Please pull up a chair and choose a parchment from the archives.

From tragedy to comedy, romance to tales of vengeance it’s all here for
your perusal.

The fan fiction area you are entering contains Xena related stories of an adult theme, some of which contain, bondage, s&m, and other goodies.

So what'll it be? Enter the XGF Library.


8thHouse - Abenua - Absinthe Angel 777 - Adult Xena - Advocate - Aisa - AL Dunham - Alabash - Alan Plessinger - Aleria - Alexiares - Allyson Heisey - Alurker - Amazon - Amazon Bard - Ambryrhawke Shadowsinger - Amity - Anais & Idyrth - Angharad Governal - Anima - Annaria - Annemaart - Annmaray - Anon2 - Archaeobard - ArdentTly - Aristaeus - Atara - Aurelia - Azurenon

BadBard - Baermer - Barbara Davies - BardGirl - Bardic - Bards Wings - BardWooHoo - Barker - Barry Marshall - Bat Morda - BCBard4U - Bel-wah - Beowolf - Big Kat & Big Sis - Bitrsuite - BJ O'Donnell - BL Miller - BlackFox - BladeMast - Blue - Blue Raven - BM Morgan - Bongo Bear - Brandie - Brandy - Brian Davis - Brit Bard

C. L. Bactad - Candace Chellew - Carola Eriksson - Carole Giorgio - Carrie Carr - Cath, Bard - Catherine M. Wilson - Catkin - Charmer - Cheaza - Cheeyah - Cheynon O' Dowd - Chickram - Chris M - Claire Withercross - Clay10 - CN Winters - Cousin Liz - Crewella - Cris - Cris & Amy - Curiositee

D.S. Bauden - d_exphagus - Dana Cory - Danae - Dark Angel - Darkone - Dave G - Dawn Lemanne - Deb Kern - deBonheur - Della Street - DJ Belt - DJWP - Doc - Donna E. Trifilo - Dreamweaver - Druidess - Duv Lyn

Ella Quince - Ellie - EM Hamilton - Emperor Penguin - Enginerd - Erin Jennifer - Eva Allen - Evil-Lyn

Falcon - Fedelma - Felioness - Fialka - Flophouse - FlyBigD - ForevaXena - Fragment - Friction - Friend - Froggles - Fu Bard

G. Bonobo - G.L. Dartt - GabGal - Georgia - Gillian Decker - GirlBard - Godot - Grace H - Greek Warrior - GreyOne - Grit Jahning

Harpy - Heartbrkn Bard - Heartstarter - Herbard - Hobbes

Imagine - India - Indigo - Iseqween

J Duderstadt - J Gardner - Jade - Jaden - Jae - James Bergquist - Janys - Jay - JD Jenkins - Jenx - Jera - JJ Bard In Waiting - JL Peterson - JLynn - Joan The English Chick - Joanna - Joe Murphy - John Doe - jtd - Jules Kurre - Julia Donnelly - JW Heart

K.R Brendan - Kamouraskan - Kanvil McAster - Karen Malevich - Kat - Kate - Katelin B - Katrina - KD Bard - Kelly Noble - Kerry Hurley - Kim Pritekel - Klancy7 - Knightskye - Koda Graystone - Kodi Wolf - KRD - Kris Johnson - Kwipinky - Kypros

L. Crystal Michallet-Romero - L. Fox - LN James - Lace Priest - Lady Catherine - Lady Savay - LaLa - Lannivr - Lariel - Larisa - LawlessGal - Lawlsfan - LB Anderson - Lead Fox - Leisa Clark - Lemonkiss - Lena - LH Miller - Linda Crist - Linda D - Linda Lockwood - Linda Tellez - Lindsey - Lisa Grandstaff - Lisa Jain Thompson - LJ Maas - Llachlan - LM Townsend - Lucath - Lynka - Lyssa - LZClotho

Mac Xavier - Maggie - Marion D Tuttle - Mark Annetts - Markski - Marnster - Mary Morgan - MaryE - Masque - Maureen McGowan - Mazrat - Medora MacD - Merpup Collective - Midgit - Mikki Hibbens - Mindwalker78 - Minerva - Misschf - Missy Good - MommaMuse - MoonWarrior - Morgan & Rae - Ms Auggie - Ms Mil Toro - Murphy - My Osage - My Warrior - Mythe

Nalysia - Napalm Nacey - Nemesis Girl - Nene Adams - Nickie - Nicole Blizzard - Noriko - Nyktosia

Ogami - Osito - Oversoul

Pagan Rubenowski - Pamela - Patricia L. Ennis - Patricia Wiseroostr - Patsbard - Paully Adams - Paymaster - Phalkon - Pink Rabbit Productions - Piscia - Ponigirl - Portia Richardson - PruferBlue - Purple Pen


R.D. Elliot - Rab Donald - Rachel2 - Rachel Hahn - Rainbard - Raine - Rastro & Maddog - Rebecca Hall - Rebekah - Red Raven - Ri - Rickey - Rocfan - ROC-it Scientist - Romansilence - Ronica Black - Rooks - Rose Corsaro - Rosemary - Ryder - Ryen

S. Derkins - Safia - Sage Amante - Sais2Cool - Salina - Sam Ruskin - SapphicWarrior - Sasha Foo - Scout - Scrappyone - Seana James - Seska - Shadowland - Shana & Kye - Sharona - Shatterpath - sHaYcH - Shazka - Shea - Shelia Conway - Shywriter - Sidewinder - Silence - Silk - Simahoyo - Sinful - Siona West - Smenzer - StaceyX - Stacia Seaman - StarWarrior - Stormwolff - Susan A. Rice - Suzar - SwordnQuil


T. Novan - t.e.brehm - Taleweaver - Tara Kerry - TC O'Neil - Tegan Jovanka - Temora - Tensorium - Texas Hottie - Texena - The Norm - Themiscrya - Tim Wellman - Titanium - Towandababe - Trigar - TrueGrits - TrueLoveOnly - Tyval - TZ


Vada Foster - Verrath - Vertigo - Virginia Leonard

W. Bradley Danbrook - Wakar - Warriorjudge - Web Bard - whosays - WhymZ - Wildbard - Willow - Wonder Mike - WordChaser - WordWarrior - Word Wizard - WrshpXena - Wyatt Traishe

X2 - Xanjaa98 - Xebbie - Xenalicious - Xenalynn - Xenamour - Xena's Little Bitch - Xenaslaves - Xenrielle - XFBARD - XFILER17 - Xfjnky - Ximena - XMP - XWPFanatic


Zealander - Zeta - Zzelami