Neff Run Work Group Meeting - September, 1999 Neff Run Work Group

September 21, 1999 - Meeting Summary


Jim Kahl, MDE Wetlands and Waterways Division

Larry Lubbers, MD DNR Watershed Restoration Division

Craig Hartsock, Allegany Soil Conservation District

Guy Winterberg, Allegany County Economic Development

Keith Eshleman, Appalachian Lab

Dan Fiscus, Appalachian Lab

Russell Yoder, Trout Unlimited

Joe Metz, Trout Unlimited

Randy Richardson, Georges Creek Watershed Association

Ursula Lemanski, NPS Rivers and Trails Program

Meeting Highlights

The primary focus of the meeting was a discussion of watershed problems and restoration opportunities. Larry provided an overview of the stream survey data collected for the entire watershed, as well as data specific to the Matthews Run confluence project site.

The following topics were discussed, and tasks assigned. Each person assigned a topic will provide a brief description of the problem and suggested actions (drafts due by October 15, 1999). The action items will be discussed at the next meeting, November 9, 1999).

Riparian buffer enhancement: 16 sites with inadequate stream buffers were identified in the survey. Craig is currently working on buffer enhancement activities with property owners, and has information available on various technical assistance and funding programs.

1. Larry will provide Craig with data and map locations of inadequate buffers.

2. Craig will draft this section describing the problem and potential solutions. Stream stability: Using historical information as well as survey data collected on erosion, stream channelization, and debris problems, this section will identify stream stability problems, and provide recommendations for restoration actions.

1. Larry will provide Roger with watershed-wide information on channelization, erosion, and debris problems.

2. Craig will check with Roger regarding stream stability recommendations.

Fish habitat improvement: The group agreed that a separate section on fisheries should be included in the plan. The section should include a description of past and current conditions utilizing the representative site data collected from the survey, as well as other sources. It will be important to coordinate recommended actions with stream stability and flood mitigation actions.

1. Craig will talk to Ken Pavol about providing a brief description of habitat quality and potential future actions to improve fisheries in Neff Run.

Public utility concerns: This section will include a discussion and recommendations for the seven exposed pipes identified in the corridor.

1. Larry will provide data including map location and photographs to Guy.

2. Guy will discuss concerns with county DPW staff, and provide recommendations based on findings.

Floodplain management issues: A major concern through out the watershed is the costly and life-threatening impacts of flooding. This section will provide an overview of the problem, and potential alternatives to reduce flood impacts.

1. Alison was not available at the meeting, but has agreed to write up this section.

Acid mine drainage: Joe was unable to attend the meeting, but is pursing efforts to address acid mine drainage problems in the watershed.

1. Joe has agreed to write up the Acid Mine Drainage section, describing the problem, alternative mitigation measures, and recommended actions.

Other concerns: Issues that are not watershed-wide concerns will be included in this section i.e. trash dumping, pipe outfalls, unusual conditions.

1. Larry will write this section describing the problems and recommended solutions.

2. Keith will assist in terms of potential actions to address landfill run-off concerns.

Announcements and Updates

Georges Creek Watershed Association Randy reported that the GCWA will be meeting tonight, and will be discussing volunteer research efforts to identify and map all activities occurring in the Georges Creek Watershed. GCWA has agreed to sponsor the Neff Run Community Workshop, and will be discussing workshop logistics, invitations, etc. at tonight's meeting.

Long-Term Research and Monitoring: Joe, Larry, Ken Pavol, and Ken Baxter have met and developed a monitoring strategy that includes chemical and biological sampling. Joe will be coordinating all monitoring efforts and managing the data collected. Keith reported both headwater gauging stations will be operational by the end of the week. Ursula reported that the County is pursuing funding for a gauge station on lower Neff Run.

Watershed History: Jim reported that land use in the watershed has been primarily agricultural until initiating of strip mining activity in the mid-80s. Jim provided water quality data collected by the Bureau of Mines from 1986 - 88. (for copy contact Ursula)

Mapping: Matt has completed draft maps of the Neff Run watershed including: a base map, land use, zoning, geology, and soils, and is currently working on hydrology and floodplain boundaries, as well as a watershed boundary. Any ideas on future GIS applications should be forward to Matt who is coordinating projects with Frostburg State University GIS lab.

Deadline for completion of draft sections: October 15, 1999. (Please send out to work group members via email).

Next Meeting: Tuesday, November 9, 1999, 10:00–12:00, Appalachian Lab, Frostburg, MD