Hebrew Self-Study
The selfstudyhebrew list is dedicated to the collaborative self-study of Hebrew (biblical, rabbinic, modern). There are usually several active groups working concurrently, and new groups may start up at any time.
The groups work by each participant reading the assigned material for a given week and emailing their translations to the respective group facilitator. The facilitator collates all the translations and posts them to the list. Participants get to compare their answers to everyone else's, ask question, make comments, etc.
To join any of these groups, you only need to subscribe to the Yahoo group and have one of the textbooks. You may join a group even if it already in progress. Please post a query to the list (or email an individual facilitator off-list) for more information about existing groups or to see about starting a new one. Please see the following message posted to the list for a little more information.
Please note that this is a heterogeneous group and posts should be limited to issues relating to Hebrew language only. Also, any missionary activity -- on or off list -- is not allowed and will result in immediate expulsion.
Subscribe to the Yahoo Group / View Archived Messages Links to Previous Weingreen Collations Links and Resources for learning Hebrew Free Tehillim from ArtScroll Text for Sefer Chofetz Chaim
Keywords: Online Hebrew Course, Hebrew Language, Dikduk, Hebrew Class, Hebrew Lessons, Biblical Hebrew, Learning Hebrew, Aleph Bet, Review Hebrew Grammar, Hebrew Teacher, How To Read Hebrew, Tanach, Chumash, Siddur, Torah, Haftorah, Shoresh, Learn, Basic, Elementary, Beginning, Beginner's, learn hebrew on the internet, Berel Beyer.