</script><SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> c = 6; for (i=1;i<c;i++) {setTimeout("history.go(0);", 500); } </SCRIPT> <center><font color=ff6666> WEBTV BUG ALERT - RELOADING</font> </center>


There are those that might say playing the "Star Spangled Banner" on this page is wrong.

To them "I say "Honor our POWS/MIAS" in any we can now and forever.

And then there are those that will say we should forget what happened "Years Ago" and move on.

Let me remind them, that in the blink of an eye tomorrow will be "Years Ago".

For more information on Gerald Eugene King. Click here.

It's our "Duty to help get our "POWA and MIAS back HOME"

It's up to us the American People to "DEMAND" that our Government use all it's resources to recover our citizens. And it should be done with haste because "TIME IS RUNNING OUT".