A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z |
IN THE HEAT OF THE NIGHT Amusing little story that has a VERY frustrated warrior and bard trying to get "reacquainted" while dealing with baby Eve. Sexy and cute. Nalysia does a nice job of showing the love amidst the more...er...physical aspects of the relationship. ;-) - 7 pgs., 12/10/00 http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/n/nalysia_ithotn.html - XGF 3 - 27/9/07 HARDCORE NUTCRACKERS What a hoot this is. What if Xena and Gabrielle were really immortals. This short story cracked me up and I loved the pillow fight :) http://merwolf.com/academy/nalysia_nutcrackers.html |
THREE'S A PARTY (ANTE UP) Xena, Gabrielle, and Joxer play a very interesting card game. http://members.tripod.com/GJE/Stories/ThreesParty.htm |
FIRE & ICE I thought it would be fun to see what would happen if they ever met, since I doubt they ever will. It is set right at the beginning of Sacrifice Part 1, and will make a little more sense if you've seen that episode. A wonderful story pitting Callisto and Discord against each other... and they both win :-) www.oocities.org/benxengab8/Fire&Ice.html |
The Myth Series MYTH-UNDERSTANDINGS This may very well turn out to be the ULTIMATE comedy of errors in XWP fan fiction! I doubt ANY of you have ever read something quite like this - I know I certainly haven't and I can only warn you that you better have health insurance before tackling this tale because your funny bone is going to incur some SERIOUS damage!! The story begins innocently enough with Iolus, Hercules' intrepid partner, walking through the woods when suddenly he overhears a rather loud Gabrielle yelling at the top of her lung...urging Xena on! The blonde warrior immediately jumps to conclusions setting off a series of misunderstandings that will soon include Hercules and have even the gods on Mount Olympus roaring with laughter. Amidst the confusion and hilarity, however, one truth will surface at last - binding two souls into one - as they were always meant to be... DO NOT MISS!! - 9 pgs., 7/22/97, re-released 8/9/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/mythunder1.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 AIN'T MYTH-BEHAVING It doesn't seem possible but this sequel to MYTH-UNDERSTANDINGS actually pushes the zaniness quota beyond that established by its predecessor. This is hilarity to the extreme so keep those beverages away from the PC! Together now and suddenly VERY affectionate, Xena and Gabrielle travel with Hercules and Iolus to Erosia-by-the-sea where the Annual Festival of Aphrodite is under way. Things are going rather well until Xena receives a summons to join her fellow warriors for some drinks in honor of fallen comrades. Vowing to come back soon, the warrior leaves a fuming and - er - frustrated bard waiting. When the wait drags on, however, the bard decides to go on a little trip herself and the quest for revenge is ON!!! Before the day is over, much parchment will be used, a warrior and a bard will spend considerable time planning terrible things to do to one another and the Olympians will once again enjoy themselves immensely at the cost of two hearts in love...and lust. This is just WICKEDLY funny! DO NOT MISS! - 8 pgs., 7/26/97, re-released 8/9/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/aintmyth1.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 MTYH-FEASANCE AND MYTH DIRECTIONS With this third installment in her MYTH series, Nene leaves no doubt as to her exceptional bardic skills...or her downright WICKED sense of humor!! Well-read and incredibly knowledgeable about popular culture, Nene not only parodies XWP in her story but a number of cultural icons as well. Set immediately after the events in AIN'T MYTH-BEHAVING, the story has the Warrior Princess and her - "bardie-poo" heading for Amazonia where they plan to go through a joining ceremony. Delays, however, soon result in one unhappy "bardie-poo" prompting Xena to start reciting Wyllam Spear-Shaker. (You have not LIVED 'til you've seen the Warrior Princess reciting Wyllam Spear-Shaker ;-) This foreshadows the additional delays to come as the two meet up with a traveling group of actors who soon join them on their journey, resulting in an even unhappier "bardie-poo" and one FRUSTRATED Warrior Princess. A TERRIFIC story, this tale would be worth reading alone for the look that is included into the workings of Xena and Gabrielle's minds! Rip-roaring stuff guys!! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! - 10 pgs., 8/4/97, re-released 8/9/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/mythfeasance1.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 MYTH-ALLIANCES This fourth installment in Nene's comedy MYTH series finds the warrior and her "bardie-poo" in Amazonia getting ready for the wedding of the century. Before that fateful event, however, a "few" misunderstandings will have to be cleared up and some ceremonial customs observed including a priceless meeting between one of the brides-to-be and the Ancient version of Dr. Ruth! Nene continues to amaze in this story with her knowledge of popular culture. Possessed of a wicked sense of humor and a brilliant writing talent, she brings us in this story a tale NOT TO BE MISSED! - 10 pgs., 8/17/97, re-released 8/9/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/mythalliance1.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 MYTH-DEEDS OF DARING-DO! The fifth installment in the MYTH series begins with the long-anticipated honeymoon of a certain Warrior Princess and her "bardie-poo" aboard none other than the Lust Boat complete with Kaptain Schtubing and company :) The next few days will see Xena and bardie-poo meeting the great god "Aaron" along with most of his best known - er - "followers" as their journey eventually takes them to a disturbingly familiar island where all fantasies come true! ;-) Nene's entire MYTH series is certain to become a classic of comedic fan fic. Her command of language and her knowledge of popular culture combine in this final story to once again bring us a hilarious, raunchy, sweet, and thoroughly entertaining tale that is NOT TO BE MISSED!! - 10 pgs., 9/17/97, re-released 8/9/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/mythdeeds1.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 MYTH-ERY LOVES COMPANY w/ Tim Wellman Brace your funny bone and get all those liquids away from the keyboard - the newest entry in THE MYTH SERIES is here and absolutely DEADLY! Funny bones all over the Net are going to be crippled after exposure to this latest celebration of ancient Greek popular culture :) Yes, Dream Rabbit and Bardie Poo are back and happy at LAST...well sort of...except for the little matter of a bug-infested house...not that the bugs can't share mind you...they're even doing homage to the bard! ;-) Before long their troubles seemed solved as Salmoneous sells them a new house. Not just any house either... a mansion...a HUGE spread...a palace...which just happens to feature blood-splattered walls and disembodied voices BUT it was always hard to find good real-estate in Ancient Greece! With the talented Tim Wellman as her writing partner in this latest offering, Nene continues to solidify the standing of the MYTH series as one of the true comedy classics in XWP fan fiction. This will MAKE your day! VERY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! - 19 pgs., 10/22/97 http://timwellman.virtualave.net/mythery.html - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 MYTH-TAKEN IDENTITY: AN ADDENDUM TO THE MYTH SERIES Dream Rabbit and Bardie Poo are back once again in this hilarious new addition to Nene's MYTH SERIES which finds a frustrated Bardie Poo coming across a lot of Xena lookalikes while the Dream Rabbit herself is secretly spirited off in an evil plot to keep the bard...frustrated ;-) With a penchant for pursuing some very funny tangents and presenting a side of the Warrior Princess and her partner few know about, Nene once again delights and entertains us in this continuing homage to popular culture that is a MUST READ! DO NOT MISS! - 15 pgs., 5/10/98, re-released 8/9/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/aphroditeadv.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 MIDNIGHT MYTH-TERY After a MUCH-missed abscence from the web, the incomparable Dream Rabbit and Bardie Poo are back in a delightful addition to Nene's now classic MYTH SERIES. Still galivanting around Greece with their wonder saddlebag in tow and an eye for convenient bushes, the two change their immediate plans when word reaches them that Gabrielle's Uncle Bingo has kicked the bucket and the bard is mentioned in his will. The two immediately head for Bingo's Old Stone Fort - a spooky monstrocity of a house where they meet an odd assortment of characters, including a talking pooch that should be familiar to many from my generation, the requisite mysterious caretakers, and a deadly apparition who soon realizes it may have met its match in the likes of Dream Rabbit. Effective story writing usually requires that writers not go on tangents - sticking to their main story whenever possible. Nene pretty much blows that theory to bits littering this entire series with some of the most hysterical side comments you will ever come across. From homages to popular culture to an inside view into the battling psyches of these characters, this tale will have you spewing liquids left and right. A riot folks! HIGHLY RECOMMENDED! [Story is preceeded by a sponsor announcement :) ] - 23 pgs., 8/16/99 http://www.corrieweb.com/myth/lavawrestlingad.htm - XGF 3 - 30/9/05 |
COLD WINTER NIGHT Gabrielle is as stubborn as ever. She doesn't listen to Xena and ends up sick in a cave. http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/n/nickie_coldwinternight.html - XGF 3 - 25/11/08 A PICTURE OF YOU Sweet vignette revealing a rather artistic side to the Warrior Princess as she shares a peaceful campfire with her beloved soulmate. - 2 pgs., 6/13/00 http://www.forevaxena.com/fanfictiondelights/fanfic/nickie/apictureofyou.html - XGF 3 - 20/12/04 WHAT'S A BARD TO DO? After Xena helps the Amazons win another war, the Bard tries a new way to win the warriors heart. No matter what she has to do, her heart is set on getting it. http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/n/nickie_whatsabardtodo.html - XGF 3 - 28/12/04 |
ROOM SERVICE The origin of the 'Do not disturb!' sign is made clear when Xena and Gabrielle rent a room. http://www.oocities.org/benxengab5/RoomService.html |
GABRIELLE'S DESIRES Gabrielle fantasizes about taking her physical relationship with Xena further. http://amazontrails.com/xena/gabdesires.htm |
MESS AT THE AMAZON VILLAGE After three months of being apart Xena and Gabrielle meet up at the amazon village. There the whole mess erupts. The warrior thinks that Gabrielle is in love with an amazon named Nysa, Gabrielle thinks that Xena is in love with an amazon named Rena and the whole village thinks that Xena and Gabrielle are sleeping together. Total mess! http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/n/nyktosia_amazonvillage.html - XGF 3 - 5/4/04 |