Berane - Montenegro

Secondary vocational education

Vocational education in Berane is acquired in 3 schools within the following fields of work: mechanical engineering and metal processing, traffic, electrical engineering, chemistry, non-metals and imprinting, agriculture, food production and processing, forestry and wood processing, healthcare, pharmacy and social welfare, tourism, trade and catering, economy, law and administration and servicing. Having in mind the total number of students in secondary education schools, the percentage of students in vocational schools is at average 70%.

The curricula in vocational education are prepared based on the defined occupational standards and allow acquisition of qualifications for one of more related occupations. The structure of curricula comprises general educational subjects, professional theoretical subjects and training. The duration of vocational education, according to the existing structure depends on the complexity of an occupation, and within that, there are existing secondary vocational schools, which last for three years or level III, and secondary vocational schools, which last 4 years or level IV.


School & Address

Phone & Fax

E-mail & Web

Secondary Vocational School "Vukadin Vukadinovic"
Novo naselje bb
84300 Berane

Secondary Medicine School "Dr Branko Zogovic"
Svetog Save 25
84300 Berane

Secondary Vocational School
Svetog Save 25
84300 Berane



