others)
P.O. Box 39650, 4217 Lipa City, Batangas, Philippines
Home: +63(918)720-8007 Mobile: +63(919)806-7820

Acts 13:46, 18:6, 28:28 Dispensationalists who proclaim the KJV as the inerrant word of God

The Writings of Harry Wellington

We have also started a list of people who have contacted us by e-mail, and are either searching for Dispensational Bible study groups in their area, or are trying to start one.

In order to help those who are looking for a nearby Dispensational Church, the following list of Grace Directories (with some minor modifications) was sent in by a fellow Dispensationalist:




Here is the current list of those who are either searching for Dispensational Bible study groups in their area, or are trying to start one:

"GENERAL" (unspecified) Dispensationalism:

Jayme, at :
Jayme writes, "Do you happen to know of any churches in the North West Arkansas area that teach Dispensationalism. "

MID-Acts and Acts 28 Believers:

amt writes, "I am a mid acts Pauline using the Word rightly divided looking to fellowship with like believers who would like to study the Word and have fellowship in the Mrytle Beach S.C. area."

is looking for a dispensational church in Woodbridge, VA. That is about 35 miles south of Washington DC.

David Carden
Pastor, Church of the Resurrection
1605 Holland Avenue (Location)
1601 Holland Avenue (Mail Only)
Galena Park, Texas 77547-2539
Tel: 713-453-0019
Fax: 713-453-0019 (call first to change mode)
Website: Church of the Resurrection
Sunday Morning Bible Study 9:30AM
Sunday Worship/Teaching Assembly 10:30AM
Elder/Teacher: Pastors Eduardo Lopez, Sr and David Carden
Pastor Carden writes, "We are in Galena Park that is surrounded by Pasadena, Baytown, Houston, La Porte, Jacinto City etc. We have a church and facilities, however, we are in need of more saints to fellowship with us and help us carry out the Ministry of Reconciliation with the understanding of the Mid-Acts Dispensational truths by Rightly Dividing the Word of Truth."

Silvia Carling
Silvia is looking for a Grace fellowship in North Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.

Jan Chaisson, of Albuquerque, NM (New e-mail address!)
(Jan is seeking a Bible study in the Albuquerque area.)

Daniel Justin Doty of northern California (Mid Acts believer)
Daniel lives in the SanFrancisco Bay Area of northern California and is dying to find anyone to study and fellowship with that understands the Word rightly divided and Grace/dispensationalism.

Michelle Falica, of Bowling Green, Kentucky
The family of Michelle Falica is looking for a Dispensational Bible study in Bowling Green, Kentucky (in Southern Kentucky, Bowling Green is about 80 miles north of Nashville, TN).

Iris Guy of Lake Havasu, AZ
Iris writes:
"We live part time in Lake Havasu, AZ and we are having difficulty in locating a church with the belief we also support. We are avid supporters of Les Feldick ministries in OK, but we would like to locate a church that doesn't say you have to be baptized again, and so forth. Any help would be appreciated."

Dave Ishee, of Knoxville, Tennessee
Dave writes:
"My introduction to dispensationalism was through Bob Enyart's The Plot through my 21 year old son, Peter. I'm now looking to start a bible study and eventually obtain critical mass to start a bible church in West Knoxville.
"Here's the question: do you know any group of dispensational believers in the knoxville area?
"If you have any questions about my identity or intentions, please feel free to contact me at work( 865-766-8671) or home( 865-675-4296)."

Jerry Lockhart
Jerry has two couples who are leaving the area of New Braunfels, TX; one is moving to the South East New Mexico area (around Carlsbad, Eunice, Hobbs, or Lovington), and the other is moving to Sierra Vista, AZ. Jerry can also be contacted through Berean Bible Church in New Braunfels, TX.

Ginger Marrs
Ginger is looking for a mid-Acts dispensational church or bible study group in the Iowa City/Cedar Rapids area of Iowa.

Mike Morris
Mike lives in the Columbus, OH area (Reynoldsburg) and is looking for a fellowship or Bible study to attend. He is also able to lead such a study.

Shawn O'Connell
Shawn is looking for mid-Acts dispensational churches or study groups in southern New Hampshire.

Robert Powell
Robert Writes:
"...we have a regular Bible study in Nashville, TN on Sunday and Thursday nights meeting in the Goodlettsville, TN area. We study the Bible from the Pauline perspective and want to welcome everyone in the area who is looking for somewhere to fellowship!"

Gary Rogers (New e-mail address!)
Gary Rogers lives in the Cape Coral, Ft. Myers area of Lee County, Florida; and would like to either attend a dispensational Bible study or Church, or start one in his area. Interested parties in his area can either contact him at his above e-mail address, or call him at 239-633-5714.

Glenn and Debbie
Glenn and Debbie write," seems we are the only 2 Acts 28 beleivers in all Las Vegas, Nevada. We long for someone to fellowship with. Our teacher died 5 years ago."

Mike Schroeder Pastor/teacher
Amazing Grace Bible Study Fellowship
Mike currently resides in Corpus Christi, Texas with his wife, Jean. He conducts two classes a week in Corpus Christi, and one in Harlingen.
AGBSF Statement of Faith
Mike Schroeder's Biography and Testimony:

Walt Seevers
Walt has a small home group in the Missoula, Montana area. There are folks who come from Lolo as well. The Word is taught verse by verse from the Pauline point of view. Walt's number is 406-721-6858

Nathan Spinazzolo, of Crestview, Florida
(Nathan is seeking a Dispensational church in the Crestview, Florida area.)

Richard Van Sant, in Belleview, Florida
Richard is trying to locate a Pauline, dispensationalist, independent, fundamentalist, KJV only, Bible-believing church/congregation in his area (in Marion county). He is trying to be as close as possible, in distance, to his family in Ocala, and any help in this matter will be appreciated.

Michael Ziegler of Sacramento, California
Michael writes, "If you have contact with anyone in Right Division / Acts 28 (or otherwise) in Central California (Sacramento, to be specific) PLEASE give them this address so that we might have contact with Saints of like precious faith . . . It would be such a blessing for us, and hopefully for them!"

Acts 2 Believers:

Anthony, from Louisville, Kentucky
Anthony is looking for an Acts 2 Bible study or assembly. He would eventually like to start a home church.

Steve, at, is looking for a dispensational church in Southern Wisconsin/Northern Illinois that may be more dispensational than covenant.

Pastor Rodelio Mallari in the Philippine Islands writes:

Dear Brethren & Fellow Servants in Christ:

Hello from the Philippine Islands in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. We are a small association of independent Baptist churches...As the Lord enables, we implore you to please consider donating to us some of your books, booklets, CD-ROMs, doctrinal and evangelistic tracts. We could also put into the best use some dispensational charts and King James Bibles...We minister to poverty-stricken local Baptist churches and have very limited resources...We hope we do not sound too demanding but trust that you understand the struggles we Filipino pastors are into.

We regularly go out to teach and strengthen the brethren. We conduct small-time Dispensational and Pro-KJB Bible conferences and lectures as well as encourage others to do open-air preaching in public places. We also occasionally provide free Bibles and used Christian books on a very limited basis and as the Lord provides.

Each year we conduct anywhere from 3-4 small-time Bible conferences in the Luzon and Visayan island provinces of our country. About 50-150 preachers, Bible students, as well as church workers from nearby cities and provinces come to our meetings. We encourage our brethren to continue preaching the Gospel of the grace of God and studying and teaching God's word rightly divided. There is tremendous opposition to our feeble labors by Catholics and those who hate the King James Bible. However, by the grace of God, results have been very encouraging for me and our compatriots in the ministry. Praise God!

We strongly believe without apology that the old King James Bible is God's perfect, pure, infallible, and inerrant word in the English language. It is WITHOUT proven textual or doctrinal errors. It CANNOT be improved upon by any other English or American language version now and forever!

For non-English speaking Filipinos, there were four of us who, by God's grace, have translated a Filipino literal translation of the King James New Testament. Bearing Precious Seed-U.S.A. sponsored the printing of 300,000 copies that have been freely given away and are now in circulation all over the country.

Even with very limited resources and virtually no financial backing, we are endeavoring to translate the Old Testament directly from the King James Bible (without resorting to Greek or Hebrew lexicons)— a very difficult and tremendous task indeed! The Filipino King James Bible translation project is progressing slowly but surely. Filipino, which is based from Tagalog, is our national language. It is understood by the majority of our now 85 million countrymen who are predominantly Roman Catholic.

Sadly, at the moment I am the only one who is doing the actual translating because my compatriots are busy in other areas of the ministry. I hope that God would soon raise more supporters and volunteer translators to help out in the translation work. I would like to put out more hours per week translating the King James Bible than I am actually doing at the moment.

When enough support for my family is raised, I will quit my part-time jobs and devote 30-40 hours translating the Bible. In the meantime, please pray for me as I work on revising our New Testament and translating the Old Testament on top of my family and ministry responsibilities. By God's grace, I have already finished 11 short Old Testament books. I am determined to finish the task even if it takes me 10 years (if the Lord delays that long). I am grateful to God that some Bible-believing brethren abroad donated this indispensable computer and printer for the Bible translation work.

We are in dire need of sound dispensational biblical material to help our national preachers in their study and ministry of God's word. Many of us have very limited formal theological training. During the last three years or so we have already appealed for help to over 200 other churches and ministries abroad but without success.

Brethren, please pray about helping us and our ministry... We shall anxiously await your response. Until then, may the Lord bless and keep you!

Faithfully yours in Christ,

Pastor Rodelio D. Mallari (1 Timothy 6:12)
Mailing Address:
Blessed Hope Baptist Church
P.O. Box 52159, ACPO
2009 Angeles City

So, if you are a preacher who can travel to one of the areas looking for a Bible study; if you know a preacher who is willing to go; or if you wish to attend one of the Bible studies listed, please e-mail the person listed. If you wish to contact the Berean Dispensational Site, you may do so at:

Click Here to return to the Berean Dispensational Site

Click Here to visit the Additional Links Page
