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AFTER THE SIEGE A playful little vignette where Gabrielle wants Xena to explain her comments at the end of the episode "Amphipolis Under Siege". PG 13-15 maybe. http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/u/udkbard_afterthesiege.html - XGF 3 - 24/11/04 NEGOTIATIONS, Version 1 Xena the Conqueror is out to get Caesar and she needs Pompey's help. Negotiations take a rather interesting turn upon the arrival of his recently acquired Grecian slave. http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/u/udkbard_negotiationsv1.html - XGF3 - 12/4/04 NEGOTIATIONS, Version 2 Same story as Negotiations Version 1, but Pompey actually gets involved instead of just watching. http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/u/udkbard_negotiationsv2.html - XGF3 - 12/4/04 SLEEPLESS NIGHT This was my first ever attempt at Alt Fanfic. A month or two after the death of her husband, Gabrielle is having trouble sleeping. Xena tries to find a cure... http://www.merwolf.com/academy/fanfic/u/udkbard_sleeplessnight.html |