"I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine.... " (2 Timothy 4:1,2,3a).
Quite a charge given to the pastor and QUITE a responsibility.
It's not easy being a pastor. The accountability alone before the Lord is overwhelming. "Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you." (Hebrews 13:17).
Can you imagine the responsibility given to "watch" for the souls of your sheep (the local assembly), and then give account of it before the Captain of your salvation. Wow.. that gets a little overwhelming, when you think about it. But, that's exactly what a pastor must do.. Besides the studying and preaching of the Word, the care and watch for their souls, and being a servant with kindness to all. That's a tall order, but that's what a man of God, when he receives the 'call' of God, MUST do in order to fulfill the great commission from Jesus Christ.
"Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." (2 Timothy 2:15).
"And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient, in meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God maybe will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth.." (2 Timothy 2: 24, 25).
I guess I should know all about pastors. I'm married to one. We've been in the ministry for over 30 years now and I've seen my husband through the 'thick and thin' of it. The many 'baptisms of fire', the struggle with a wayward member of the flock, seeing him smile through tears, at times, even being maligned and misrepresented, as well as the MANY joys and happinesses, too. No-----there's MUCH to the ministry and there are many out there today and in the past who have left the ministry because of the pressures and stress.
He's supposed to know the answer for EVERYTHING, be there for EVERY meeting, visit at a moment's notice, preach funerals, marry people, baptize converts, dedicate babies.. and the list goes on.
Doesn't happen------does it?
You see, I've been there----done that--and seen it all.
But, may I say, I've seen some and most of this over the years, but the Lord has given us the greatest congregations. Three in all. But, there are and were times, that our faith was tested beyond belief. And by God's grace...we passed the tests. Even now.. our church, Fellowship Bible Church is the GREATEST!!! The Lord has blessed us beyond measure and we couldn't ask for more loving, dedicated people who love the Lord and the preaching of His Word.
But, I have a ministry online to pastor's wives and the stories I have heard from them about the things they have gone through in their ministries, would make you cringe. My heart breaks for them in some of the situations they've been put in as servants of God.
For the most part, I find that most pastors and their wives have to work outside the home and carry on a full-time ministry and be expected to fulfill all the needs of everyone in the church. That ought not to be. It is the church's responsibility to take care of the man of God and his family. They are to be giving their time to the study and preaching of the Word. "Let the leaders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, THOU SHALT NOT MUZZLE THE OX THAT TREADETH OUT THE CORN. And, THE LABOURER IS WORTHY OF HIS REWARD." Double honour????? Whoa.. that's too much to give a pastor. We have to keep him poor and humble. Believe it or not, I've heard people say that before.
It saddens me.
Then, there are those who have experienced much discouragement from parishoners who tell them that they are not meeting up to their expectations. Everyone wants to be a leader and tell the pastor what he should or should not be doing. Almost sounds like Moses and the children of Israel, doesn't it?
I could tell you story after story in detail, but I won't. I just felt it was a time to share just how much you need to appreciate your pastor, and share it from a pastor's wife's heart.
And how about your pastor's wife? When was the last time you came up to her asked if you could help with something that she does plenty of? Didn't you know that a pastor's wife must always be able to play the piano, sing at moment's notice, cook hamburger "100 different ways", dress discretely, but fashionably, wear her hair matronly, but in the latest 'hair-do'??? I remember reading that in one of my favorite books, "The Unprivate Life Of A Pastor's Wife" by Frances Nordland. It scared me to death. I thought, "I can't be what everyone wants me to be.. I can't be like my pastor's wife. That's just NOT me." And you know what? That's exactly what the Lord wanted.. Someone JUST like ME! He wanted to use my personality, my talents, my gifts, and my failures to be there for His honor and glory and that's all!!! Wow!!! I thought He wanted someone 'perfect.' Ha.... ha.. well, when He called us to the ministry.. He knew just who we were.. "Sinners----saved by grace."
And I just want to say.. "I LOVE MY PASTOR". I see him behind the scenes.. I know how long he studies.. and how late he comes home.. I see the little things he does to keep the church building in order.. (he loves our new church home)... and he loves the LORD with all his heart.. Thank you, sweetie, for being MY Man of God...
Okay! I've said all that to say this.
Do you know what would make the PERFECT GIFT or surprise for your pastor on this special time????
Hey.. do you want to see him shocked beyond measure (but it may cause a heart attack, too).... BE AT EVERY SERVICE!!! Bibles wide open, taking notes, and encourage him afterward!
You'll just literally "knock him dead." But really, that's all anyone wants--isn't it? Just to be appreciated for their work's sake and an occasional 'THANK YOU.'
Lord bless you all and bless those special pastors who have given their lives to preach God's Word and with a servant's heart, serve you with joy.