Here are just a few examples of the many hex signs available:
Eight Pointed Star~~~
The eight pointed star is a common hex sign. The star is usually blue and is a sign of goodwill. The tulips represent faith and trust in mankind and the sheaves of wheat symbolize abundance. This design is used to decorate large buildings and it hopefully brings abundance and goodwill to all that display it.
Double Headed Eagle~~
The double eagle on this sign represents strength and courage. The heart is laced for love in marriage.
The three tulips, known as the Trinity Tulips symbolize faith, hope and charity.
Mighty Oak~~
A symbol of the oak tree represents strength, health in body & mind, and endurance. Four oak leaves symbolizes the four seasons of life - spring, summer, fall, and winter. The scalloped border brings out life and smooth sailing.
The single rosette is the most basic design of all the hex signs and it is one of the most ancient designs in western culture. The rosette appears on buildings, furniture, gravestones and pottery. The rosette design is the symbol for luck and the scalloped border symbolizes smooth sailing. The color red is used to symbolize strength and green is the color for life. This sign with the red rosette is a safeguard against harm and brings good luck in life.
Single Distelfink~~
The Distelfink was the good luck bird of the Pennsylvania Dutch. It actually was a stylized version of the goldfinch. The goldfinch eats thistle seeds and uses the thistle down for its nest and was called a thistlefinch. So this is where the Pennsylvania Dutch term, "Distelfink" comes from. This single distelfink sign is a symbol of good luck and happiness. The heart adds a measure of love and the tulips faith.
Other Pennsylvania Dutch Related Links~~
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Amish Links
Amish Country
Hope you enjoyed this little "taste" of Pennsylvania Dutch/Amish Country.
I would like to take my sis and bestest friend for making my background.