The purpose of this page is not only for our own church members to familiarize themselves with the missionaries that Fellowship Bible Church support, but also for others who may be looking for missionaries in particular countries and also want to check out different missionary boards or organizations.
I am also using the message board online so that all the missionaries represented here may have the opportunity to interact with the Fellowship Bible Church Family.
I hope this is informative and helpful for you all.
Jay, Barb, and Reuben Brennan
Serving in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo, Brazil
With the Central Missionary Clearing House
Based in Houston, Texas
Jay and Barb's ministry in Brazil for many years has been church planting. Their main emphasis in teaching is of course, discipleship, with which they use a Chronological study that Jay created.
Reuben, too, has a ministry in the local church with his parents as well as teaching the Discipleship courses.
Dale and Helen Harlan
Hope, Clayton, and Hannah
Serving in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
With SIM Missions
Based in Charlotte, North Carolina
Dale and Helen's ministry has been mainly providing a drinking water program in Awanno and Addis Ababa. Helen has homeschooled all three children while in Ethiopia.
Mike and Diane Kuvshinikov
Audrey and Lindie
Serving in Ukraine
With Send International Missions
Mike and Diane's ministry is centered around the Word of God by preaching to local believers.
Paul and Annie Pillai
Serving New Delhi, India
With India National Inland Mission
Paul and Annie's ministry has a number of areas that they are involved in. One of which is the Bible College.
Jeff, Sarah, and Seth Hoffman
Serving with Campus Crusade For Christ
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin
With S.A.Y. (Save America's Youth) Inner City Ministry