25 Nov 1777
edited by
James Duvall, M. A.
Here is an early petition that shows the importance of salt and the salt licks to the early settlers.
To the Honourable House of Delegates for the Commonwealth of Virginia —
The Petition of the Inhabitants of the county of Kentucky humbly sheweth, . . .
That your Petitioners are and have for some time past been almost destitute of the necessary Article Salt. That by reason of the Incursions of the different Nations of Indians this year past we have been prevented from making what Quantities would be necessary for ourselves and Families as we formerly did, for small Parites would be in great Danger of being cut off and larger ones could not be spared from the defence of the Families.
That as bountiful Nature hath plentifully furnished this Country with Salt Springs where at a small expence Salt might be made in abundance many of which are claimed by Persons resident in this State who have never been at any Pains of Expence to errect (sic) Manufactories at them which if done would be very Beneficial not only adjacent Settlers but also interior Inhabitants of this Commonwealth — Now your Petitioners humbly pray that if the Claimants do not immediately erect Salt Manufactories at the different Springs claimed by them The honourable House would take it into their consideration and Order that the said Springs should be made publick Property and be Manufactored (sic) by Government by which Means Government would be profited & your Petitioners have speedy relief and your Petitioners in duty shall ever pray —
(Here follows an alphabetical list of the names.) William Beckley
Thos. Brooks
James Brown
Jeremiah Brown
Samuel Brown
Wm. Bryan
Wm. Bush
Patrick Callaghan
Caleb Callaway
Charles Callaway
Chesley Calloway
James Callaway
Richard Calloway
Angus Cameron
Saml. Campbell
George Cave
Wm. Cradlebough
Henry Creamer
John Denton
Thos. Denton
Joseph Drake
James Duncan
Samuel Elliot
Benjamin Estill
Bartholemew Fenton
J. Gardiner
David Glen
William Glencock
Evander Gordon
Wm. Hays
Henry Henbine
Samuel Henderson
Iran Henson
Henry Higgins
Richard Hogan
William Hogan
John Holder
Samuel Ingram
David Jones
John Kennedy
Joseph Kennedy
Eran Kenton
David Kerr
Johathan Ketcham
Jno. King
Wm. Love
Thomas Luttrell
Nicholas Martzgar
John Matan
Jonas Menefee
William Menefee
Jos. Moore
Archibald McCarver
Hugh McGary
William McGee
Wilson McKinney
John Oliver
James Pardinez
Benj. Paulding
Benjamin Pettill
William Poage
Henry Prather
John Preston
Pemberton Rawlings
John Roberts
James Russell
Julius Sanders
Nicholas Schwartzmer
Bartlett Searcy
Reuben Searcy
Richard Searcy
Oswald Townsend
William Van Cleve
Samuel Van Hook
John Walker
James Waters
William Whitley
Daniel Wilkinson
Cornelius Yager
Big Bone History