The three STEARNS brothers arrived in Boston on the ARABELLA in 1630

Early in the morning of April 8, 1630, Isaac Stearns and family, Sir Richard Staltonstall and family, Rev. George Phillips, Gov. Winthrop and many others embarked at Yarmouth, England, in the good ship Arabella and arrived in Salem, Mass., on the 12th of June. The ship Jewell arrived on the 13th. The ship Ambrose on the 18th. The Talbot on July 2. The passengers not being satisfied with Salem ... soon proceeded to Charlestown and were among the first settlers of Watertown, near Mount Auburn, Mass.

The Arabella, the admiral of the fleet which brought Winthrop and his company to Salem Harbor, was a ship of 350 tons burden, carrying 28 guns and 52 seamen, with Capt. Nathaniel Melbourne, master and part owner.

"Isaac Johnson, esteemed the richest of the emigrants, inherited an estate of 20,000 pounds from his grandfather, Robert Johnson, of North Luffingham, in 1584; with his wife, Arabella, daughter of Thomas , third Earl of Lincoln, came over in Winthrop's ship, "The Eagle," which in his wife's honor was re-christened The Arabella. Lady Arabella died at Salem, Mass., a few weeks after her arrival, and her husband, who survived her only a few months, was interred at the upper end of his lot in Boston, in what is now known as the King's Burying Ground."

The Arabella and her consorts experienced a varied and stormy passage and on the 8th of June there came a wild pigeon into the ship. It was not until the 76th day that they came to anchor, on the 12th of June 1630, old style.

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